Chapter 11
There is a book record: Empress Wei was lecherous by nature, besides Wu Sansi, there were three beautiful men in Empress Wei's palace.One is Yang Jun, who was originally a cook. Empress Wei saw that he was young and handsome, so she transferred him to the palace to serve her.Yang Jun also got an official title; the other is Ma Qinke, an imperial physician, who once entered the palace by chance to treat Empress Wei's cold because of his handsome features. Waiter; the other one is Ye Jing, who was born as a horse dealer and is good at playing horse skills. He performed horse skills at the Lantern Festival one year on the Lantern Festival, and was favored by Empress Wei.All three of them became Empress Wei's servants, followed Empress Wei, stayed close to each other, and were loyal.Zhongzong pretended not to see all these things, and really did "no prohibition", but although he was willing to bear it, he was afraid that others would know, and it didn't matter if others knew, but he couldn't speak out, otherwise he would be killed immediately.

Wu Sansi had long wanted to overthrow Zhongzong, and always encouraged Empress Wei to follow the example of Empress Wu and establish herself as a queen.There is also Shangguan Wan'er. Since the age of 14, she has followed Wu Zetian, participated in state affairs for a long time, and served as the prime minister, with great influence. Empress Wei tightly pulled her by her side in seeking power.They took advantage of each other and gradually formed a power-playing group around Zhongzong with Empress Wei, Princess Anle and Shangguan Wan'er as the core, and the entire military power almost fell into their hands.This group first assassinated five ministers including Zhang Jianzhi and Yan Yanfan who raised troops to support Zhongzong.After Zhongzong was restored, he made his son Li Chongjun the crown prince.Empress Wei was very dissatisfied with Chongjun because he was not born to him.Princess Anle asked Zhongzong many times to abolish the prince Chongjun and make herself the empress dowager.Prince Zhongjun couldn't bear the repulsion and blow of Empress Wei, and he didn't want to sit and wait to be deposed, so he took the risk and led the Yulin Army with three hundred horses to kill Wu Sansi at home. Chong Jun.After that, Empress Wei intensified her efforts to seize power and cause chaos, with her elder brother Wei Wen and Zong Chuke sharing the power.In addition to Princess Anle and Shangguan Wan'er, there are also Empress Wei's sister, Mrs. Yeguo, and Shangguan Wan'er's mother, Mrs. Peiguo, who have colluded together to become a rich man who accepts bribes, buys and sells officials, acts alone, and does evil. Corrupt power group.

The lust for power dehumanizes both mother and daughter.On the second day of June in the fourth year of Jinglong (710), Emperor Zhongzong of Tang Dynasty, in order to realize their wishes, Empress Wei, Princess Anle conspired with Ma Qinke and Yang Jun, and Yang Jun made cakes, and Ma Qinke made cakes in the cakes. To poison, Empress Wei's mother and daughter gave the cake to Li Xian to eat with their own hands.In this way, Tang Zhongzong Li Xian, who was cowardly and incompetent all his life, died in the hands of his beloved wife and daughter. He was 55 years old, and his temple name was Zhongzong.

Empress Wei originally wanted to make Zhongzong's son Li Chongmao the prince, and then gradually transitioned to the queen like the original Wu Zetian.But before her plan was implemented, Li Dan's son Linzi King Li Longji (later Tang Xuanzong) and Princess Taiping launched the forbidden army to attack Miyagi, killing Queen Wei, Princess Anle, Shangguan Wan'er and all the children of Wei. , forced the young emperor to abdicate, and the prime minister Li Dan (father of Li Longji) was the emperor, and it was Ruizong.At this point, Webster's queen's dream was completely shattered.

Li Fengniang: Cruel and merciless, dominating the harem

Li Shi, the queen of Song Guangzong and Zhao Duan, is a domineering and scheming woman.A fierce and jealous woman, she finally became the empress of the world, and controlled Guangzong, a cowardly and ignorant emperor, for a long time, constantly alienating his relationship with his father Xiaozong, and constantly affecting his relationship with ministers.It can be said that her stupidity and shallow opinion also paved the way for the dictatorship of Shi Miyuan, a minister in the late Southern Song Dynasty.As a result, the small imperial court in the Southern Song Dynasty was officially led to the point of no return.

Divine appearance

Li Fengniang was born in Anyang, Henan Province, the daughter of Li Dao, the governor of Qingyuan.When Li Fengniang was born, Li Dao's army II: stationed in Yishan, Guangxi.In the 19th year of Shaoxing Emperor Gaozong of the Southern Song Dynasty (1149), at dawn on October [-]th, Li Dao's wife gave birth to a baby girl in the military camp.Li Dao heard the news and rushed over. He saw a black phoenix perched on a big rock peacefully in front of the camp. He didn't panic when he saw someone coming.Li Dao was very surprised when he saw this, and when he saw his newborn daughter in the camp, he was moved and named her Fengniang.

When Song Gaozong was in power, there was a fortune-teller named Huangfu Tan, who cured Empress Dowager Wei's eye disease, thus gaining Gaozong's trust.Once, Huangfu Tan came to the home of Li Dao, the governor of Qingyuan. Li Dao knew that Huangfu Tan was a famous fortune teller, so he asked Huangfu Tan to meet his three daughters.When Fengniang was saluting, Huangfu frankly showed fright and dared not accept worship, and told Li Dao, "This girl is very beautiful, and she will be the mother of the world."Huangfu Tan traveled around the capital, bragging about Fengniang in front of Gaozong, saying that she was dignified and virtuous, and could be a mother to the world.Gaozong was convinced that he hired Fengniang as the concubine of King Gong Zhao Duan.

Coincidentally, in the 14th year of Chunxi (1187), the 81-year-old abdicated emperor Gaozong Zhao Gou passed away.Although Xiaozong was not a parent and son, his uncle and nephew had always been affectionate, so he was very sad.It's just that the minister was bitterly admonishing him, and he was filial to him, so he couldn't do the ceremony of abdication immediately, so he had to give up.After two years of hard work, the 63-year-old Emperor Xiaozong felt mentally and physically exhausted, and the mourning period had expired. He ignored the dissuasion of Prime Minister Zhou Bida, Liu Zheng and others, and held a Zen ceremony in Zichen Hall. Zhao Tun, who was already the prince at that time, inherited the Datong.The old emperor was revered as Shousheng Emperor and retired to Chonghua official. Xiaozong Empress Xie was named Shoucheng Empress, Gaozong Empress Wu was named Shousheng Empress Dowager, and the world was amnesty, and Fengniang was named queen.Seeing that Huangfu Tan's words had been fulfilled, Fengniang couldn't help being elated with joy when she really became a queen.

Sow discord, father and son estrangement

Although Li Fengniang is as beautiful as peaches and plums, she is jealous by nature.When she was the crown princess, she used to gossip in the empress dowager's and queen's palaces many times, telling the fault of the prince's cronies.Gaozong was very upset when he knew about it, and said to Empress Dowager Wu: "The concubine of the prince is a general, and she is unbearable to the world. I was misled by Huangfutan's rhetoric." Xiaozong also repeatedly taught her:
"You should be as graceful and magnanimous as the empress dowager, or you will be abolished." Xiaozong's exhortation did not have a deterrent effect, but planted the seeds of resentment in Li Fengniang's heart.

In the last years of Chunxi, Emperor Xiaozong summoned his ministers and expressed his desire to practice inner Zen. All the ministers agreed with him, but Huang Qia did not say a word.Xiaozong asked him: "What is your intention?" Huang Qia replied: "The prince can take on a great responsibility, but the Li family is not enough to honor the world. Please think twice." Although Xiaozong was dissatisfied with the princess, he was so outspoken. But it was difficult for Xiaozong to accept, after all, Li was his daughter-in-law.Huang Qia went on to play: "Your Majesty asked the minister, and the minister had no choice but to speak. In the future, your Majesty will think of what the minister said, and I am afraid that it will be difficult to see the minister again." After retiring from the court, Huang Qia immediately asked for resignation.At this time, Xiaozong thought that although the Li family was unruly and coquettish, he would not disturb the government and surpass the emperor, but the truth was unfortunately confirmed by Huang Qia.

After Guangzong came to the throne, he saw the eunuchs doing evil and interfering in the government, so he wanted to find an opportunity to kill them in order to suppress the court.But he was indecisive by nature and was unable to make a move for a long time.When the eunuch heard the news, he was very suspicious and frightened, and conspired to alienate the three officials (that is, Empress Gaozong, Empress Dowager Wu, Xiaozong, and Guangzong), and asked Empress Li for protection, and Empress Li readily agreed.From then on, whenever Guangzong did something to the eunuchs, Empress Li would make trouble for it. Guangzong was depressed and gradually became ill.Emperor Shou (namely Xiaozong) heard that his son was sick and was very anxious.While letting the imperial doctor treat him carefully, he sent his cavalry around to buy good medicine, and planned to give it to Guangzong when he came to Chonghua Palace for an audience.Knowing this, the eunuch provocatively said in front of Empress Li: "The slaves heard that the Supreme Emperor bought the potion, and let him take it when the emperor pays homage to the palace. If something happens, it will endanger the Song Dynasty!" Afterwards, people were sent to investigate, and it was true, so they tried their best to prevent Guangzong from going to the Chonghua official to visit his relatives.Guangzong was not seriously ill at first, and after a few days of medical treatment, he recovered.Empress Li specially arranged wine for a banquet. After drinking for three rounds, Empress Li suddenly said:
"Ku'er has grown up, since His Majesty named him King Jia, why not simply make him a crown prince? Kuo'er is quite talented, and will definitely help His Majesty." Guangzong replied: "What the queen sees is very true, and I also have the same intention. Report it to the emperor, and then make a canon." When Li Hou heard that the Shouhuang's approval was required, she felt very unhappy, and said angrily: "Your Majesty is the son of heaven, so can you not be the master? Besides, it is the customary practice of the ancestors to appoint a prince. Report to Emperor Shou?" Guangzong said: "It is unusual for the prince to attach importance to the foundation of the country. There is a saying that the father cannot be dictatorial when he is in the son, so how can he not report to Emperor Shou and make his own claims?" Empress Li had nothing to say, so she Go away angrily.Since Guangzong married Empress Li, he has made Empress Li three points in everything.Over time, no matter what ideas Li Hou had, he hurriedly obeyed and never dared to disobey.It's just that the establishment of a reserve is of great importance, and Guangzong didn't dare to specialize himself, so he didn't agree.

After a day, Li Hou didn't inform Guangzong, and went to Chonghua Fulai alone.Emperor Shou asked her: "Isn't the emperor healed? Why didn't you come with me?" Empress Li sighed and said, "It's really unforeseen. It was already cured, but today I caught wind and cold again, so my concubine came to see you alone. "Shou Huang said: "In the prime of life, he is so weak, what will happen in the future?" Li Hou took the opportunity to say: "The courtiers and concubines are also worried about this. Since the emperor is sick, it is better to enroll King Jia as the prince, or as the emperor. I don’t know what your father’s intention is?” Emperor Shou pondered for a moment and said, “Your Majesty has only been in meditation for a year, and it’s too hasty to appoint a crown prince. What’s more, the heir is a matter of concern to the country, and you have to think long-term. How can you act hastily? "

Li Hou was reprimanded, and suddenly changed his face and said: "The concubine was hired by Liuli, and Kuo'er was born to the concubine. He was registered as the prince, and his name is justified. Why not?" As a queen, Empress Li is so abrupt, it is tantamount to pointing at the monk and scolding the bald donkey.So Shouhuang was furious and got up with a brush.Li Hou also boarded the chariot angrily and went back to his official position.

The villain will file a complaint first.Empress Li returned to the palace, and immediately took Jia Wang Zhao Kuo to cry to Guangzong: "Shouhuang is going to abolish the ministers and concubines, and appoint another middle-ranking official. Does your majesty know?" Guangzong looked at Li Empress blankly and said "Where did you start with that?" Empress Li recounted the meeting with Emperor Shou with embellishments, and burst into tears after speaking.Guangzong did not distinguish between the true and the false, but he believed it. He comforted her and said: "Since I came to the throne, the world has been peaceful, and I have not done anything wrong. As the emperor, can I not protect my wife and children?" From then on, Guangzong I will never go to Zhonghuaguan again.

One day, Guangzong was washing his hands in the palace, and a court lady was waiting beside her holding a washbasin. She saw that her skin was delicate and her fingers were like spring onions. She couldn't help but praised her, but Queen Li didn't say anything.A few days later, Guangzong was reviewing memorials in the hall, and Empress Li sent two food boxes.Guangzong thought it was a delicacy, but when he opened it, it was the two severed hands of this court lady, bloody and bloody.Guangzong was terrified in his heart, and became sick with fear, and could not recover for many days.In the blink of an eye, the winter solstice came, and as usual, the emperor had to offer sacrifices to the ancestral temple.As a last resort, Guangzong went to the fasting official with illness.Li Houjing took advantage of this gap and killed Huang Guifei, whom Guangzong loved.Concubine Huang Gui was originally a maid in Empress Xie's palace, gentle and virtuous, when Guangzong was the crown prince, Xiaozong saw that he had no other concubines, so he gave her to Guangzong.Guangzong loved her very much, and after he ascended the throne, he was named a noble concubine.Li Hou had long wanted to get rid of his rival in love, but suffered from no opportunity.This time, while Guangzong was away from the palace, she killed Huang Guifei, and then played Guangzong with a violent death.On the day of the ceremony, there was a sudden strong wind and heavy rain, and all the candles were blown out.Guangzong couldn't salute, so he had to give up.Guangzong was ill. After returning to the palace, he heard about Huang Guifei's sudden death. He was hit by wind and rain again, and his condition became more and more serious.Empress Li took the opportunity to hold the power in her hands, arrogant and unrestrained, and good at doing things well. Everyone in the ruling and opposition parties complained.But Empress Li went her own way without restraint.

Emperor Shou heard that Guangzong was ill and visited the palace in person.It happened that Guangzong was still asleep, so Emperor Shou warned his left and right not to disturb him.It wasn't until Guangzong woke up that Xiaohuangmen heard about it.Guangzong got up, and kowtowed to plead guilty.Emperor Shou comforted him for a few words, and suddenly remembered that Empress Li was not in the palace. After asking, he found out that she was busy handling memorials for Guangzong.According to the practice of the Song Dynasty, empresses and concubines were not allowed to interfere in the government affairs, and Empress Li violated the rules of her ancestors and openly reviewed the memorials.

Shouhuang was very annoyed, so he called her and gave her a severe reprimand.Although Empress Li didn't dare to argue, she hated Emperor Shou so much that she gritted her teeth.

In March of the third year of Shaoxi (1192), Guangzong recovered from his illness and began to listen to politics.The prime minister led all the officials to implore him to pay homage to Emperor Shou in Chonghua.Guangzong said that he had just recovered from a long illness and could not go.So civil and military officials went to the shuffle one after another, weeping and admonishing bitterly.Guangzong had no choice but to go to court Shouhuang once in Shaoxi's four years.After that, I didn't go to Chonghuaguan again for half a year.Until November, Prime Minister Liuzheng led hundreds of officials to Chonghua Palace to congratulate him. Shangshu Luo Dian and others of the Ministry of War invited Guangzong to see Emperor Shou, and Guangzong retired from the court with a wave of his sleeves.Minister Peng Guinian said impassionedly: "Shouhuang served Emperor Gaozong in the past, and he did his best to be a son of man. His Majesty witnessed it with his own eyes. Besides, Shouhuang only had His Majesty. He heard that His Majesty was sick. He visited him in person. His Majesty's beloved son was full of heart. Everyone knows it. Now Your Majesty has misunderstood the villain's words of separation and has not visited relatives for a long time. This is a loss of filial piety. How can he comfort the hope of the world?" Zhao Ruyu, the clan clan, also repeatedly remonstrated.Guangzong discussed with Empress Li again, and Fang nodded in agreement.It turned out that Empress Li wanted to return to the family temple, but she was afraid of the remonstrance of the officials, so she made a favor and agreed to Guangzong.But Emperor Shou thought that Empress Li had repented and was very happy. Father and son got together and talked about everything.It wasn't until it was getting late that Guangzong and his wife returned to the palace.Then, Empress Li returned to visit the family temple.Before that, Empress Li had built her family temple magnificently and magnificently, which was almost the same as the Taimiao, but there were more guards than the Taimiao.Three generations of Li's stepfather, ancestor, and great-grandfather have been conferred kingships. This time, 26 relatives and 172 old relatives have been conferred with imperial duties. official.This abnormal phenomenon, in the history of the Song Dynasty, there is no second person to be found.

Surrender the power and die in depression
In the fifth year of Shaoxi (1194), the 68-year-old Shouhuang became ill. In April, the disease became more and more serious.The ministers asked Guangzong to greet him, but Guangzong and Empress Li went to Yujin Garden to play.In the future, no matter how much the ministers tried to persuade him, Guangzong still refused to go to Chonghua to visit his father Shouhuang who was seriously ill.As a last resort, he had to send Prince Jiawang to visit the sick.Even so, Emperor Shou was also moved.

On the ninth day of June, Emperor Shou died of illness.The officials heard about Guangzong, but Guangzong refused to pass the official position.

On the thirteenth day, the day of Emperor Shouhuang's funeral, Guangzong's chariot had not yet arrived, and the crowd was turbulent.Empress Dowager Wu was the mother of Emperor Xiaozong. Seeing that Emperor Guangzong refused to come forward, she had to perform the sacrifice ceremony on her behalf.

Seeing this scene, the ruling and opposition parties thought that there would be a major change in political affairs and there would be chaos.Some hid gold and silk, some left without saying goodbye, and some returned home with their families.

Later Zhao Ruyu and other ministers discussed with the Empress Dowager Wu on the grounds of the emperor's illness and the establishment of a prince to succeed him as Emperor Ningzong.

Since Li Fengniang became the Supreme Empress, she was unable to interfere in the government affairs, so she had to retire to the official position to take care of her for the rest of her life.

At the beginning, Huangfu frankly made mystical words, which made Li's mother respect the world. From then on, she firmly believed in the magician's words.Once she becomes a loser in the court struggle, it is difficult to control her fate in her own hands, and she needs all kinds of magicians to "point the wrong way" to relieve suffering and get "peace".She heard from a fortune teller that she would be in trouble, so she set up a quiet room in a secluded place in Da Nei, where she lived alone, dressed up as a Buddha, and asked the gods to bless her to get through the difficulties safely.However, the queen, who has done a lot of evil on weekdays, did not feel at ease because of this, but suffered even greater mental torture.In the sixth year of Qingyuan (1200), Mrs. Li fell ill in the semen room, but no one came to care for her.In July, the former savage and scheming queen died lonely.After Li's death, the wealthy went to the Zhongguan to get a dress for him. The person in charge of the key complained that he was usually fierce and refused to open the door of the middle palace. As a result, the dress was not taken, so the palace people had to wrap the body in a mat and prepare to carry it back to the middle palace. mourning.On the way, someone suddenly shouted: "The mad emperor is coming!"

The palace people were always afraid of meeting the mad Guangzong, and when they heard the shout, they left the body and hurried away.After a long time, they realized that it was just someone shouting on purpose, and went back to look for Mrs. Li's body, which had emitted a pungent stench under the scorching July sun.During the funeral, the officials had to mix abalone and light dozens of cakes of lotus incense to cover up the bad smell.The ending of a generation of arrogant queens is also the result of their many unrighteous actions.

Looking at the concubines of the Song Dynasty, it is not uncommon for people who can influence the government, but Li Fengniang, who completely controls her husband, rewards her relatives, and deliberately creates antagonism between the emperor and her son, is unique in the history of the Song Dynasty.She has neither the ability to assist the government nor the virtue of a concubine. Gaozong chose her as Concubine Gong just based on the nonsense of the magician, which planted the evil consequences in the future; Lost the opportunity to remedy; Guangzong was cowardly by nature, and it was impossible to restrain her actions except for fear of this fierce queen; only after the new king Ningzong came to the throne, did she lose her power with her husband Guangzong's loss of power. The lust of the past.Li's life was closely related to the four generations of emperors before and after the early Southern Song Dynasty. From her experience, it is not difficult to find many strange phenomena of political changes in the early Southern Song Dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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