king of defenders

Chapter 733 Contract renewal?Not interested in

Chapter 733 Contract renewal?Not interested in
After scolding for a while, Meng Yun calmed down and found the Celtics game video.

Meng Yun felt that Joseph Young was still useful, and all the videos were edited, only the part of Xiang Long, and Meng Yun didn't need to watch the whole game.

He glanced at Joseph Yang approvingly, and Meng Yun clicked on the video. After watching for a while, he couldn't help laughing bitterly: "I'm not acclimatized, serious acclimatization is really not suitable for the Celtics. Don't talk about character, Xiang The Dragons' style of play just doesn't suit the Celtics, it's completely incompatible."

That's what I said, but the result of the draft is like that. Now that Xiang Long has arrived at the Celtics, unless he is traded, he can only adapt by himself.

But can Xiang Long adapt?
At the beginning, Meng Yun felt that Xiang Long might find it difficult to adapt, but now it seems that it has really come true.

After thinking about it, Meng Yun still picked up the phone and dialed Xiang Long's number. A few days ago, he felt that Xiang Long might feel sorry for him when he called him. That guy was very proud. Now that the preseason games are over, Xiang Long's situation was indeed very bad, so Meng Yun decided to give him a call.

Xiang Long's voice came from the other end of the phone: "What's the matter?"

Meng Yun said directly: "I know that you are not doing well in the Celtics, and you don't have much playing time. I don't want to comfort you, let alone pity you, I just want to tell you that it is because you are not strong enough. If you are strong enough to change a team, strong enough to be comparable to superstars, then these problems are no longer a problem, you don’t need to change yourself for others, as long as you are strong enough, the team will change for you. "

There was silence on the other end of the phone.

Joseph Yang was dumbfounded. He thought that Meng Yun was comforting Xiang Long, but he didn't know it was the case. The reason you didn't do well is because you are not strong enough. It sounds reasonable, but I always feel that something is wrong.
"I understand." Xiang Long's voice sounded on the phone.

Meng Yun was a little confused, what do you understand?

Kao, don't you really believe it?

Let me just say this, do you really think that you are not doing well because you are not strong enough, not strong enough for a team to take the initiative to change for you to accommodate you?

Before Meng Yun could speak, Xiang Long's voice came from the phone again: "Meng Yun. Thank you."

thank me?

Wait, is this the first time this guy has said "thank you" to me, the first or the second?Anyway, it's either the first time or the second time, kao, this guy actually said thank you to me, did he take it seriously?

"That. Xiang Long, I mean."


Meng Yun was speechless and hung up the phone.

It's so straightforward, I was going to explain it, you f*cked up directly and didn't give me a chance to speak, what can I do, I'm also very helpless.

"Boss." Joseph Yang swallowed and whispered, "Is it really okay for you to fool people like this?"

"Get out." Meng Yun roared: "Who did I fool? Where did I fool? Am I wrong? If Xiang Long's strength can be compared to LeBron James, Kevin Durant, even Russell- Westbrook is fine too. If he's that good, can the Celtics still give him playing time?"

Joseph Young rolled his eyes, you are right, but Xiang Long is still a first-year rookie, it is really true that a first-year rookie can do what LeBron James and Kevin Durant can do Not fooling?
Even if that idiot Xiang Long can believe you, someone else wouldn't.

Meng Yun waved his hand and signaled Joseph Young to get out, rubbing his temples and feeling a little headache, I just gave an example, this idiot actually took it seriously.

The phone rang suddenly.

Meng Yun was taken aback, picked it up and looked at it before relaxing, and pressed the answer button: "Brother Zhao, what's the matter?"

The call was from Zhao Hao, telling Meng Yun that Under Armor wanted to renew his contract in advance.

Last year, Under Armor and Meng Yun signed a 3-year, 1300 million dollar endorsement contract, and then launched Meng Yun's first generation of exclusive sneakers "MengYun Speed ​​1", also known as "Fast Generation".Afterwards, as Meng Yun's performance on the field got better and better, this sneaker also became a hot seller, making Under Armor a lot of money.

In August this year, Under Armor launched the replacement product "MengYun Speed ​​8" of "MengYun Speed ​​1". Technology also incorporates some Chinese style elements, both in appearance design and performance, which are much higher than the first generation.

Under Armor is also very good at seizing opportunities. When "MengYun Speed ​​2" was released, it happened to be during the Olympic Games. Meng Yun led the Chinese team to qualify for the semi-finals, which inspired countless Chinese fans. Meng Yun and the others made history and became As a hero, Meng Yun's popularity reached a peak in China.

At this time, "MengYun Speed ​​2" was launched, and the effect can be imagined. It was sold out in a short time. The supply in the Chinese market was in short supply, and many fans could not buy it.

In short, Under Armor has made a lot of money.

Under Armor did not expect that Meng Yun, who signed for 1300 million US dollars, would have such achievements. Now Meng Yun has become one of the most important cash cows under Under Armour, second only to Stephen Curry.

Under Armour, such a cash cow, of course has to hold on to it. After the launch of the second generation of "MengYun Speed ​​2", Under Armor has been discussing internally, and now they have reached an agreement-strive to renew the contract with Meng Yun in advance.

Under Armor doesn't want to wait until the contract year, as there are too many variables, who knows if Meng Yun will be snatched away by rivals like Nike and Adidas?

"I heard that Under Armor recently got a piece of body data. I was still hesitant at first, but then I stopped hesitating and wanted to renew the contract very early." Zhao Hao said with a smile.

Meng Yun also laughed, what he didn't say, it must be the body data when he first joined the team, I didn't expect Under Armor to know about it.

It's nothing, it's not a secret in the first place, as long as you put your heart into it, you can definitely know it. At that time, there were so many people who knew it, it was impossible to keep it secret.And there is no need to keep it secret, Meng Yun will not leave the Heat.

However, for Under Armour, the meaning of this side data is different.

There is no doubt that Meng Yun has become stronger, and may improve further in the future, with a bright future, and may even grow into a superstar.

What does it mean to be a Chinese superstar?
Under Armor can't sit still, and can't let others snatch Meng Yun away, and there is another advantage of renewing the contract in advance, that is, the contract amount can be lowered a bit, otherwise, it may take a long time to renew the contract after Meng Yun really becomes a superstar. A contract worth hundreds of millions.

Meng Yun understood these after thinking about it, and said with a smile: "Contract renewal? I'm not interested."

Zhao Hao said: "Aren't you going to listen to Under Armour's offer?"

"Is there hundreds of millions?"

"Uh, no."

"That's it." Meng Yun snorted: "If you want tens of millions, you can tie me up for a few years, hehe. Tell them to renew the contract and wait until the contract expires."

(End of this chapter)

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