king of defenders

Chapter 329 Forecasting Soaring Picks

Chapter 329 Forecasting Soaring Picks
The efficiency of a group of reporters is very high. Meng Yun singled out Wade in the Heat training camp, and he had conflicts with a group of young players. Later, he easily swept Li Zhongxian, and the news of slinging Joseph Young has already been reported on the Internet. .

Seeing the report, the fans were all taken aback. Did Meng Yun go to the Heat for trial training or to play on the field? He singled out Wade, swept Li Zhongxian, slammed Joseph Young, and threatened to single out a group of young players. .

This guy is crazy.

Some people thought Meng Yun was crazy, some people shook their heads repeatedly, and some people applauded: "What you did is really beautiful, this is what makes you look like a man."

"Yes, Meng is a man this time, can't Wade single out? And what about Li Zhongxian, who is this guy? I have never heard of it. Joseph Young has heard of it, but can he compare with Meng? "

"That's not the point, guys, are you missing something? Come to think of it, Meng was able to make it 3-10 with Wade, and even though he lost, he scored three goals over Wade's head. Then Li Zhongxian, who swept 206 centimeters, and slammed Joseph Young of the University of Oregon, can do these things, and his injuries are absolutely healed."

"Yeah! That's right!"

"Didn't you say that his injury has healed a few days ago? There is a video, and I have watched it."

"Idiot, what do you know? A video is a video, and facts are facts. There was a video a few days ago, but many people still don't believe it and think it's a composite."

"Oh, that's not right, it's not just that the injury has healed, it's really great. Although Meng was very good before, can he do this?"

"Hey, so let's say, it's too powerful."

"Haha, I have been a fan of Meng since the tournament. He has never let me down, and this time is the same. Those who are not optimistic about Meng and think that his draft prospects are not optimistic, what is the face now? I am very curious. "

There was a lot of discussion on the Internet.

Originally there were some black fans who sneered at Meng Yun even after the video was released, saying that the video was definitely synthetic, but now they are all silent.

The fans who supported Meng Yun were very excited.

The impact of this matter is not limited to the fans, and many NBA teams are also shocked by it.

San Antonio, Spurs.

In the general manager's office, RC-Buford and Popovich were sitting together, and what happened in the Heat's training camp was playing on the TV screen, and they got the video at that time.

In the video, Meng Yun is alive and well, without any signs of injury. He breaks through, shoots, and plays post-ups, showing amazing talent.

RC-Buford opened his mouth in embarrassment, not knowing what to say.

Popovich didn't speak, just looked at RC-Buford with a playful look on his face, and he was happy to appreciate the embarrassment of RC-Buford.

"Ahem." RC-Buford couldn't hold back anymore, Popovich's playful gaze made him blush, he coughed dryly, and said, "Coach Popovich, your vision is very accurate, Meng is indeed a very good player." player. Although it is still unbelievable, it can be seen that his injury has indeed healed."

"Of course." Popovich smiled, resolved the embarrassment, and said: "RC, I think we should talk about Meng Yun again. You have seen that he has excellent talent and basketball IQ. He's a very promising young man and we shouldn't pass him up."

RC-Buford nodded, then frowned slightly: "However, he may not be picked in the second round."

Mr. Popovich was petrified directly, stunned, what are you kidding, at this time, you still want to use the 55th pick in the second round to win Meng Yun?
For a moment, Mr. Popovich directly lowered his face. This is an insult to others. He couldn't understand what was going on in RC-Buford's mind.

"Mr. Buford." Mr. Popovich's tone was bad, and he even changed his address, saying: "Are you kidding me? Meng's strength, talent, and second-round pick are not worthy of him at all. He He will definitely enter the first round, and I am even worried that our No. 26 pick in the first round is a bit too low, and we may not be able to win him."

RC-Buford was even more embarrassed, and secretly annoyed that his brain had been kicked by a donkey today.

Seeing Popovich's obviously unhappy face, RC-Buford smiled and said: "You are right, Meng is definitely worth signing him with the first round pick. I will talk to the boss about this matter. of."

"Well." Popovich nodded, but he was still not at ease with RC-Buford, to be precise, he was not at ease with the team's No. 26 pick in the first round.The pick is too low, near the end of the first round. Judging from Meng Yun's performance in the Heat's training camp today, this pick is not safe.

But the team only has such a first-round pick. If they want better ones, they can only trade with other teams, but it is not easy for Popovich to intervene in such matters.

In fact, his meddling in the draft is already somewhat out of order.

But he was the first person to recommend Meng Yun to the team, and he was a meritorious player in the team. His status is different from that of ordinary coaches. It's okay to ask, but he can't interfere too much.

Memphis, Grizzlies.

Dave Jogel got the news and also saw the video of Meng Yun in the Heat training camp. He was injured at the time. When I decided to let him go, he miraculously recovered and seemed to be stronger than before."

In Dave Jogel's opinion, this news is not good news, and it is a headache for him. If he chases Meng Yun again, then the original draft plan will have to be overthrown, and even overthrowing and starting over is not enough. The two draft picks are rather embarrassing, and the probability of winning Meng Yun is not very high.

But if you give up, you will be very unwilling. Now it seems that Meng Yun is obviously better than Jarrell Martin.

"Oh, my head hurts."

Dave Jogel sighed, picked up the phone, and dialed the team's general manager.He doesn't intend to have a headache for himself, anyway, he is the head coach, not the team manager or owner, so let them have a headache about this kind of thing.

at the same time.

Several other NBA teams, including the Rockets, 76ers, Mavericks, etc., all got the news and had different reactions, but everyone has a consensus that Meng Yun will definitely enter the first round.

Even for those teams that don't need Meng Yun, if other teams don't compete, they will not hesitate to choose Meng Yun with the first round pick. Even if they don't need it, it is good to trade it.

Almost overnight, on the major evaluation websites, Meng Yun's draft forecast soared rapidly, from the second round to the first round, and finally stopped in the first round between 15-25.

(End of this chapter)

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