Chapter 71
Chapter 14: Royal Conquest

In November, the news of Prince Cheng's death finally came, and the whole world was shocked.

Da Qi's secret works kept spreading rumors among Chen Jing that Prince Cheng had the appearance of an emperor, and he said convincingly that when Chen Qian went out to fight, there was a different edict in the sky, and the fire and the sun were in the sky, which was a sign of the appearance of the Ming Lord in Nan Chen.The connection victory this time is exactly in response to this prophecy.Rumors abounded in the Southern Chen Dynasty, and people's hearts fluttered.

The lord of the DPRK and the Yi faction continued to play together, and finally encouraged Emperor Chen to issue an edict again, ordering Prince Cheng to take credit for his pride, appoint private individuals and many other crimes, and order him to return to Beijing to take charge of his duties and hand over all the military forces in front of the battle to those sent by Emperor Chen The cronies took over.

It is said that after listening to the edict, before the imperial envoy had time to urge Chen Qian to set off on the road, Chen Qian became so angry that he vomited blood and fell into a coma on the spot.

Losing the backbone, Chen Junying was in chaos immediately.

After Ni Yuan received the secret report, he took the opportunity to send troops south, defeated the Chen army in Jincheng, and wiped out more than [-] enemies. ll.

After Prince Cheng barely woke up, what he heard was such heartbreaking news. How could he recover in a short while, protected by his cronies, and retreated back to Jianye City after successive defeats. Malaudun, unbearable torment, the poor generation of Tianjiao famous general died of illness within three days after returning to Jianye.When he let go and returned home, he left all the mess on the ground.

Ni Yuan led the army to capture more than ten cities in a row, and within a short period of less than a month, they took back all the places that had been lost, and then they came to the city of Jianye, attacking day and night, day and night.


"Ni Yuan really won to the end." Qi Long put down the victory report in his hand, and said calmly, the expression on his face didn't know whether it was happiness or worry for a moment.

It has been almost a month since Ni Yuan's first good news was delivered. During this month, Qi Taki's ecstatic mood has gradually calmed down as the successive good news came out frequently.Now what dominates his mood is no longer joy, but anxiety, especially when he thinks that a few days ago he made a decree to summon Ni Tingxuan, who had recovered from his injuries, to the palace to appoint an official, but he was rejected.

Because not long ago, Ni Tingxuan's mother died of illness.Ni Tingxuan's biological mother came from a humble background, she was just a concubine not included in the genealogy, so the death was not publicized, and this time Qi Long sent someone to announce that she couldn't join, so Su Mi knew the news.

It is said that it was shortly after the guards' contest, before Ni Yuan set out for the battle.

Da Qi ruled the world with filial piety. Although the deceased was an unknown concubine, it was Ni Tingxuan's biological mother. With such a reason, even Qi Long could not call Ni Tingxuan into the court, even the one who gave the marriage The will also had to be delayed.

That person must be very sad.Su Mi still vaguely remembers that at the bottom of the cliff, Ni Tingxuan once told her about his mother in such a warm and comforting voice, she could hear how much he respected and loved his mother, but now...

He and Mu Qinghan were originally close friends, but now they have become like this.Whether it is family or friendship, he has failed so much, how sad he must be now, Su Mi suddenly felt that he was a little too vicious.

Shaking his head, he threw such childish thoughts out of his mind, who told him that his surname is not good, but his surname is Ni, he deserves it.Su Mi tried her best to comfort herself.

After returning to the palace, Mi Qing stepped forward to help her remove the hairpin. ,
"Is there anything going on in the palace today?" Su Mi asked casually.

Mi Qing hesitated for a moment and said: "The maid next to Empress Liu Concubine came here and said that she would like to invite Empress to come and talk."

"Huh? Did you say what it was?" Su Mi asked.

"I heard it is..." Mi Qing hesitated for a moment and said: "I heard that Empress Concubine Liu wants to move out of Xifu Palace, she wants to discuss it with your empress, and ask her to speak kindly in front of the emperor."

"What?!" Su Mi's hands stopped, "She is going to move out of Xifu Palace? Where will she move?"

"I heard that we are going to move to Juhe Shuyu Palace." Mi Qing lowered her voice again, and said, "Miss Liu also said that it is because she is too uneasy in Xifu Palace, so she should go to Shuyu Palace." The Jade Palace is good, it is also close to the emperor..."

"Confused!" Su Mi slammed the jade comb in his hand, and a few jasper teeth broke, making a crisp sound.She was very clear about what Qi Yan was planning. On the one hand, it was inevitable that she would be a guilty conscience if she wanted to break the contract.

But isn't this an obvious challenge to Concubine Ni Gui?Even if she doesn't want to hand over the child, the child is still too young, so she can still delay it for a year or so with such an excuse. Concubine Ni Gui is not in such a hurry. changed.

At this time, she was so impatient to move out of Xifu Palace, what would Ni Yelin think?With her shrewdness, how could she not be suspicious? !
Su Mi stood up and said, "No, I have to go there now, and let her quickly dismiss such an idea."

"This..." Miqing said hesitantly: "I heard from the palace servants that it seems that Concubine Liu has already handed over the booklet. It is said that Shuyu Palace was originally her old place where she lived, and it is warm in winter and cool in summer, so it is most suitable for young children. For the residence of the prince, I beg the emperor to be merciful and sympathetic. I also ask the empress to speak a few words of kindness for her in front of the emperor..."

Su Mi slumped down on the chair.Silently looking at the slender silhouette in the bronze mirror in front of him.Then she threw the comb in her hand far away, the sound of jasper smashing was clear and sharp, she lowered her head and lay on the dressing table in infinite fatigue, her long black hair spread down like an inextricable knot .

This court, whether it is the former dynasty or the harem, has exhausted her...

Regarding Liu Qiyan's request to move out of Xifu Palace, Qi Long agreed without even thinking about it with a wave of his ink brush. Now that the war is tense, he has no time to pay attention to such a trivial matter of a concubine moving.

When Su Mi asked about this matter, the approval paper had already been handed over to Xifu Palace.

Regarding this, Su Mi even lost the chance to say a word.

Since November, Ni Yuan has urged the soldiers to intensify the offensive, day and night, in full swing.

In the first ten days of December, Jianye, which had lost its coach, was already in danger. Jianye is the gateway city of Nanchen, an important border town, and it is only three or five days away from the capital of Nanchen. Moreover, they are all plain villages, so there is no danger to defend , once Jianye is breached, the army can go south at any time, with a flat surface,
For the death of Prince Cheng, Emperor Chen regretted it all, and repeatedly issued an order in the court to blame himself and repent, and severely punished several ministers who took the lead in demanding severe punishment for Prince Cheng, but it was a pity that he died and could not be resurrected.

Hearing the news of Jianye's crisis, Emperor Chen urgently sent reinforcements to the front line to support, but was caught by Ni Yuan's ambush soldiers and wiped out all of them outside Jianye City.It is said that Emperor Chen fainted on the spot when he heard the news.After overnight treatment by the imperial doctor, he managed to regain consciousness, but it was already difficult for him to manage affairs, so the prince had to be regent for the time being.

Once Jianye was captured, Nanchen's capital would be completely exposed and completely exposed to the forces of the Qi army.Qi State has attacked Nanchen several times, but has never been as close to success as this.

Qi Taki has hardly closed his eyes for the past few days, and has been in a state of extreme excitement for several nights in a row. Su Mi, who is beside him, can clearly feel the excitement and nervousness.

But today, after receiving a brochure, Qi Taki behaved uncharacteristically and became a little at a loss. He held the brochure in his hand, his face alternated between joy and worry, and he seemed unable to make a decision after pondering for a long time.

Su Mi glanced at the memorial, it was presented by Ni Yuan, the commander of the three armies, basically reporting the battle situation, and almost every recent report was news that made Qi Long overjoyed, this time there was What's the difference?Let him lose his temper like this.

"Is there any embarrassment for the emperor?" Su Mi asked cautiously from the side: "But is there any bad news from the front line?"

Qi Taki shook his head, patted the folder in his hand, and said: "Ni Yuan just sent back a good news. He just wiped out [-] enemies under Jianye City, took [-] prisoners, and smashed Nanchen's reinforcements who intended to reinforce Jianye. Take off your armor and flee in embarrassment."

"Congratulations, Your Majesty," Su Mi said with a smile, "Then why should Your Majesty worry?"

Qi Long hesitated for a moment, then handed the memorial in his hand to Su Mi: "You can see for yourself." After speaking, he stood up, stepped to the window, and looked at the scenery outside.

Su Mi took the memorial hesitantly and read it carefully.
"...The minister was ordered to lead the army with mediocre talents, entrusted with heavy responsibilities, and did not dare to slack off. The morale of the army is high now, and the soldiers are devoted to their lives, and they are united in one mind. However, Nan Chen is exhausted and vulnerable. His spirit has been taken away,... ..."

The front is a paragraph of polite words discussing the current situation on the battlefield, and there is no shortage of praises in it. Su Mi hastily glanced over it, then looked back, and was shocked after just one glance.

Driving in person? !
(End of this chapter)

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