Grand View

Chapter 43

Chapter 43
A group of nine people walked onto the high platform in the center of the square, led by a middle-aged man in a brocade robe.

The last one was a handsome young man, and the young man was the first to speak:

"Hello everyone, I am Yao Liangfang, the host of this competition. Before the competition starts, let me introduce the jury members of our competition.

First of all, we would like to invite our special envoy, Mr. Lin, who is currently a third-rank scholar-bureaucrat in our country, and the notary of this competition. Please, Mr. Lin, give us a lecture. "

"Actually, I don't have anything to say, but seeing everyone's enthusiasm, I'd like to say three points, first..., second..., third..., and finally, I wish the competition a complete success!"

Mr. Lin talked for nearly half an hour at only three o'clock. He really deserves to be a great leader.

After Master Lin lectured, Yao Liangfang continued to introduce:

"This second Mr. Zhang is also the notary of this competition, and he is currently a fourth-rank scholar-bureaucrat in our country.

The person I will introduce next must be familiar to everyone, and he is also the chairman of the judging committee of this competition. That is the mayor of our Cuilin Town—Mayor Cui.

The next few are the jury members of this competition, they are the first elder, second elder, third elder, sixth elder and eighth elder of our Yaoxiang village.

Next, let’s introduce the twelve contestants who participated in this competition. Before that, please invite all the contestants to come to the stage. "

Liu Yunfan and other [-] contestants stepped onto the stage one by one, and Yao Liang conveniently began to introduce in sequence:
"Then first, let me introduce the first contestant to participate in today's competition, that is Yao San, the youngest son of our village chief's family, he is the favorite to win this competition.

He was very talented since he was a child, and he tasted all kinds of herbs in less than 5 years. He was able to win the championship in 10 years. Competition, so the champion is none other than him. "

What's the comparison? It's okay to directly announce that Yao San is the champion, and he won't play like this anytime soon.

I really didn't expect that the host would flatter Yao San in public, and Yao San was not humble at all, and was still complacent.

The surrounding contestants also echoed and applauded.

When Liu Yunfan saw this, he despised them for a while in his heart, but despise was useless, who would tell someone to sleep like a mother?

I didn't expect that I was participating in this kind of competition, as if it was specially held for this village head, and the audience in the audience also applauded blindly.

But it doesn't matter, when the game is over, I will let you see that the champion is not something touted, Liu Yunfan secretly made up his mind to win the championship of this competition.

In fact, in the past few years in the soul world, Liu Yunfan has a certain understanding of the age of the natives.

After being born, the aborigines in the spirit world grow for 1 years, and their appearance is roughly equivalent to that of a ten-year-old child in the human world.

And the longer it grows, the slower the growth rate. The indigenous people grow for 10 years, which is equivalent to a young man of about 20 years old in the world.

After 10 years, the growth rate is even slower, and even a few million years can't see much change.

Therefore, I haven't heard of anyone who dies of old age in the soul world, which is why there is an age limit for people in the soul world to participate in the competition.

After the host Yao Liangfang introduced the village young man Yaosan, the rest of the people almost all mentioned it in one sentence, cherishing words like gold.

It was only at Liu Yunfan's place that he added a few more sentences: "From the world, currently living in Yunshu Village temporarily. The previous champion Huang Yingluo recommended the competition."

The contestants on the stage, as well as the audience off the field, booed after hearing the words "recommended to participate in the competition". No one was optimistic about Liu Yunfan at all.

However, for Liu Yunfan, other people's opinions are not important, everything comes to a conclusion after the results come out!

"Next, let me introduce the last contestant, Yao Caihuai..."

Before the good prescription was introduced, the last contestant interrupted his speech and said coyly:

"I'm sorry everyone, I'm Yao Caihuai's younger brother. My brother just broke his leg this morning, so he will no longer participate in the competition. I'm very sorry."

"Cut, it's fine if your brother can't compete and say no in private, he's still on stage, is he trying to show off, and he doesn't want to take a look at you." Yao Liangfang muttered a few words and sneered at him.

As soon as the thin young man finished speaking, he quickly stepped off the stage and left.

After seeing this person leave, all the contestants on the stage, except Liu Yunfan, laughed.

Immediately afterwards, standing beside Liu Yunfan, a chubby contestant pushed Liu Yunfan with his shoulder, and then whispered:
"Boy, do you know how the leg that was conceived by medicine was broken? Hehe! I interrupted him with my own hands. I told him to give up the competition a month in advance. I didn't expect to come to compete today. Then You can’t blame our third brother for being cruel.”

Liu Yunfan responded in a low voice: "Then you mean, besides me, all the contestants are from Yao San?"

"Haha, you're smart, kid. So, if you don't want to be disabled like Yao Caihuai, you should give up early, so as to save our brother a lot of trouble."

"Since you have said so, then I will accompany ten of you to have fun. I thought this competition was not interesting, but it seems quite challenging, but don't let me down too much, ten of you. But don’t wait for me to accompany you until the end, but you don’t accompany me anymore.”

"Don't worry, we will definitely stay with you until the end of the three games and take good care of you."

"Okay, I'm waiting for you Sanpei."

After Liu Yunfan laughed and responded, he stopped talking to the fat boy, let the fat boy look at him fiercely, ignored him, and regained his normal heart.

Then, the host Yao Liangfang gave a brief introduction to the rules of the medicinal material identification contest.

The competition is divided into three competitions. The first competition is to collect herbs. Each person collects ten kinds of herbs according to the requirements. The herbs to be picked are different for each person. The specific herbs to be picked are determined by drawing lots.

After the lottery is over, go to the thousand-acre medicinal field behind Yaoxiang Village to collect herbs, and count three hours, and those who have not collected the herbs after the time is up will be eliminated directly.

The second competition is pharmacology, which can also be regarded as a written test. Within an hour, the medicinal properties and medicinal effects of the ten medicinal materials collected in the first round are written.

Finally, the members of the jury will mark the papers and give the results. Generally, the top four will be selected in the second round to enter the final round.

The third competition is smelling medicine, which is to inspect the noses of the contestants. Before the competition, a member will be selected by the elders to put a few herbs into an opaque hundred-hole box.

People can't see the inside of the box from the outside, but the fine holes on the box allow the fragrance of the medicine to float out. The contestants only need to stand in front of the box with [-] holes and smell the fragrance of the medicine carefully.

Then within 3 minutes, just write the answer on the writing paper sent in advance. It is required to write clearly how many medicines are put in it and what they are.

If more than two people give correct answers this time, then write down the properties, efficacy, and usage of these medicines, and the jury will review them again.

However, it is generally not possible to compare to this step. After all, the medicines tested in the last competition are generally not common medicinal materials, and young people seldom recognize them, let alone they are only allowed to smell but not to see.

After the competition rules were introduced, the Grand Elder finally announced:
"This medicinal material identification contest is now officially started!"

(End of this chapter)

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