Chapter 335 Quasi Triple Double

After playing 11 minutes in the first half, the red team led the white team by 28 points 13:15.

Although the first half is not over yet, everyone knows that there is no suspense about the result of the game.

It is true that the white team double-teams Meng Yun. If the red team also fights alone, Meng Yun's strongest point is restricted, and their strength must be greatly reduced, so it is not impossible for the red team to gain the upper hand.But the red team didn't fight alone, the white team double-teamed Meng Yun, which gave others a chance instead.

In this way, the situation is very clear.The red team not only has Meng Yun's strong point, but other people can stand up and score. The white team only fights alone, where will their opponents be?


The white team was still not reconciled, and requested another timeout.

For the red team, Meng Yun took the initiative to replace him with trainer Horton.

Seeing the change of the red team, the players of the white team couldn't help being overjoyed. Darren Hield's eyes sparkled, and he arranged for his teammates, and then the two sides returned to the field.

With 4 minutes left in the first half, Meng Yun sat on the sidelines to relax and was not worried.Of course there will be a difference if he doesn't play, but the general trend has been established, and the problem will not be too big.

And indeed it is.

Originally, Darren Hield was gearing up for a big fight, but when he came up, he found that this was not the case at all. Before he could show his strength, he was restrained by the red team with double-teams.

This is what the white team used to deal with Meng Yun, and now the red team used it on Darren Hield. Darren Hield felt depressed and almost vomited blood, but he didn't dare to act recklessly, because his side was still so far behind .Moreover, Meng Yun didn't act recklessly in the first few minutes, and of course he couldn't, otherwise, how would his teammates think of him?
Encountered double-teaming, although Darren Hield was unwilling, he still scored the ball early.

It's a pity that he overlooked one point, that is, they are different from the red team. The red team's morale was like a rainbow just now.

But the White team has always been fighting alone, even if Darren Hield passed the ball, his teammates would fight alone after getting the ball.They didn't have a lot of mobile phone opportunities before, and suddenly they had the ball in their hands. On the contrary, they couldn't feel it for a while. In addition, the red team often had an auxiliary defense, so it was more difficult to fight alone.

This efficiency can be imagined.


The White team hit the iron again. Li Zhongxian took the rebound and quickly passed it to Joseph. Joseph launched a quick counterattack. After coming to the frontcourt, he passed it to the trainer Horton.His passing skill is very good, the back pass is very concealed, and it is very in place, and it was given to Li Zhongxian who followed up.

Li Zhongxian jumped up and dunked with both hands.

"The white team lost."

"The result is already doomed. The white team has actually lost from the very beginning."

"It's normal. It's like a team that was put together improvised against a well-trained and well-coordinated team. Even if the individual ability exceeds the opponent, it will still lose."

Outside, everyone sighed.

The first half came to an end, and the red team led the white team by 37 points at 17:20.

Undoubtedly, the game lost its suspense. No matter how it played in the second half, it was impossible for the White team to make a comeback by 20 points.

Darren Hield was downcast, and the rest of the White team were similar. Before the start of the game, they were still ambitious. They wanted to teach Meng Yun a lesson, thinking that you were not as good as you in one-on-one, but five-on-five was not necessarily the case.

But it turned out to be a crushing defeat, and it was extremely embarrassing.

Facts have proved that they are not Meng Yun's opponents not only one-on-one, but also in team duels. The gap is obvious and clear at a glance.

Soon, the second half begins.

Meng Yun returned to the court, but he didn't exert much effort. The red team has entered a good atmosphere, and the players are more and more like a team.

After all, they are all people who have received professional training and do not lack tactical literacy. When they are willing in their hearts and integrate into the atmosphere of team basketball, everything will come naturally.

In the second half, Meng Yun only took 3 shots, one breakthrough layup, one fast break, and one missed three-pointer. He scored 4 points. Counting the 13 points in the first half, he scored 17 points in the game.

He left more opportunities to his teammates.

For this training match, Meng Yun has his purpose and ambition, but he has already achieved it in the first half.So the second half is actually dispensable to him, if it is not for the shortage of manpower, he is not willing to play.

But for others, this is a very important opportunity. The three-day training camp and today's training match are the most critical moments. If they perform well enough, they may be able to be favored by the team.

Even if he can't be seen by the Heat, as long as he performs well enough, other teams will also see him.No team's training camp is a secret, and other teams will pay attention.


Finally, the training match is over.

The red team won without any suspense. For the sake of their own future, the red team players did not release water when they were leading by a large score. In the end, they scored 67 points.In the 30-minute game, the red team scored 67 points, which shows how well they played.Of course, it was also because the White team played so poorly that they only scored 40 points and lost by as much as 27 points.

Meng Yun scored 17 points, plus 9 assists, 9 rebounds, 2 steals, and a block, scoring a quasi-triple-double.

Moreover, everyone knew that Meng Yun was powerless in the second half.

"It's not on the same level at all." Adam Simmons sighed.

"Indeed." Andy Ellisberg nodded and said with a smile: "It's a pity that some players didn't come, and it's a pity that I couldn't see Meng playing against those players."

This kind of training camp is an opportunity for some players, but a dispensation for others.

Even, in order to avoid being injured during the training camp and affecting the draft, some players will reject certain training camps and only choose one or two of them to participate.

For example, those players who are popular in the draft, they are not worried about the prospect of the draft, and they don't feel that they don't need to express themselves in the training camp, so they are not enthusiastic about the training camp.There are others who not only refuse the training camp, but also refuse the body side.The better ones will participate in each team's training camp, but will refuse to fight against the training game.

There is only one reason, fear of getting hurt.

In fact, the Heat also invited some popular players in the draft, such as Jahlil Okafor, Kristaps Porzingis, Stanley Johnson and so on.

But none of these people came, so I couldn't see the duel between Meng Yun and these players.

As for Darren Hillard and Joseph Young, the draft prospects are actually not particularly good. Even Darren Hillard, who seems to be the strongest, is actually difficult to enter the first round, maybe only the first half of the second round. part.

(End of this chapter)

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