Chapter 190
Before we knew it, the score had become 21:12, with Davidson College leading by 9 points.

This is because Hall scored a lot of points. The Fordham University team scored a total of 12 points, and Hall alone scored 8 points. If it weren't for him, the point difference would only be even greater.

It is not surprising that the strength was lost to Davidson College, but the situation on the field was obviously a bit weird. The fans may not feel it, but all the Davidson College, including the coaches and players of Fordham University, felt that something was wrong. Meng Yun, Oliver - Matthew, Hall, there is something weird between the three of them.

What exactly happened is unknown, but one thing is clear, that is, Oliver Matthew has no contribution other than making mistakes on the court.

"What is this Oliver Matthew doing?" Moses Cook frowned, considering whether to replace him.

On the court, Oliver Matthew noticed Moses Cook's eyes and couldn't help being anxious. He had to hurry up. Otherwise, if he was replaced, it would be hard to say whether he would have a chance to get revenge later.

At this time, Davidson College attacked.

Meng Yun and his teammates picked and rolled, then rushed to the inside and hugged the ball, ready to jump for a layup.

"It's now." Oliver Matthew's eyes turned cold, and he quickly rushed forward. He couldn't wait any longer. Maybe he would be replaced after the ball was played, so he had to act.

Oliver Matthew rushed to the side of Meng Yun, jumped up, with a grin, elbows down, ready to have an intimate contact with Meng Yun's face.

But at this moment, Oliver Matthew was startled suddenly. Meng Yun didn't jump up. It was just a fake move. Oliver Matthew looked down and saw Meng Yun raised his head with a sneer.

"Oops." Oliver Matthew was in a panic.

The next moment, Meng Yun jumped up and squeezed his body between Oliver Matthew's arms, just avoiding his elbow.Meng Yun jumped sideways, with his shoulders facing Oliver Matthews. At this moment, when the two of them stepped up and down, Meng Yun's right shoulder hit Oliver Matthews chest, making a muffled "bang".

There was a sharp pain, and Oliver Matthew opened his mouth wide, but he couldn't yell out. Meng Yunding's hard blow made him almost lose his breath, and he couldn't even yell out.



The whistle sounded, and Oliver Matthew fell to the ground.

I saw him lying on the ground covering his chest, his eyes widened, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat
Seeing this scene, Fordham University center Jefferson and power forward George suddenly became angry. They were about to make a move but Hall stopped him: "Don't do it, don't you see that it is Oliver Matthew who wants to take advantage of this opportunity?" Hurt Meng Yun, he did it on his own."

Jefferson and George stopped, puzzled.

"He used to study at Davidson College and had a grudge against Meng Yun." Hall added.

Only then did Jefferson and George suddenly realize that they looked at Oliver Matthew, thinking that something was wrong with Oliver Matthew just a few minutes ago, and immediately understood.

Hall, Jefferson, George and other Fordham University players stood on the sidelines, but they didn't go up to care about Oliver Matthew, just looked at him.

Oliver Matthew breathed a sigh of relief, looked up at Hall and the others with resentment in his eyes.

"You should thank Hall." Meng Yun shook his head and said: "Actually, I have already guessed that you will use such indecent means to retaliate against me. I have been waiting for you. The time you planned to attack me earlier, I was I was ready to surprise you, but I didn't expect Hall to knock you away. You should thank him, if it wasn't for him, you would be lying on the ground at that time."

Oliver Matthew's eyes widened in horror.

Meng Yun didn't want to talk too much with this guy, if Oliver Matthew didn't attack him, or didn't use such indecent means, Meng Yun wasn't interested in torturing him, he was just playing himself to death.

At this moment, the substitute players from Fordham University surrounded Meng Yun. To Oliver Matthew, he shook his head sadly, and ordered the players to help Oliver Matthew up.

Oliver Matthew was seriously injured, and he must not be able to play again.

Even if he can still go, Moses Cook will not let Oliver Matthew go, regardless of the enmity between Oliver Matthew and Meng Yun, but Oliver Matthew wants to hurt Meng Yun, using this insidious method Moses Cook couldn't stand revenge. He had a similar personality to Hall's. He hated evil like revenge and was frank. He hated this kind of behavior the most.

This is not difficult to understand, so the players and coaches of both sides were calm and returned to the rest area.

But the fans in the auditorium didn't understand. In their view, Oliver Matthew was one of his own. Now that he was injured by Meng Yun, Meng Yun was a villain and a villain.

All of a sudden, boos and curses erupted in the auditorium.

There were even some people who were scolding Hall and the others, calling them cowards who were indifferent to seeing their teammates injured. They were all cowards.

All kinds of voices echoed, and there was a hustle and bustle.

Meng Yun didn't care about these voices. It wasn't that he wanted to harm Oliver Matthew, but that Oliver Matthew wanted to harm him. He was just protecting himself and had a clear conscience.

"Hey, Oliver Matthew is unlucky enough, he blows at your hands every time." Patrick said with a smile: "In the future, he might have to detour if he sees you."

"He deserves it." Gordon snorted coldly, "I don't know what happened to Fordham University to accept someone like him? This is simply a blasphemy against basketball."

Everyone nodded.

At Fordham University, Oliver Matthew has been sent to the locker room. Moses Cook kept a straight face and asked the assistants around him to call to find out about Oliver Matthew and Meng Yun.

After a while, the teaching assistant got the news and explained the matter of Oliver Matthew and Meng Yun, including Oliver Matthew's bribery of David Tester. In the end, the truth came out and both of them were expelled.

After listening, Moses Cook's face turned ashen, and he said angrily: "It's an asshole, how much benefits do those guys from the school management take? Even such a person dares to be included in the team, it's a complete asshole."

The crowd was silent.

At this time, the player who sent Oliver Matthew into the locker room returned and told Moses Cook that Oliver Matthew was seriously injured and may not be able to play for a period of time. The specific situation will only be known after going to the hospital for an examination.

"Then let him rest for a few months and heal slowly." Moses Cook waved his hand.

The player was stunned, stuck out his tongue, and rested for a few months. After a few months, it might be difficult to say whether the team still has a position for Oliver Matthew.Most likely not, depending on what the coach meant, he wanted to kick Oliver Matthew out.

(End of this chapter)

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