Chapter 76
After inserting the door, since he quickly walked to the side, he closed and locked the glass windows, and drew the curtains so that people outside could not see what was going on inside!
After everything was done, the four of them breathed a sigh of relief!

At this time, the corridor outside was already full of chaos.

The unique dialect of H province is very different from Mandarin, and none of the four people can understand it.But it was obvious that those people were cursing, as if they were looking for someone, and they were smashing things at the same time!

Mi Jiachen's face was extremely ugly, and she tightly covered her mouth, choked with sobs, but did not dare to cry out loud.

"Brother Qingzhi, why are these people so lawless? How dare they break into the hospital in broad daylight?"

There was a cry in Mi Jiachen's voice.

Yu Qingzhi's face was also quite ugly, "I was negligent. I thought that I had already explained and arranged it. Even if I beat that yellow hair to death, nothing would leak out and nothing would happen. But I didn't expect , It really leaked the wind."

"Even if they leaked the news, they shouldn't be so bold, right?" Mi Jiachen was very puzzled.

Yu Qingzhi sighed, "Jiachen, you don't know. Province H has always had the largest number of ethnic minorities. The locals here are very tough. They only treat their own people, and they are very, very united. If someone in the village fights with people from other villages, then As long as you call out in the village, the people of the whole village will go up to help. In the end, it will even turn into a fight between two villages! And because they are ethnic minorities, the policy is already loose, and the law does not punish the public. So they intensified their efforts! In the past, villagers besieged the police station and the government with weapons many times! With the popularization of the law-awareness campaign in the past two years, there have been relatively few armed fights against the government. But it is not impossible... This time it was my negligence, I never expected that the news would be leaked so quickly!"

Mi Jiachen bit her lip, "No, it's all my fault. Brother Qing Zhi is all my fault, if I can hold back... hold back and don't let you teach those people for me, then I'll be fine, I won't What happened today! It's all my fault!"

"Jiachen! What are you talking about? That hooligan has treated you like that. If you can hold back, it's...impossible! How can you blame this! Jiachen, don't Take other people's mistakes to yourself!" Yu Qingzhi hugged Mi Jiachen and comforted him, "Don't worry, Director Fu will be here soon! We will be fine!"


At this moment, a violent impact sounded.

Someone is banging on the door!
Realizing this, the faces of the four people in the room changed drastically.Among them, Mi Jiachen, who had some kind of experience, had a particularly ugly face!She never wants to go through a mess again!


Another bang!
The iron door made a violent crash, which was deafening.Still, the lock and deadbolt worked faithfully.

The hearts of the four people are in their throats, Tiemen, Tiemen, you must work harder!
Immediately afterwards, the people outside seemed to know that the iron door could not be opened, so they stopped hitting it.This made the four of them couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief!

But in the next second, their psychological defense collapsed!


This blow hit the window!And the glass on the window shattered with a crash!

So what if the windows are locked?So what if the curtains are drawn?

The glass of the window is broken!
The hammer that smashed the glass of the window even hit the inside of the window, pushing open the curtain!
"Ah—" Mi Jiachen screamed out in fright!

Suddenly, there was a pause outside, and then, "bang" "bang"!
"Crash" "Crash"!
There were several loud bangs again, the big windows were completely smashed to pieces, and the curtains were ripped off!
More than a dozen people with watermelon knives and hammers in their hands came through the window!


The person standing at the front chattered a lot.

The four of them were all in a daze, they couldn't understand anything, they had no choice but to speak the dialect of H province, without any hint of Mandarin at all!
The man seemed to realize that the person on the other side couldn't understand him. He paused, as if he was thinking about how to speak Mandarin.

"Do you think you can't be found if you hide here? You will pay for your life if you kill someone. Today we are here to kill you!"

The man's Mandarin was quite blunt, but the fierceness in his eyes was not compromised.

Mi Jiachen's legs were so frightened that her legs became weak immediately, and she could only stand by relying on Yu Qingzhi, otherwise, she would even fall limp to the ground.

Yu Qingzhi's mentality is worthy of being strong, and he can still maintain a little bit of sobriety and reason, "Speak up, we have money, and we can give you as much money as you want. Don't be impulsive, kill us, you will get everything No, but I will go to jail! Think about it, is it worth it? We can pay you 100 million! Do you know how much 100 million is? 100 million, as long as you can guarantee our safety, our parents will immediately I can give you 100 million!"

It has to be said that Yu Qingzhi's reaction was extremely fast, and the countermeasures were quite correct!

He chose to lure him with profit, money offensive, of course, is the most effective!
And the figure of 100 million, even after ten years of inflation, is quite shocking, not to mention that it was ten years ago in 03.

Sure enough, after Yu Qingzhi finished speaking, those people couldn't help but fell silent and looked at each other...

Immediately afterwards, those people chattered and communicated in dialect.

For Yu Qingzhi and the others, the dialect of H province was absolutely a fantasy, and they couldn't understand anything.They can only wait for those people to finish communicating!

Those people seemed to be discussing, and a few minutes later, the man who could speak Mandarin just now spoke.

"You killed Aaron in our village. According to our rules, you must pay for your life! Even if you lose money, you must be disabled first! However, if you can really give so much money, you can also discuss!"

Hearing this, Yu Qing and Mi Jiachen all heaved a sigh of relief!

As long as they want money, that's easy!
Hmph, their money is not so easy to get, money is nothing to them, but today's embarrassing experience will definitely make them extremely angry!
Yu Qingzhi immediately said, "I've said it before, I'll give you 100 million! Even if this matter is settled, do you think it's okay?"

After the man chattered to the people behind him, he turned his head and looked at Yu Qingzhi, "One million, bring it!"

(End of this chapter)

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