Sweet Wife Rebirth: Sweet Love Wedding

Chapter 181 Sure enough, she is Tao Chenyu's daughter, just like him... Infatuated

Chapter 181 Sure enough, she is Tao Chenyu's daughter, just like him...infatuated

Seeing Ji Yuan left, Tao Yiyun didn't chase after him right away, she took out her phone and stood up.

Han Guli trembled inexplicably.

"You really shouldn't have called me." Tao Yiyun said while taking a photo of Han Guli and the woman in his arms with his mobile phone.

Han Guli realized that there was a woman on his body that he didn't know when to hug, and immediately pushed away the boneless woman, frowned and asked Tao Yiyun: "What are you doing?"

"Miss Xu probably won't care." Tao Yiyun poked open WeChat and said viciously.

Although Xu Yuxuan and Tao Yiyun are just acquaintances, for some reason, they still have contact information.

Han Guli was taken aback, and quickly said, "Tao Yiyun, I was wrong!"

"Why are you so nervous?" Tao Yiyun said sarcastically, "Didn't you dislike your fiancée?"

Han Guli shut his mouth, didn't say a word, hesitated for a while, and hurriedly left the box.

Ignoring Han Guli's arrogance towards Xu Yuxuan, Tao Yiyun looked at Zhao Chenhan and said coldly: "Mr. Zhao, your quality is not very good, I will dismiss those bodyguards now."

Zhao Chenhan's smiling face froze, and he pushed the woman on him away, with a gloomy face, he looked sideways at the bodyguard behind him.

The heart of those bodyguards jumped, feeling that something bad happened, it was a bad premonition.

When it was not necessary, Tao Yiyun didn't want to confront Zhao Chenhan head-on, so she said goodbye in a cold voice: "I'm sorry, I'll go after my man first."

Zhao Chenhan had black lines on his face: "..."

It's a bad year, and I ate a lot of dog food tonight.

Seeing Tao Yiyun rushing to chase Ji Yuan with her cold temperament, Zhao Chenhan smiled again, his eyes were full of nostalgia, as if he was looking at others through Tao Yiyun.

"It really is Tao Chenyu's daughter, just like him... infatuated."

Tao Yiyun chased Ji Yuan effortlessly.

He was blowing the wind by the lake not far from 'Fantasy Flowers, Snow and Moon' alone, his back was somewhat bleak.

The shoulder that Tao Yiyun can rely on looks so thin right now.

Seeing his appearance, Tao Yiyun immediately felt distressed, and stepped forward to hold him: "Ameng, come home with me."

Seeing Tao Yiyun chasing after him, Ji Yuan's eyes flashed joy, but it was quickly hidden in the deep black eyes.

"I won't go back!" Ji Yuan said arrogantly.


"Tao Yiyun, I'm not a child, don't talk to me in such a tone!" Ji Yuan said coldly, "You came out so late, what are you doing with those wild men inside?"

"They're not wild men."

A certain man was furious, "How dare you say that! Is this to justify one of them?!"

Tao Yiyun hurriedly comforted her angry husband, and said softly, "Good boy, there are no other wild men, only you."

Ji Yuan was stunned for a moment, and his restless heart was comforted by her words, he was very unwilling to admit it, so he turned his face away to look at the lake.

A cool breeze blew from the lake, blowing on the man's face, messing up his hairstyle a bit, but it didn't hinder his handsomeness at all.

Tao Yiyun was admiring this picture of a beautiful boy that was exclusive to her, and guessed in his heart that he had almost calmed down, and now he probably wanted to relax by the lake, after all, he worked very hard.

Closing her eyes, Tao Yiyun followed Ji Yuan to enjoy the refreshing lake breeze for a while.

She didn't move at all, Ji Yuan couldn't help but look at her out of the corner of his eye, and then found that her eyes were closed.

The flames in Ji Yuan's heart that had finally settled down flickered again, growing taller.

"I'm going home!" Ji Yuan said coldly, and left without waiting for Tao Yiyun.

She opened her eyes suddenly, and it was already too late, she could only watch Ji Yuan look arrogant, and drove home by herself.

Tao Yiyun looked at Ji Yuanyuan's leaving car with indulgence in his eyes.

It's good to know that it's good to go home, and it doesn't matter if she chases him a few more times.

After all, he once chased her with all his heart for a whole year.

He has to slowly gain confidence, like now.

But as for Ji Yuan waiting for her for five years... I'm sorry, she couldn't wait.What Dad taught is to know how to take the initiative to attack, and we can talk about everything when it is done, and everything is easy to talk about when it is done.

Anyway, with all the certificates, he can still escape.

Tao Yiyun is full of confidence in Ji Yuan's matter, but she suddenly remembered something - she doesn't have a marriage certificate!

Both books are in Ji Yuan's hands.

Tao Yiyun thought a little worriedly, when would he get jealous, he wouldn't tear it up, would he? ……Bar?

It was difficult to get a taxi in the middle of the night, so Tao Yiyun had no choice but to look for a taxi while walking.


It was a shallow and long cry of a cat with suppressed pain.

Tao Yiyun raised his spirits to listen.


Hearing this voice again, Tao Yiyun subconsciously looked around.

It was dark all around, different from the brightly lit outside and the feasting and feasting of the nearby 'Fantasy Moon', this place was exceptionally quiet, with only occasional cries of babies.

The child's cries were mixed with the wind, which sounded a little weird.Occasionally, there are some things piled up in this alley, but they are covered with a thick black cloth, so you can't tell what it is, just where a big lump is.

The endless darkness is mixed with darkness, and the end of the darkness does not know what it is.

It's this alley again!

After rebirth, this is the third time she came here, right?The first time was to escape and kill, the second time was on the way home, and this time.

Every time there is this sound, continuous ringing.

Which of the children had meowing syndrome?
Tao Yiyun frowned and listened carefully.

Now it is quiet, there is no sound at all, and the word quiet is the best way to describe it.

In a dark place in the distance, there seemed to be a few people whispering.

It was indeed a human figure, Tao Yiyun had very good eyesight, so he saw it.She wanted to hear what they said clearly, so she moved closer to some of those people, and moved her eyes so as not to be noticed.

"Okay, I've delivered the things." A leader ordered a few people to move some boxes over.

A man in white clothes on the opposite side said: "I will take it in and give it to the old man."

The leader nodded, and a rough voice sounded: "Then I'll leave first."

"Thank you."

"Hmph, it should."

Tao Yiyun leaned against the wall, because of her good hearing, she heard all these conversations, but she didn't find anything.

what's in the box
Tao Yiyun stared at those who left, as if she wanted to get an answer, but of course no one told her.

But she saw a mark on those people's arms, it should be a tattoo.Coincidentally, it has the same tattoo as the man who chased her down that day.

This big wave of discovery made Tao Yiyun's thoughts a little confused, she retracted her eyes and dared not look any more, and pressed her body against the wall.

It was dark behind and dark in front.

(End of this chapter)

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