Chapter 599 Pregnant (2)
Ye Hen took a step forward, hugged her tightly, and said distressedly: "From the moment you opened the coffin in Yizhuang, fate has already engraved our ending on the Sansheng Stone, no matter how many hardships and ups and downs happened in the middle, You will only be my woman in this life, you have not lost the whole world, you just opened a dusty door, this door means that in the future we will truly fight against those people side by side, the road ahead may be full of bones, no end, but you have me."

After a pause, Ye Hen added: "The only wish in this life is to live side by side and die at the same point."

Baili Changge's sobbing stopped abruptly, she raised her hazy eyes to look at Ye Hen, "So the dream I had was true, we knew each other a long time ago?"

"Hmm..." Ye Hen nodded.

"So I was the one who saved you in Yizhuang back then. I'm the Princess Jin and Dudu's biological mother?" Baili Changge continued to ask.

"Yes!" Ye Hen nodded again.

Closing her eyes suddenly, Baili Changge didn't know how she should look at the man who was holding her tightly at this moment.

She used to fight for him, and felt that the woman who abandoned him after giving birth to a child was too cruel, and felt that he should not bear these pains alone.

But she never expected that the woman she hated and hated was herself.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Baili Changge asked this sentence with difficulty as he stretched out his arms and hugged him tightly.

His loneliness and loneliness, she had witnessed with her own eyes, was so desolate and desolate.

"Aren't you always here?" Ye Hen smiled lightly, "Dao Ling once said that you and I will perform the love affair of three lives in one life, and the previous ones, you just treat it as our last life !"

Therefore, on the day she returned to the mansion, Ye Hen specially waited upstairs, which was the beginning of the second life.

In this life, she had forgotten everything, and he waited for three years before he could truly hold her in his arms and express his lovesickness today.

He used to be a heroic general of the God of War on the battlefield. He used his soldiers like a god and made great achievements in battle. In one night, all his glory was swallowed by the flames of the sky. He met her in a gloomy place like Yizhuang. After getting married, he was ruthlessly abandoned before he enjoyed the joy of being a father, and fled with his life and death with Dudu, who was just full moon, on a rainy night.

When he returned to Beijing, he was already a rebellious son in the hearts of courtiers, common people and Emperor Liang.

Thinking of this, Baili Changge felt a cloud in her chest, choking her speechless.

Compared with the sufferings he had suffered, the depression and resentment she had just now were nothing at all.

"So, did Dao Ling tell you that no matter what life I was in, I was completely moved by you?"

After a long time, Baili Changge let go of his arms and looked at his still bleeding shoulder.

"No." Ye Hen frowned, "He only told me that no matter in which life, you will never leave, even if you forget it for a while, when you think about it, you will hold my hand tightly, because, you Once said to me, if one day you forget everything and forget me, I will definitely take you home when we meet again."

"Did I really... say these words?" Baili Changge couldn't believe it.

"I said it." Ye Hen nodded, "I said it twice."

The first time was the first life she had forgotten, and the second time was the day when she met Pei Jin in Chuzhou.

"But why should I leave you and forget you?"

Baili Changge pursed her lips. She had been with Ye Hen for such a long time, and she had truly felt his pampering and tolerance. He would definitely not be someone who would give up on her easily.

(End of this chapter)

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