king of defenders

Chapter 400 Signing with Under Armor

Chapter 400 Signing with Under Armor

Because of Meng Yun's insistence, Bill Duffy had no choice but to agree, and then went to Under Armor to discuss revising the contract.

It took only one day to get a reply. Under Armor agreed to sign for 3 years. With the efforts of Bill Duffy, the contract amount between the two parties was revised to 1300 million U.S. dollars, which was more than Meng Yun's expected 1200 million U.S. dollars. 100.

In fact, Under Armor is very happy to only sign for three years, because the four-year contract of 3 million US dollars has already been opposed by many people inside Under Armor, thinking that the offer is too high, and Meng Yun is not worth it. Such a lucrative contract.

Although some people refute and show Meng Yun's summer league data, those who oppose it still insist that the four-year contract of 4 million US dollars is not suitable, and there is a great risk, because even if Meng Yun is very good now, we recognize his talent , But what if you encounter an injury?
In the NBA, a player's worst enemy is injury.

And Meng Yun, as a Chinese player, has always made people feel uneasy. In the high-intensity game of the NBA, the physique of Asians seems to be particularly vulnerable to injury. Yao Ming was like this before, and Jeremy Lin is like this now.

If a player cannot maintain his health, his performance on the field will inevitably be limited. Even if he has a huge Chinese market behind him, his commercial value will be greatly affected.

So when Bill Duffy conveyed Meng Yun's intention and said that he wanted to sign for only three years, Under Armour's side readily agreed without thinking too long, even if Bill Duffy asked for 1300 million US dollars, they didn't even frown , After all, it is only an extra 100 million, not to mention that the contract has restrictive clauses, it is hard to say whether Meng Yun can get it.

Of course, this is only based on risk reduction considerations. From an investor's point of view, Under Armor still hopes that Meng Yun can stay healthy and play better and better. The better Meng Yun performs, the greater their returns will be.

All that's left is to sign the contract.

On this day, the two parties formally signed the contract, and Meng Yun signed his name on the contract, officially becoming one of Under Armour's spokespersons.

"Meng." The person in charge sent by Under Armour, Hughes Li, Operation Director of Under Armour's Greater China Region, shook hands with Meng Yun, and said with a smile, "Welcome to Under Armour, I hope we can have a happy cooperation."

"Happy cooperation." Meng Yun smiled.

Later, Hughes-Lee told Meng Yun that he would be arranged to return to China to do some publicity in the near future.

After all, Meng Yun is Chinese, and Under Armor is interested in Meng Yun, and is willing to offer him a big contract because of the huge Chinese market. Now that the contract has been signed, the promotion of the Chinese market is absolutely indispensable.

This is no problem, anyway, Meng Yun also plans to go back to China to visit Uncle Guo and Grandpa.

Hughes-Lee also said that they will launch an exclusive sneaker belonging to Meng Yun as soon as possible, about a month later, and hope that Meng Yun can cooperate with the promotion by then.

One month is very tight, but Under Armor must race against time. Originally, they hoped to sign Meng Yun before the summer league in order to have enough time to prepare Meng Yun's exclusive boots, so that they could launch them after the summer league ended.Meng Yun performed so well in the summer league and his popularity is hot. It is a good time to launch sneakers. Under Armor is already a step behind, so it can only compress the design and production cycle of sneakers.

Thinking about it, Meng Yun is actually a little excited that he will soon have his own exclusive sneakers.

Bill Duffy is also very happy. This is a big contract worth tens of millions of dollars. If Meng Yun can stay healthy and play at least 60 games per season, he can get 1300 million dollars.

On the day of the signing, Under Armour's official media announced the news of the signing with Meng Yun, which aroused heated discussions among the fans, and the response was very good.

The next day, Under Armor held a press conference, and Meng Yun and Bill Duffy were also invited to attend. At the press conference, Under Armor Greater China Operations Director Hughes Lee announced that Meng Yun's exclusive At the same time, it also announced that it will launch the Under Armour-Meng Yun China Tour in the near future.

The news quickly spread to China.

"Under Armour-Meng Yun's trip to China? That means Meng Yun is going back to China?"

"Sure, the summer league is over, why not come back?"

"Who knows the specific activity time of Under Armour's China tour, and when Meng Yun will return to China. I'm going to pick him up at the airport. Maybe I can even get an autograph."

"Yes, yes, I will go too, when is the time."

For a while, the fans became excited and asked around for the specific time. Some people even spontaneously organized and planned to go to the airport to pick up the plane together.

USA, Miami.

In Meng Yun's apartment, Meng Yun was on the phone with Guo Shuyao.

Guo Shuyao's voice came from the other end of the phone: "My dad is recovering very well, there is no obvious rejection reaction, and he can barely walk on the ground. I have also returned to the College of Arts and Sciences. I originally planned to take care of my dad for a while. But he didn't allow it, saying that it wouldn't delay my studies, so I hired a nurse for him."

"Yeah." Meng Yun said with a smile: "That's fine, you've been delayed for so long, and if you delay any longer, you won't be able to keep up with the courses. It's not a problem, do you still have the money I called you last time? How about I call you a little more, the first endorsement fee for Under Armor has arrived."

Under Armour's efficiency is very high, just a few days after signing the contract, their initial endorsement fee was paid, only the guaranteed part of the endorsement fee, the bonus will not be given at this time.

Whether it's team salaries or commercial endorsements, multi-year contracts are paid year by year, and the money paid each year is also different and increases year by year.

So although Meng Yun and Under Armour's contract had an average annual salary of more than 4 million yuan, it was actually only 350 million yuan in the first year, of which 70 yuan was a bonus, and the rest was only more than 200 million yuan.

etc. deducting taxes, broker fees, etc.
There are only 200 million left.

Of course, 200 million US dollars is already a lot. If converted into RMB, it is close to 1400 million, which is already a huge sum of money.

"If you have money, save it yourself." On the other end of the phone, Guo Shuyao said with a smile: "You haven't used up the money you called last time, and only used less than half of it. By the way, I will repay the loan mortgaged by the house." gone."

"Well, after living in the house for so many years, there are feelings." Meng Yundao: "Sister Shuyao, you can save the rest of the money on your card, don't be reluctant to spend it."

"I know, you are rich now."

"Hehe." Meng Yun chuckled, how can I put it, it feels good to be rich.

In the end, Meng Yun told Guo Shuyao that Under Armor's "China Tour" itinerary has been arranged and will start in a few days, and he will return to China with Under Armor.

After hanging up the phone, Meng Yun looked towards the sky, his heart had already flown to China.

(End of this chapter)

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