king of defenders

Chapter 582 The end of the regular season

Chapter 582 The end of the regular season


Meng Yun opened his hand to ask for the ball, lowered his center of gravity, took a tentative step, and then suddenly lifted the ball up. The defender was startled. Although he was not fooled, he still couldn't help raising his center of gravity and stood on tiptoe.

That's enough.

Meng Yun leaned over, kicked his left foot, the sneakers rubbed against the floor, and there was a "chi" sound. The amazing speed exploded, and the defender's eyes dazzled, and Meng Yun had disappeared.

The defender subconsciously stretched out his hand to pull it, but he couldn't touch Meng Yun's clothes, so he could only sigh secretly: "This guy's speed is really too fast."

With one step, Meng Yun rushed into the inner line, and then jumped up to face Farid. The half-orc roared and jumped up, his hands raised high, and his muscles were knotted like a human wall, sealing Meng Yun's body. The way out also blocked his shooting space.

In the auditorium, the fans exclaimed.

This is the home court of the Heat. Today, the Heat played against the Nuggets at home. The game has entered the last few minutes of the fourth quarter, and the Heat lead by 4 points.

A four-point advantage is certainly not enough to guarantee victory.


The two collided and there was a muffled sound. The reporters behind the basketball hoop couldn't help but feel teeth ache. They were very worried about Meng Yun. Farid is called a "half-orc" by Chinese fans. He is not particularly tall, just like Meng Yun. , is also 203 cm, but his body is very strong, with a weight of 228 pounds (103 kg), and Meng Yun's figure looks obviously smaller than Farid. In people's opinion, he and Farid must collide It is to suffer.

However, the result was surprising, and Farid was knocked into the air.

"how can that be?"

The fans exclaimed, unbelievable.

However, the fact was that Farid was knocked into the air by Meng Yun and lost his defensive position, but Meng Yun used the reaction force to counteract the strong inertia, and his body paused in the air for a moment.

At this moment, Meng Yun flicked his wrist and put the basketball into the basket.

"It's really strong!"


"This is talent, right? This is genius!"

In the auditorium, some people screamed, some cheered, some admired.

There is no need to understand how Meng Yun did it, and there is no need to understand the skills involved. The fans only have an intuitive feeling. They see the talent, the talent visible to the naked eye.

With this goal scored, the Heat led by 6 points, with more than two minutes left in the game.

The Nuggets attacked, and the ball was given to Jokic. Jokic subconsciously glanced at Meng Yun, feeling in his heart, they are all rookies, but why is the gap so big?

In fact, Jokic has done a good job, but compared with Meng Yun, it is still several levels behind. The amazing talent in Meng Yun is too dazzling, which is what Jokic does not have.

Jokic does not have outstanding physical talent. He relies more on his mind and technology to play. For example, now, he took a step forward with the ball, then stopped suddenly, turned around and raised the ball, Whitesey De jumped up subconsciously, but was deceived.And when he fell, Jokic jumped up, leaned on Whiteside, and threw the ball.

The ball had little hope of hitting, but it bounced off the rim and fell into it.


"Lucky shit."

The home fans pouted.

But the goal was indeed scored, and Whiteside also got a foul. Jokic walked to the free throw line, adjusted a little, and made an extra penalty, chasing the score to 3 points.

But turning around, Meng Yun handed the ball to Wade, and then circled along the inside line, others covered him, Meng Yun threw off the defender, came to the right corner, Wade's ball came, Meng Yun raised his hand and made a three-point shot. The basketball passed through a beautiful arc, and finally made a hollow hit with a swish.

"Oh." Jokic shook his head, feeling lost.

He just scored a 2+1, and Meng Yun immediately returned a three-pointer.

There are only 2 minutes left in the game, and the point difference is still 6 points, which is not a lot, but these 6 points are like a natural moat lying ahead, making it difficult for the Nuggets to cross.

In the end, the Heat defeated the Nuggets 129:120.

Meng Yun became the well-deserved star of the game. He scored 35 points, plus 9 assists, 9 rebounds, and got a quasi-triple-double data.

"Meng has grown so fast." Assistant coach McAdoo said with emotion, "He is getting better and better."

Craig, Rostern, and Howard all nodded.

Spoelstra smiled and was in a good mood. He felt that Meng Yun was a gift from heaven to the Heat. His arrival brought hope to the Heat.

When Meng Yun walked off the court, fans in the auditorium stood up one after another, shouting Meng Yun's name.

"Thank you." Meng Yun turned around and raised his hand in salute.

Every Heat fan looked at Meng Yun with a lot of emotion in their hearts.

Since the end of the All-Star Weekend, Meng Yun's performance has become better and better. He has completely replaced Dragic's position and is doing better than Dragic.

In the past half month, Meng Yun averaged 27 points, 8 assists and 5 rebounds per game. The statistics are comprehensive and gorgeous, which is dazzling.

"The Heat defeated the Nuggets and returned to No. [-] in the West", "Meng Yun scored a quasi-triple-double and led the team to advance to No. [-] in the East", "A genius boy from the East, his miracle continues".
The major outside media have reported that the game with the Nuggets is over, and the Heat's record surpassed the Eagles and became fourth in the Eastern Conference.

In front of the Heat are the Celtics (third), the Raptors (second), and the Cavaliers (first).

The gap between the Heat and the Cavaliers and Meng Yun is still not small, but the gap with the Celtics is not that big. They are only two games behind the Celtics, and they have every chance to pull the Celtics down.

For a while, the outside world has predicted that some people think that the Heat can successfully surpass the Celtics, while some people don't think so, and various discussions are raging.

At the same time, Meng Yun and his teammates have already boarded the plane and flew to the next stop.

"There is still one month left." Wade leaned on the seat of the plane and said to Meng Yun: "The regular season will end in one month, are you nervous?"

Some players get nervous at the start of the regular season and get nervous towards the end.

But Meng Yun didn't. He shook his head and said with a smile, "I'm not nervous, I'm just a little excited. There's still one month left until the playoffs, and I'm looking forward to it."

Wade closed his eyes in satisfaction.

Entering the second half of March, the regular season is coming to an end, and the competition in the NBA has become more and more fierce, even tragic.

The top-ranked teams are fighting for a better ranking, and the teams near the top eight are struggling to win and fight for a place in the playoffs.

Some teams' records are only one or two games apart, and they can't afford to lose, so they can only play every game as the last game on the spot, playing the flavor of the playoffs.

(End of this chapter)

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