Bring your son to chase after your wife, please go home

Chapter 519 Dudu Confesses With Ji Yehen

Chapter 519 Dudu Confesses With Ji Yehen (2)
"What is remote control?" Ye Hen asked.

"It's equivalent to a kind of Gu." Baili Changge explained: "The person who controls it first sets various patterns on it, and then there is a secret connection between the person who controls the Gu and this Gu body that we don't know The method, when the time comes, when the Gu controller moves, the bracelet will change color according to his control. So I can say that this bracelet is endowed with energy, I think, to find the The eye of the formation, why not throw this bracelet to explore the way, when the energy collides with the energy, there will definitely be movement at the eye of the formation, and then we can break through the formation and go directly in."

"It seems to make sense." Ye Hen nodded.

Baili Changge didn't delay anymore, stood up quickly, exerted some internal force on the bracelet and threw it straight into the mist, and the two hurried back to avoid it by several feet.

Not long after, after hearing a loud "bang" inside, a path was automatically opened where the bracelet entered the fog formation just now, and the path was winding.

Baili Changge and Ye Hen walked along the path one after the other, and finally came to the eye of the formation.

Glancing at the ground, Baili Changge was speechless for a moment. It turned out to be a snow-white pigeon tied to a stone, but because of the explosion caused by the intrusion of the bracelet, the white pigeon had become a roasted pigeon.And the bracelet fell to the ground without any damage.

Baili Changge bent down in amazement, picked up the bracelet, put it in the palm of his hand, and looked through it carefully. The pattern on it had completely faded away, and even the red color was gradually fading away. After a while, it became eight white squares all over the body, but there was no damage. .

"What the hell is this?" Baili Changge looked at Ye Hen suspiciously, "You have read so many books, but have you ever seen the description of this thing in any secret record?"

"Hmm..." Ye Hen nodded, "Since my friend who raised silkworms in Beijing wrote back to me last time saying that there is no such silk in the world, I have read a lot of ancient books and finally found something similar to this silkworm. The material of the bracelet is very similar."

"What is it?" Baili Changge couldn't wait.

"I told you not to be afraid." Ye Hen saw that she was holding the bracelet tightly in her hand, pursed her lips lightly and said, "These strips that make the bracelet are not silk threads at all, but a kind of worm."

"Ah?" Baili Changge was startled, and with a shaking hand, he quickly threw the bracelet on the ground, rubbed his chest and took a big breath.

"According to ancient records, in the ancient times, there lived the Vulcan in the Five Great Ring Mountains. Every time he moved, terrifying flames would erupt from the mountain pass. Along with the flames, there was a lot of hot soil. It flows like water, while others are extremely hard, and there are things that can be made into bracelets in the hot mud that flows."

Ye Hen squatted down, picked up the bracelet, put it in his palm and looked at it for a moment, and said: "It is said that this kind of thing will enter a dormant period when you leave that place, and it is extremely strong, it can't be cut by swords, and it can't be burned by fire, but if someone If the environment in which it lives can be reproduced, then the bugs woven into bracelets will come back to life.”

"Don't talk about it!" Baili Changge felt a layer of white sweat all over his body. The volcanic eruption in ancient times was so terrible?She trembled her lips and asked, "You mean these are not only bugs, but these bugs haven't died yet, they've just entered a dormant period, maybe one day when the weather is right and the people are peaceful, they will wake up? Are they there?" name?"

"It's called a fire beetle." Ye Hen nodded slightly, "But you don't have to be afraid, they won't wake up at this normal temperature. At most, some people use the fact that the fire beetle can change color to play tricks."

(End of this chapter)

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