Bring your son to chase after your wife, please go home

Chapter 1068 Welcome to Daliang to kill me

Chapter 1068 Welcome to Daliang to kill me (2)
"Yes." Fu Qingyun replied and was supported by the guards and left in the direction of the First Prince's Mansion.

Fu Gan looked at the leaving figure, took Cao Xiang and bowed three times to the five-fold gold and silver coffin, and then gently opened the gorgeous coffin with his fingers.

The five layers were opened, but there was nothing inside.

Fu Gan's face turned ashen for an instant, and he stood there in a daze, at a loss.

Sitting in the car, the monarch frowned slightly after seeing this, and asked him in a deep voice, "What's wrong?"

Together with Fu Gan, seeing the empty gold coffin and silver coffin was Taichang Siqing, who was so frightened that he even stopped breathing. When he heard the king's question, he pointed to the coffin and said intermittently, "Inside... Buddha bone relic..."

The people didn't know why, and all of them stretched their necks and widened their eyes.

"Father, son and minister of Taichang Temple saw the Buddha bone relic for the first time, and they were too excited to speak." Fu Qian managed to maintain his composure, slowly closed the five-fold gold coffin and silver coffin, and faced everyone with a smile: "Buddha bones enter Beijing, and the world will be peaceful!"

The Minister of Taichang Temple looked at the second prince in disbelief. The Buddha bone was obviously not inside the golden coffin and the silver coffin. The second prince dared to deceive the people of the world in front of the king. This is a serious crime of deceiving the king!
When the common people heard what the second prince said, they immediately became excited again.

The monarch's face softened a little, and the car slowly entered Jian'anmen.

Taichang Siqing was out of his mind along the way, and he didn't know whether he should tell the monarch about this in advance.

If it is said that everyone will know about it, then the meaning of the Buddha bone connection will be completely destroyed this time, but if it is not mentioned, the Buddha bone will go to various temples to make offerings in three days, and it is difficult to guarantee that it will not be discovered at that time.

Taichang Siqing was struggling, and Fu Gan, who was walking in front, gave him a sideways look, full of warning.

Taichang Siqing immediately lowered his head.

Brocade carpets were laid on the way to the Buddhist hall, and the procession to welcome the Buddha was extremely slow.

Originally, on such a mid-autumn day to welcome the Buddha's bone, it should be a good weather that shines all over the world. The sound was all replaced by the sound of thunderstorms, and the pouring rain poured down, dousing the incense candles lit by the people on both sides of the street.

The flower brocade carpet on the entire Chang'an Avenue was washed away by the heavy rain just between cups of tea, and the petals fell off, turning into dirt and dust.

Although the vehicles enshrining the golden coffin and silver coffin were covered with umbrellas, they could not stop the heavy rain, and rainwater continued to hit the coffin and inner coffin.

Fu Gan was shocked, and quickly ordered people to find weft yarn to block the surrounding area, but it still didn't help.

People outside the city gate saw this scene with keen eyes, and shouted, "The Buddha bone relic was drenched by the rain!"

In a word, it hit people's hearts better than a thunderstorm that exploded in the sky. The common people braved the heavy rain and rushed to the Jian'an Gate, asking the second prince to open the golden coffin and the silver coffin for inspection.

Fu Gan looked puzzled and looked at the monarch.

To meet the Buddha's bone and meet the heavy rain, the monarch never expected that he sent someone to tell Fu Gan that in order to make the people feel at ease, he immediately opened the golden coffin and the silver coffin.

Fu Gan stood still.

The Minister of Taichang Temple stepped forward and knelt down in front of the monarch, "Your Majesty, please think twice! How could the Buddha bone be opened under such a filthy rainstorm and be contaminated with haze?"

"My son feels very reasonable." Fu Gan agreed, "There are five layers of gold and silver coffins, so there will definitely be no problems. However, if you open it at this time, it will not only be contaminated with moisture, but also be contaminated with haze and bad luck. Please think twice, Father." .”

Having said that, the common people acted like they were crazy, and they didn't let go of what they said just now.

(End of this chapter)

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