Heroes of the Sons and Daughters

Chapter 120 False Surprised Yuan Playing Yangguan Song It’s a Lucky Thing to Hold Little Star

Chapter 120 False Surprised Yuan Playing Yangguan Song It’s a Lucky Thing to Hold Little Star (1)
This time the book takes over from the last time.The words show that Mr. An celebrated Deng Jiugong's birthday in Dengjiazhuang, and he will leave after the event. His father and daughter will not let go.Deng Jiugong also said that he would invite the master to climb Mount Tai to look at the East China Sea, and after that he would take the master to a place to meet someone.

Seeing that he spoke so solemnly, Mr. An couldn't help asking, because he asked: "Ninth brother, you and I only look at Mount Tai and the East China Sea, which is considered a grand sight. Where do you want me to go to see someone?" Who will go?"

Deng Jiugong said: "Don't be too busy, I will tell you the origin first. There is a man who writes on my village. His name is Kong Jiyao. Everyone in our village calls him Laoyao. Lao Yao himself said that he is a direct descendant of the sage Kong, and that this Yan Shenggong can be regarded as a close descendant of the head of the family. Listening to him talking about the ancient relics on the grave of the sage Confucius and the antiques in the temple, It was more lively than listening to a stage play. He said he had been to all these places, even Yan Shenggong. He invited me to go shopping twice and three times. I think my stomach is getting bigger You can’t recognize two stones of characters, but what are you doing nonsense! It’s rare that you are here now, brother, and you are also idle. Why don’t you stay a little longer, and when I stop for two days, we will take that old Mr. Yao, After visiting Mount Tai and the East China Sea, you will visit the Mausoleum of Confucius and the Holy Temple when you come back, and pay homage to that Lord Yan Sheng, and you can talk to him. Do you think this is not right for your stomach?"

After hearing this, Mr. An danced happily and said, "Ninth brother, why didn't you say this sooner? Why don't you go to such a place? If that's the case, why don't I delay for a few days after I write a letter back home and inform my family?" !" His father and daughter were delighted to see that Master An was not leaving.Immediately, we discussed how to go on the road, how to climb mountains, how to carry wine, and how to bring vegetables.

While talking happily, I saw Chu Yiguan running in from the outside busily, ran up to Master An, greeted him, and said, "Second uncle is very happy!" The master hurriedly asked, "What's the matter?" He said: " The family sent Dai Qin and Mr. Dai here, saying that the young master has been promoted, and he has changed into a red cap, and won a big plum." Hearing this, the master was a little surprised at first, and quickly asked him, "What official did you get promoted?" Chu An official said: "I can't learn the name of this official. Mr. Dai is unpacking and getting family letters outside, so come in." As he said, he had seen Hua Zhong and other people come in with Dai Qin.

Dai Qin entered the room, met Deng Jiugong first in a hurry, then turned around and greeted the master.The master was too busy to ask him anything else at the moment, so he just asked: "What did you put in?" He first handed over the letter in his hand, and then replied hesitantly: "The master slave rewarded the first-class jurisdiction, and added a Vice-capital commander, let the counselors and ministers of Uliasutai go." Hearing these words, Mr. An just said "Ah!" His face turned pale, his hands were cold, and his whole body trembled. The letter fell to the ground trembling early, and then he slapped his legs with both hands and said, "It's over!" Deng Jiugong hurriedly asked, "My brother, what are you talking about?" Master An just shook his head and looked into the sky. He took a long breath and said: "Ninth brother, this is too difficult to say, you and I talk slowly!"

At this moment, Ye Tong had already picked up the young master's letter of report and handed it to the master, opened it and saw that it only told the reason of this matter, but declared that the rest of the letter would be reported to the master when he returned home.After reading it, the master handed the letter to Ye Tong, and asked Dai Qin, "Did you get up that day?" Dai Qin replied, "The slave got up the day after the slave was let down. The day the slave came , Master Nucai is still living in Haidian, and has never returned home. When the uncle called the slave, he asked the master when he could go home? The wife of the slave told the slave to return to the master, please go home early, there are many things waiting for the master Go back and ask for a decision."

Mr. An nodded and said, "Naturally." Turning his head to Deng Jiugong, he said, "Ninth brother, thanks to the kindness of your father and son, I have to work hard, and now this unexpected incident has happened. , In fact, there is no need to delay, I just take my leave, and I will leave at five drums tomorrow." Then, he ordered his family members to return their luggage.Seeing this situation, the Deng family's father and daughter knew that it was not good to force them to stay, so they had to pack up the farewell wine for tonight, and at the same time prepare the horse dinner for tomorrow morning to see the master off.When the wine was served, the master reluctantly sat down.

At this time, what does it mean to climb Mount Tai, look at the East China Sea, worship the Mausoleum of Confucius, pay homage to the holy temple, and even Zilu, Zeng Xi, Ran You, Gongxihua and other attendants sit and talk about their ambitions? , frowning, sitting in a daze without saying a word.

Lie Gong, look, the old man was so stunned that it was puzzling!I set up the Northwest and Southwest Routes to guard the frontiers. Every year when the shift comes, all the friends from the three eastern provinces who are like the Qianqingmen in front of the imperial court, who don’t envy this shortage is a way to make a fortune?It's the second governor waiting to be convicted, and the one who doesn't expect a turnaround in this journey?Now Mr. An is only a fourth-rank Guozijian sacrificial wine, and he has added a second-rank vice-du commander, which is considered a leapfrog promotion.Speaking of the value of the peacock plume, I only see that there is a fund in other provinces that is not sustainable, and they start to donate, such as the group of government officials with a lot of money, and the group of foreign merchants and salt merchants who exploit and profiteeringly. It took tens of thousands of silver to donate this thing to the head.Once Mr. An has won both of them, isn't it considered an unexpected glory, is it the flying wealth?Why did Mr. An get this information, and he was so unhappy that he smiled, but was so stunned that his eyes frowned?What's the point?
Everyone's circumstances are different, their ambitions are different, and when it comes to temperament, there is especially a difference.This old man is born with a strong nature and light desires, plus he spends his whole life sloppy and restrained. It is not easy for him to raise such a good son, and it is not easy to find such a good two daughters-in-law. Good people come.Now seeing that the scholarly family is in succession, and his livelihood is reliable, his son can become a public servant as long as he follows the steps, and he doesn't need to go to such places to gain fame; They will not worry about food and clothing, and they don't need to ask their sons to go to such places to survive.According to Mr. An's situation at this time, it is in line with the two common sayings that "no official is light, but having a son is everything", and I don't want to make such a big mistake out of thin air for no reason.If this is a fork, if others say something innocuous, the right way is "the official career is uncertain, but the way to eat is easy."When he thinks about not violating his temperament, he can't help but feel that his children are sad and heroes are short-lived; as for the hardships of the journey and the difficulty of parting from his own flesh and blood, they are still the second and third things in his mind.So at this time, just seeing Mr. An with coral tops, peacocks with feathers, and lions with wings, who are very prominent and go to fame, he just feels that this kind of person's desire can't match his nature.At that moment, he brought up his bookish and half-life-long grievances all at once, and made them into a ball.Therefore, all he had left was to hold a glass of wine, without saying a word, sitting there with a sad face in a daze.

Deng Jiugong is a warm-hearted person. Seeing Mr. An's appearance, he couldn't figure out the reason for it for a while, and he was anxious and sad for him.So he didn't ask the right and wrong, just based on his knowledge, he talked a lot of unpleasant talk, and persuaded him from the side: "brother, you don't do that. In life, sitting in an official position is just to flatter you and put on a red cap. son; raising a child is just to hope that the son will wear a red hat. Now our old nephew is so old, the red hat is worn, and the big flower plume is carried, but people say: "My husband will make a big bang." From now on, after a few days, you will be granted the title of Marquis and Prime Minister, and you will be left to be the old lord, enjoy the blessings! Isn't this fun? Why are you so sad? What is it like? Seriously, with a person like you, don’t you believe that you can’t even see through this reason?”

When he said this set of words, he was talking about the superficial part of Master An's heart.If the master didn't answer, he thought about it, he was in the midst of trouble, and it was rare to have such a warm person to persuade him; if he wanted to talk to him about his thoughts, how could he talk clearly at once? ?No way, just refine the words in his mouth into a sentence, and said to him: "I can't see it, I can't bear it. Ninth brother, you only need to understand my six words carefully, and then you will know my words My heart is in pain." Deng Jiugong's rough and bold nature, how could he beat this boring gourd?Hearing this, he only frowned, and stared at Master An with his big eyes. The sight of him was more annoying than Master An himself for a while.

I just waited and stared blankly for a long time, and suddenly I saw him straighten his chest, and said: "Brother, I can hear what you said! Don't worry, I will leave this matter to Brother Yu! If you want friends in the world, you are in charge." What are you doing!" At this time, Master An called "I'm so surprised", and hurriedly asked, "Ninth Brother, what can you do about this?" He said: "Listen! I've been smacking you for a long time The taste of this sentence seems to be that the incident of telling our old virtuous nephew to go back to Heifenggang Nengren Temple frightened your son to death. Now that he has traveled so far, you must be worried, afraid that something will happen. I've made a mistake. I have an idea." As he said that, he was about to say his idea, and suddenly said: "Wait a minute, we will discuss it with our family first." As he spoke, he shouted loudly He called out, "Where are my aunts and aunts?"

Mrs. Chu was busy packing some things in the suite, and Chu Yiguan was helping to bundle the boxes in the wing room. Hearing his old man's yelling, they all rushed over.When old man Deng saw the two of them coming, he said, "Sit down, you two, I have something to say." Then he said to his daughter first, "What are you doing now, old man, because his boss speaks out, he is a little worried. He is being restricted here. According to our friendship, since he has been restricted, if we don’t take the risk for him, is it considered friendship? Now I mean, I want my uncle to keep him. Walking around here, if there is something wrong on the road, if there is someone who dares to dare, I also tell you to be careful. Auntie, what do you think of my idea?"

When Mr. An heard this, he said with a smile in his heart, "this old man is called 'asking the official and answering the flower-the lips of the donkey are not right to the mouth of the horse.' What does this have to do with my mind?" At your age, it is justifiable for the eldest son-in-law to travel far away! This matter is absolutely impossible." He said: "Don't worry about it. Our son-in-law is also staying at home for nothing. While I am still strong, let him go out to curry favor in the officialdom, in case Once you meet an opportunity, it is a good thing to get a part-time job. My brother, don't make things difficult for you."

Mrs. Chu here has not spoken yet, Chu Yiguan is an honest person after all, and said after hearing it: "Forget it, old man, but what do you say? You have supported me for half my life, and now I see you at such an old age." , I threw it down and ran so far to find an official to do it myself? Seriously, I know the official too! Do you know if I have that good luck!"

Mrs. Chu's disposition is different from her husband's, and as soon as she heard what his father said, she already agrees with him.Why do you think?Could it be that he really thinks his old Yu is so important, and his official is so light, so he is willing to ask him to go to Uliasutai to serve as Lao Yu's bodyguard for no reason?No.He has been walking around the He'an Mansion in the past two years, seeing how noble Mrs. An is, and how rich the Jin and Yu sisters are, he raised his footsteps and his horizons, and he was full of enthusiasm. He only wanted to give his family a happy life. Officials and seniors also have a future, so that he can use this to be an official's wife.Hearing what Chu Yiguan said, he said: "That's not the case. Listen to me, this matter is not worth anything. I have me at home. Let Suoxing hand over Dongzhuang'er's house to the dealers to watch over. , I will move back to live with the old man, and sooner or later it will be easy to take care of. You just do your own thing, and I will leave you at home, it's also "six branches □ tickle—there's one left for you"." As he said, he fell Standing up and bowing to Mr. An, he said: "That's it. I just ask you, old man, to entrust this to our old jade for me. I don't know how to say what Liu said. In a word, I will guarantee that he will not lie and do coolies. If you want to talk about your skills, it’s not that I’m flattering you, but he can ‘hang up the dates—wired (limited)’.”

Deng Jiugong laughed beside him and said, "Grandma, why did you come here?" Because Master He'an said, "Brother, you can rest assured now! If you don't worry about it, I still have someone. We That Big Hammer Lu, brother, haven’t you seen him? When you came, I said I asked him and his son-in-law to pick you up. If you didn’t have to go, you came. Now I’m sending them away Send you back to Beijing, and ask them to congratulate our old nephew on my behalf. This matter has to be discussed with our old nephew." After finishing speaking, he turned around and told his son-in-law: "Young master, you understand this Don't delay things for me. You can't see the old man celebrating his [-]th anniversary. He is reliable, and God will reward him with old rice for a few years! Just go to your house with peace of mind. Tell Boss Lu about it when you go out. Don't be burdensome, both of you, rush to pack up all night, immediately take a small burden, and leave tomorrow. When you go to Beijing, see if you need you or not. Sure enough, you two will come again Come back to pick up the luggage. How far away is it, and there is probably still time. Let’s do it this way.” Chu Yiguan usually dodged around in front of Mount Tai, but when he was in front of his wife, he never said anything different.Now he squeezed twice, but he didn't dare to make a sound, he only said yes and promised, and went out to find Lu Bao'an to pack his luggage and horses without mentioning it.

Here, Mr. An was very uneasy seeing that his family was so sincere and warm, and he felt a little relieved that there were two people like Chu and Lu following him.For a while, I felt that it was not easy to refuse, so I had to agree, and turned to his father and daughter to thank him.At present, we have a few drinks with Deng Jiugong, because we will get up early tomorrow, so we will arrange ourselves after dinner.Mrs. Chu went to take care of Chu Yiguan, and gave him a lot of instructions. She went back to the upper room, and together with his aunt and grandma, they sorted out this case and took care of that one. They worked all night without sleep.

The next morning, the five drums were handed over, Master An and Deng Jiugong both got up early, and Chu Yiguan and Lu Bao'an came up to wait on them, all dressed up.When Deng Jiugong saw the two of them, he said, "But I left you with an important word yesterday. After you two go, seeing the young master is not the same as before, but you have to go on stage and sing. You have to kneel down when you meet. Get up, talk like "嗻er" and "chaer", and you have to follow the ostentation of the Goshha [Gashha: Manchu, guard] in the governor's office, calling him "adult", and you call him "" Little one, that's the way to go. Don't say that relying on my face to match the golden crown on the two heads of the two of you, and to make friends with others, this show will be a failure." The two listened Yes, only repeated promises.At present, Mr. An was busy eating something and urging the horses and chariots together. Then he resigned from everyone and took Mr. Cheng, Chu, Lu and all his family members on the road.Deng Jiugong sent him to the fork in the road, and then he said goodbye to Master An with tears.Press this to say nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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