I'm really Madara Uchiha

Chapter 137 Solving Your Worries

Chapter 137 Solving Your Worries
Overwatch Hokage's charging model is also very conscientious. It doesn't need to draw cards hard, and it doesn't need to buy heroes alone. Instead, it adopts a one-time purchase strategy that is always free.

Only this payment model can guarantee the balance of the game. The most important thing in competitive games is balance. If you can easily achieve one-on-two with krypton gold, then this game will not be interesting.Drawing cards and buying heroes directly also destroys the balance of the game to a certain extent, because some players may not be able to use a certain hero due to luck or a dry wallet.

So Madara finally adopted the principle of a one-time fee.Anyway, the server can be regarded as an endless source of energy, and maintenance and operation are basically zero cost.In addition, Madara also wants to test the acceptance of people's payment model at this stage.The card draw is similar to Madara's imagination, very popular.But one-time payments are still uncharted territory.

Although the main body of the game is free, some in-app purchases can also be added appropriately. For example, skins and other things need to be purchased. I believe there must be many people who cannot resist this temptation and pay for it.

At the same time, Madara is also preparing to make some minor adjustments to some of the heroes in it. The first ones to bear the brunt are Nobushige Shinbu and Kanto Sakuraman. These two people are already existing characters in reality, but now the entire game is basically ninjas in the animation. Well, the two of them still seem a little out of place in this game.This is as embarrassing as a three-dimensional star suddenly appearing in a two-dimensional mobile game, with all kinds of sense of disharmony rushing to the face, so Madara finally decided to replace the two with others.As for who to use, it is also very simple, just find someone directly from the animation.

After finishing all these, the game is ready to be released at any time, but the specific release time still has to be delayed, because there are too many ninjas in the game that have not yet appeared in the animation, so the release time is also arranged in the middle After the Ninja exam chapter.At that time, most of the characters that are now in the game have already appeared, so there is no need to worry about leaking them.

After dealing with the game, Madara also walked silently to the basement where the Tailed Beast core was placed, because he also forgot one thing. After returning to Konoha, a certain tool man was directly left behind by Madara, and he only remembered now.

As for who this tool person is, it is naturally Heijue, the number one filial son in the ninja world who is covered in darkness. inside.

But I didn’t want to let this go for a long time. I didn’t pay attention to this Heijue for more than a month. The illusion traps arranged at that time were one after another. When Heijue was about to wake up, he would automatically trigger the next illusion trap to make Heijue down. In other words, for more than a month, Heijue has been down in this dark basement.

Opening the door of Heijue's room, Madara also saw Heijue lying on the ground. After more than a month, Heijue's movements were still the same as when he was put in. Heijue didn't eat or drink for such a long time. Jue is still alive, but looks, um, a little wilted.Madara also couldn't find an adjective to describe this state, so he could only use the words that describe the vegetative state on Heijue's body.

Speaking of it, it seems that Hei Jue hasn't been given food or water since he was captured. It's just why the state was so good before, but now it's like grass that is about to die.Firstly, the possibility of air feeding is ruled out, and secondly, the possibility of photosynthesis is ruled out. Madara has confirmed that Heijue has no chloroplasts on his body.As for why it is so spotted, I can't figure it out.

But it doesn't matter, today it suddenly occurred to me that Hei Jue had something to do when he came over to take a look.

Madara also directly woke up Heijue, and sat in front of him.

"Heijue, let me introduce myself again. I am Uchiha Madara. As for why I say it again, the main reason is to let you get to know me again, and let me get to know you again."

Seeing Hei Jueban, who was freed from the illusion and still dazed, said, his own Sharingan was also revealed in his eyes, staring straight at Hei Jue's eyes.

"here is"

Hei Jue was also a little dazed at this time, he seemed to have collapsed suddenly in his memory, as if it had been a long time, and now his brain is also very painful, as if a lot of things were forcibly stuffed into his head.But looking at Madara in front of him, Hei Jue knew his current situation.It's just that he doesn't understand what it means to get to know each other again. "Could it be that my true identity has been exposed? It shouldn't be."

"Heijue, I already know your true identity. You are the third son of Kaguya, the ancestor of Chakra in ancient times. Yuyi, the Sage of the Six Paths, and his brother Yumura are your elder brothers, and you are lurking beside me now. I also know the purpose, it's nothing more than to release Kaguya who was sealed by your two brothers. I have to say that the acting skills are really good. It's just that your opponent is me. Do you have anything to say now."

Without waiting for Heijue to explain, Madara said directly, in fact, it is very simple to deal with Heijue, the reason why I told him so much is that Heijue is so pitiful, after so many years of hard work, I didn't expect God's will to overturn on himself.Those who hear it are sad, those who hear it cry, and Madara also chooses to let the other party die more clearly.

"???" Three big question marks appeared on Hei Jue's head.

As the saying goes, what you are afraid of, what Heijue fears the most has appeared. Although I don't know how Madara learned about it, I can be sure that Madara is definitely going to kill himself now.

"Although you are my psychic beast now, I don't need a psychic beast who is disobedient and likes to plot against its master, so I can only be wronged and meet Mr. Death, and remember to say hello to me by the way." While speaking, he activated the illusion on Heijue.

Now Madara is very envious of Shisui's other gods. If there are other gods, the problem of Heijue will be very easy to deal with. Directly changing the other party's thinking and turning him into his most loyal servant is also to make the best use of everything.

Now, the final result of Madara's method is basically similar to that of other gods, but the principle and process are completely different.Bie Tianshen directly releases illusions on the opponent to make the opponent obey him, but Madara's current illusion on Heijue is a destructive illusion. Simply put, it destroys Heijue's consciousness and turns him into an idiot.

As for how to make Hei Jue obey his orders, there is a good saying, which is called breaking and then standing. Hei Jue's original consciousness is broken up by himself, and it is enough to cultivate it later.As for the training method, it is also very simple, and Madara also drew inspiration from Orochimaru.

Orochimaru has a tactic called Undead Reincarnation, which is to transfer one's spirit into the opponent's body. This is what Madara wants to use, leaving only Hei Ze's body and erasing his thoughts.After all, Hei Jue's whole body is full of treasures, and it would be a waste to simply die.As for who will inherit Heijue's body, let's talk about it later.Now the main thing is to erase this trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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