Heroes of the Sons and Daughters

Chapter 103 The road is full of spring breeze, exploring flowers and the first bottle of fine wine t

Chapter 103 The road full of spring breeze, exploring flowers and the first bottle of fine wine to reward the teacher (1)
This time, Mr. An's family announced the good news in the book, and reported that the son had won, and he won the sixth place in the high bid. The whole family was very happy.After the congratulations are over, I need to arrange some young masters to go to the city, and prepare to worship the teacher and reunite with the new year after tomorrow's announcement. How can I go to Zitong Temple to go to the "Cake Collection" when I am so busy at this time?I was about to ask someone to say goodbye, but I couldn't find the right words.It just so happened that Mr. Mei sent someone from the city to inquire, saying: "The city has already reported to the police. I heard that the young master has been selected. I sent someone to inquire because of concern. Congratulations, I invite you to get down to business and don't have to go to the appointment." Mr. An Someone was sent here, and someone went to answer the question, so they asked for information over there.When everything was settled for a while, the young master was sent into the city.The young master resigned from his parents and came out. He went to the study to meet the husband first before leaving.This is not to say.

In the lecture hall, I finished filling out the list that day, and sent it to Shuntian Mansion for hanging at five drums the next day.Of the group of youngsters who ended up with Mr. An, only Mo Shixiong was selected, and Second Master Tuo was selected as a sub-list, and the rest were not selected.The three chief examiners in that field also came out after the worship list, and those inner and outer curtain officials returned to their residences one after another.As far as the middle order is concerned, Mr. An's Fang Shilou is in charge.Although this person grew up in a place with high winds and rich soil, his temperament is unavoidably biased towards rigidity, and his true colors are not lost after all.Just because there is a little bit of human desire mixed in his natural principles, he can't help but develop such a perverted disposition.After going through that in the field, I realized that even though Fang is upright and upright, he has to recognize the truth, not because of a tantrum, and he should try his best to change his mistakes early and gradually return to common sense.Therefore, after he appeared on the stage, he was eagerly looking forward to seeing the No.6 student An Ji, to see what kind of person he was, and to ask him carefully.

It just so happened that Mr. An was the first to visit the door this day.Throwing it into the notebook, he looked at it, and said quickly, "Please!" Mr. An has already rushed over.As soon as he saw that he was a good young man in a prosperous and troubled world, he first felt that he was as good as a man.At present, Mr. an has laid out the worship felt, handed over Zhiyi, and bowed down early.He also returned it with half the courtesy.Mr. An stood up, and said: "The students are young and inexperienced, and they are cultivated by the teacher. They are encouraged by their knowledge and perception. It's just that they have not had deep experience and are not ready for use. From now on, they will all depend on the teacher's innate teaching." He grabbed the young master's hand , Said: "Brother Nian, you and I can't talk about anything. Let me ask you, have you ever done a very sinister thing? Let me listen to it first."

This time, the young master was puzzled by him, so he had to answer: "Students study in closed doors at home, obey the court precepts, but keep a few words of the regular scriptures of 'entering filial piety and leaving younger brothers'. What kind of virtue is there? Yes, since it is called 'Yin De', how can the disciple know it?" Lou Zhuzheng heard this, and said in his heart: "This disciple, don't talk to him, he just listens to the words, so he knows better than me." Then he asked again: "But it must be that Mr. Zunweng has made some great achievements in ordinary times?" The young master hurriedly said: "The disciple's father usually believes in one temperament, one group of loyalty and forgiveness, and practices it personally; even if he teaches his disciples, it is only for this reason. .If you want to determine which one is a meritorious deed, the disciples can't point it out for a while."

He heard this, and said in a loud voice: "How! It's no wonder that those two powerful men will come to fulfill your fame!" How did Mr. An think that his teacher would be there to meet you? His grandfather and father-in-law?Hearing the strangeness of what he said, I felt astonished, and couldn't help asking: "Please tell me, teacher, why did you say this?"

He respectfully looked at his appearance, and said solemnly: "Brother Nian, I am ashamed that you came to see Shuxiu today. You are not recommended by me, and you are not selected by the chief minister, but the one in heaven. " As he spoke, he was in the field from marking the papers to filling in the list. He witnessed how Mr. An's paper was discarded first and then taken.He also said: "Xianqi, do you think this opportunity is so heavenly? If it wasn't for that old man and that god who made me foolish, and it was just me, Lou Mengzhai Mengmeng I, wouldn't I have ruined your real fame? , buried your three good articles? Don’t say that I have no luck today to cooperate with you as a master. I, Lou Mengzhai, have committed a crime of self-willedness and disobedience! You must ask the honorable man for me when you go back. There is a reason why this old man is so godly, and I want to engrave this story in the results of the examination hall and announce it to the toast."

Mr. An had listened to him for half a day, and he had already realized that the old man's words "To whomever" he said should naturally be his ancestor Yue Laoxiaolian He Zhuo; Where does the god come from?" That sentence must be his father-in-law, the new city god He Qi.But after thinking about it, how could it take him so long to recount the first 35 chapters of "The Legend of Heroes and Heroes" from the beginning?He had to say: "Although so, after all, relying on the teacher's strong recommendation, you can be prepared." The master was very happy when he heard this.Tea added two courses, discussed the poems and proses of Mr. An, the son of the meeting, and asked Mr. An's official rank and age carefully, only to know that he was a pioneer, and he respected him more and more.Mr. an also left and was going to meet his master.

Then there were many entertainments in the city, and because he remembered that he had never paid homage to his parents, he went out of the city and went home after he had paid homage to his teacher.After kowtowing in front of the Tiandi Buddhist Temple and his parents, he met his aunt and parents-in-law in the upper room, and then went to pay respects in the ancestral hall of He's parents-in-law and the husband's hall, and then returned to the upper room, and then he met the teachers and teachers. What his room teacher said, he went back to his parents carefully.When the whole family heard this, they were all amazed and praised.

When Miss He thought of his father at this time, she couldn't help feeling sad, her eyes were red, but she couldn't cry in front of her parents-in-law.I don't want Master An to have tears streaming down his face, whimpering, and wiping his tears, he said to his wife: "When my benefactor was alive, I don't know how much he cut me. Returning to Daoshan, I have come to bless this boy, how can people not cry!" Because he told the young master: "As for you being cultivated by your ancestor and father-in-law, you should be more excited and strive to make progress from now on; But don't rely on the virtues of ghosts and gods, and be a little slack. You must know that the way of heaven is close, you can breathe, good and evil, misfortunes and blessings, what should happen. You know that one thought does not violate the principles of heaven and human feelings, and the ghosts and gods of heaven and earth will secretly protect you; If you violate the laws of nature and human relationships, the ghosts and gods of heaven and earth will not tolerate it immediately. There is a saying in "Yi": "A family that accumulates goodness must have Yuqing; a family that accumulates bad things must have disasters." You just look at his word "accumulation", "yu The words 'must' and 'must' are so sure! It's a pity that people in the world regard him as a cliché and have read it. They often lose this jade test and rely on their wits to use their wits, so that they can be well-behaved, famous and rich. Wouldn't it be a pity to be ruined and ruined in a blink of an eye, and be impoverished!" At that moment, the young master listened to his father's teaching as if he were facing the ghosts and gods of heaven and earth.

Lie Gong, look at this old Mr. An. If you provoke him, he is just a nagging.In fact, it is a rare encounter in a thousand years that there is such a good teacher in his family, and there is such a son who is willing to be taught.

Gossip less.But he said that Mr. an had seen his parents before returning to his room.Sisters Jin and Yu are looking forward to their husband-in-law's success today. The two are in a group of spirits, and they are busy changing clothes and hats.This one asked the girl to serve the tea, the other asked the mother to prepare the food; this one asked about the exhausted carriages and horses in the court, and the other talked about the rain and sunshine of that day.

Seeing his three boudoir intimacy, their sons and daughters chattering, one can't help but laugh at that "young woman in the boudoir", when Chun Ri Ning puts her makeup on the emerald building, she suddenly sees the scenery of willows and willows in spring on the street. Regretting that he shouldn't have asked his husband-in-law to go away to find Fenghou, that regret, really regret it, it's embarrassing and tasteless!
Gossip less.But he said that when Mr. an got up the next day, he still went back to Ming's parents and went to the city, busy with meeting the same year, meeting with the same family, inviting teachers, inviting teachers, prefaces, and sending Zhujuan.After going to the Luming Banquet and paying homage to the guests, there was a delay of more than ten days, and it was already October before returning to the manor.When I got home, I saw that it was quiet in front of the door, and all the family members were not in front of me. Only Liu Zhu'er was there to watch the door, so I asked him, "Is the master in the upper room or in the study?" He replied "After dinner, the master took a little boy with Mr. Cheng and went for a walk near the mountain." The son went all the way into the second door, and he heard his wife's laughter. Looking through the glass, he was with his uncle, wife, Zhang The wife of the in-laws took the elder sister to fight cards there.

The young master went into the house, saw his mother, and said some hasty conversations in the city for the past few days, so he asked, "My father is not at home, is mother okay today?" Taking over this house, it’s well done and well thought out, your father and I can rest easy. Your father is fine these days, just sitting there with a book to read after dinner, I said : "The weather is so good, why don't you follow Deng Jiugong and go out for a walk and do some activities?" I went to Wanxiang Temple with your master today to see chrysanthemums. I was sitting for nothing, so we played dominoes. You see, I won all the money on the stool, and when we came back, we ladies discussed what to eat. ——It’s rare to win money from your aunts.”

The uncle and wife said with a smile: "Let's lose the two sons, lose the two sons, it's so easy to look forward to not fighting that worrying card!" The young master also laughed.Since I didn't see sisters Jin and Yu when I turned around, I asked the girls, "Where are the two grandmas? Why isn't one of them here?" Mrs. Zhang said, "They don't have to play around, they've been busy for a few days. The wife said: "Really, you should go and have a look at home. They are busy today."

The young master then went out of the upper house and returned to his courtyard.About to enter the gate of the courtyard, I saw Zhang Jinbao, Hua Zhong, Dai Qin, Jin Sheng, Liang Cai and other people standing in front of the window on the east side of the inverted seat, listening to the orders of the two grandmas in the room.He entered the courtyard gate and ran to the house.He heard a reply from the room saying: "Master is here." His sister had already greeted him in the main room, and after asking a few gossips, he wanted to follow the room.The young master said, "Just sit here." Then, the young master went to the inner room first.I saw two tall stacks of booklets on the table of the Eight Immortals by the north window, with a pen, inkstone and abacus next to it.The young master said: "Please Zhigong." Miss He laughed and said, "In this case, Suoxing asked us to finish this matter, so we can gossip." The young master sat down on a small bed near the south.

Miss He yelled out the window: "Father Zhang, you bring him into the house." Zhang Jinbao promised to bring someone in.The young master saw that it was Dai Qin.At this moment, Ms. He was still gossiping with everyone.Seeing Dai Qin coming in, he suddenly turned his face down, and asked: "When I assigned you guys to take charge of these lands, how did you explain it? What's the reason? " Dai Qin hurriedly replied: "There were several low-lying lands in the field managed by the servant, and this year's rain is so heavy that the cotton can't be dried, so it's all injured. His servants also urged them to deliver next year's Maiqiu."

Ms. He said: "Oh, that's why you defaulted on the arrears! Don't you think that the four of you are responsible for the land that you have evenly distributed? You are the only one who manages low-lying land. There is no cotton planted in the fields managed by other people, or is it because of the heavy rain this year that it is only in the few fields managed by you? This is what the farmer’s tenants prevaricate you, so why are you prevaricating me in the same way? If there is such a thing, why not just let the head of the village fool around as usual, and what do the master and wife send the family in charge of the renter to do?" Dai Qin asked him silently, and just lowered his head.

He also heard Miss He say, "how did I tell you that you've always been soft-faced and can't bear a few good words. This is the business of the master's family. It's up and down for everyone's food and use. Don't do it well." Sir, it’s time to make a mistake.” Why did you join me in the ring in the first year? Or was my instruction superfluous? Or are you my mother and father, everyone just pays in full, but you don’t? Just go down? Tell me the truth!" Hearing this, Dai Qin quickly knelt down and said, "My servant, go down and hurry up."

Ms. He sneered and said, "You only urged me at this time. What did you do earlier? On the first day of this assignment, I told you in front of the master and wife: 'Everyone is done, master, The wife has her own grace, which is everyone's face; if I miss the matter of the master and the wife, I will not say anything about that side, and you all have to forgive me when I am coming. Don’t forgive me for being the first one. Very good!” As he spoke, he raised his eyebrows, stared at his eyes, raised his face, looked at Zhang Jinbao and called out: “Daddy Zhang,” said: “ You take him outside to the master's study, and please use the master's family law to beat him twenty boards firmly, and then bring him in to see me!"

At this time, Dai Qin was so bluffed that he just kowtowed, begging grandma for mercy.The family members in the courtyard held their breaths one by one, not even daring to cough easily.The servants and maids in the main room only eavesdropped silently, making the random daughter-in-law so anxious that she just cried strangely, quietly begging his mother to go in.Nanny Dai was also in a hurry, she was afraid to go in when she was about to go in.

I heard a word of persuasion from Miss Zhang earlier, saying: "Sister, look at me, and forgive him for the first time." Only this sentence, and Miss He said loudly: "Sister, that's not the case. This matter, you and I How can you tell me to look at you when you are so big and heavy? If you want to say that it is because this is the first time that you will spare him, I will not spare him just because it is the first time. This time is the beginning of legislation, so please forgive this time , it will be an example in the future; if he is alone, everyone has something to say. If you still wait until the in-laws get worried, how will you and I treat the in-laws? There is an arrears this year, you and I can’t say it, and it should be a case to do it to be fair.”

Press this head.However, since Mr. An buried his head in his study last year, and happened to be at home for a moment, he saw his two sisters "three times, five divisions" and "five acres and seven and a half" never leaving their mouths.Because I have been working hard, I have never paid attention to how this matter got into. I didn't want to have to finish the socializing today, and ran home, just in time for this excitement.Sitting aside for a while, it was difficult to reach out and speak.

Because he felt a little hungry, he asked someone to pick up some sweet pastries, took a bite, and was chewing in his mouth. Hearing that his Xiao Shiqing seemed to overturn a walnut cart for a long time, he never stopped talking. .As we talked, the air was like exchanging a pipe for a blower, a blower for a shotgun, and a shotgun for a cannon. The more you blow it, the stronger it becomes.I was about to speak out to persuade him, but only after Miss Zhang said a word, she even scratched his mother's father, Hua Zhong, but he was afraid that he would be a nail in the mouth.

He was in a dilemma, but Zhang Jinbao heard the order from the grandma, and agreed first: "Hey!" Then he knelt down tremblingly, leaning on the stool, and replied: "I have a sympathy, please grandma!" The family members outside the window Seeing him kneeling, boom, they all knelt down.The two nuns also brought Suiyuan's daughter-in-law and knelt outside the door with Zhang Jinbao.Ms. He stood up quickly and said, "Father Zhang, get up quickly and speak up if you have something to say." Then she called Hua Ling'er: "Help your Grandpa Zhang up quickly." Then she said: "This matter is not related to the two Mammy is involved, you two just get up." He asked everyone to get up too.

Zhang Jinbao stood up, and then slowly said: "In this matter, Dai Qin really failed the grace of the master, even if the slave can't support him, it's not the case. Please forgive me, grandma, pity him for being so confused, he can't hear it." Come at the command of the master; moreover, seeing that he is still diligent in his usual errands, grandma rewards the servant with a face, and forgive him this time. The servant will go down and help him urge him away, and there is no need to say whether Maiqiu is not Maiqiu. Hand it in. If you miss something, grandma and slaves should be punished as well!" Dai Qin didn't dare to say a word at this time, just kowtowed there.

(End of this chapter)

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