king of defenders

Chapter 503 All-Star Voting Round 1

Chapter 503 The First Round of All-Star Voting

On December 12, the results of the first round of NBA All-Star voting were released.

The West is headed by Kobe, who received 719235 votes, the number one in the West, and also tops the list of all players.

This is not a big surprise, because everyone knows that this is Kobe's last season, every game of his is a farewell game, and every game is full.

Kobe is known as "the man closest to God in technology". In his more than 20 seasons, he was selected to the All-Star 17 times. He is a great player, has countless fans all over the world, and is an idol in the minds of countless people. , No matter how well he played in his farewell season, the fans will send him to the All-Star.

This is the collective explosion of countless Kobe fans, so it is not surprising that Kobe topped the list.

Ranked second is Stephen Curry of the Warriors. Curry has averaged 30+ per game this season. His scoring average is feared to be the top of the league. Coupled with his cute temperament, he has captured countless fans, including female fans. .

In the first round of the All-Star voting, Curry won 510202 votes. If it weren't for Kobe's farewell season this season, Curry might be at the top of the list.

The following rankings are Thunder's Kevin Durant, Russell Westbrook, Clippers' Blake Griffin, Spurs' Kawhi Leonard, Warriors' Drummond De Green, Pelicans' Anthony Davis, Clippers' Chris Paul, Warriors' Klay Thompson.
On the Eastern side, the Cavaliers star LeBron James ranked first with 357937 votes, and he has no rivals in the Eastern Conference.

No one can shake James' No. 1 position in the Eastern Conference for many years, because he is too strong. He has led the team to the finals for several consecutive years. His strength is beyond doubt, and he is even praised by many people as "League No. [-]".

Of course, James is behind Kobe and Curry in the votes. Kobe is saying goodbye to the season, and Curry is playing a bit crazy this season. Although they have more votes than James, the No. 1 in the league is still James.

The second most votes in the East is the Heat's Dwyane Wade, who received 324710 votes.

This season, Wade averaged 22.5 points per game. He is already in his 30s. Compared with last season, his data has not declined, but has risen a bit. Coupled with the strong rise of the Heat, his record has soared, and he is now ranked No. [-] in the Eastern Conference. Second, whether it is personal performance or team record, Wade deserves to be ranked second in the Eastern Conference.

Ranked third is Paul George of the Pacers.

Ranked fourth is Andre Drummond of the Pistons.

The fifth is Kyrie Irving of the Cavaliers.

And when they saw the sixth name, many fans couldn't help exclaiming, a little unbelievable, the sixth place in the first round of the Eastern Conference vote turned out to be Meng Yun.

Heat player from China, Meng Yun!
"This guy is actually ranked sixth, what's the matter?"

"Where's Carmelo Anthony? Where's Jimmy Butler? Where's John Wall? And Lowry, Bosh, Rose. When is it the turn of this Chinese kid?"

"Cheating, this is cheating! It's the same as Yao Ming back then. I protest, there are too many Chinese, this is cheating, this is not fair, I want to protest to the league."

The fans were angry and screamed.

Of course, most of these are not fans of the Heat. They have their own teams and favorite stars. They hope to see their favorite stars ranked in the forefront, because they voted for their favorite stars. Before, they felt emotionally hurt.

Moreover, it turned out to be a loss to Meng Yun.

Losing to other people is fine, but losing to a rookie like Meng Yun, the first thing the fans think of is "unfair" because there are too many Chinese.Back then, Yao Ming was selected as an All-Star in his rookie season. Isn’t it just because there are so many Chinese people, more than one billion population? Some countries only have a few hundred million at most, and some even have only tens of millions, while China has more than one billion. There are tens of millions of fans, which is comparable to the population of a country.

To use this population base to play this kind of voting game is to bully people.

At this time, some fans stood up and complained about Meng Yun: "You are just jealous, why did you cheat? There are so many people in this country, there are so many fans, can you control it? Besides, there are so many fans in China, no Did a lot of people vote for other stars? James, Durant, I heard that Kobe Bryant, who ranks first, and Curry, who is second, have so many votes, most of them were cast by Chinese fans.”

"This brother is right. If not most of Kobe and Curry's votes were cast by Chinese fans, at least a small half of them came from Chinese fans. Why don't you say they cheated?"

"That's right, there are so many people in the family, can you manage it?"

"Besides, isn't Meng not playing well enough? Have you watched his game, just spit it out there. I dare say, if you watched his game, you would never say that."

For a while, the fans quarreled, and the atmosphere was chaotic.


This is an Internet cafe with more than 100 machines, and many people gather here.

More than a dozen people gathered together, staring at the computer screen, refreshing the results of the first round of the NBA All-Star voting, and one person suddenly sighed: "Oh, it's only sixth in the Eastern Conference."

Behind, a dozen people spoke one after another.

"Yeah, everyone around me was mobilized by me, and they all voted for Meng Yun. How did they rank sixth in the Eastern Conference? None of them made it into the top five."

"Why are there only 10,000+ votes? With so many fans in China, why are there only 10,000+ votes? Could there be something wrong with the statistics?"

All of a sudden, there were voices of lamentation.

If this scene is seen by foreign fans, they may vomit blood. Meng Yun is just a rookie. He has already ranked sixth in the Eastern Conference in the first round, and has more votes than Wall, Anthony, and Butler. , You are still not satisfied, are you a little too greedy?


Can this be called greed? It's not enough.

One stood up and said solemnly: "Brothers, it seems that we haven't worked hard enough."

"Yes, we should mobilize more people to vote for Meng Yun."

"That is, to mobilize more people, relatives and friends around us, and also on the Internet, all major forums, post bars, and post appeals."

Everyone was chattering and fighting high.

One of them had sharp eyes and growled: "I still don't believe it, Yao Ming was sent to the All-Stars back then, so why can't Meng Yun be sent to the All-Stars now?"

Everyone looked sideways and couldn't help respecting him. This is a ruthless person. Yao Ming has worked hard since he entered the NBA more than ten years ago. He is an absolute senior.

Soon, more than a dozen people dispersed and started to act separately.

(End of this chapter)

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