The evil spirit of online games

Chapter 1283 Relying on Wisdom to Overcome

Chapter 1283 Relying on Wisdom to Overcome (2)
Thinking of this, Lu Xun carefully manipulated the sun-sky wheel to transform it into a flat mirror.

But at this moment, the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox King rushed over again, and the flames all over the sky went straight up to the sky, sweeping directly towards the God of Thunder and Lightning.Even though the God of Thunder and Lightning was so powerful, seeing such an astonishing flame, he didn't dare to fight directly, and retreated to the side to avoid it.However, Lu Xun also discovered at this time that the anger of the God of Thunder seemed to have increased a bit.

Lu Xun knew that the God of Thunder and Lightning was about to strike in anger again.

Here's your chance!Lu Xun was very excited. In the hands of the Thunder God, a thicker and stronger lightning bolt was formed, and it was about to attack the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox King from the sky.Without hesitation, Lu Xun floated over.At the moment when the god of thunder and lightning struck, Lu Xun supported the sun and sky wheel, and directly slammed into the lightning.

The thunder and lightning struck the Sun-Tian Wheel, almost transforming the Sun-Tian Wheel into a plane of golden light, but Lu Xun's divine power was not weak, and even though his mouth and nose were overflowing with blood, he was still dizzy. But after all, it resisted the thunder and lightning.More importantly, not only resisted, but also rebounded!

The lightning rebounded in a straight line and swept towards the God of Thunder.

The God of Thunder and Lightning was shocked, but the speed of the lightning was so fast that even he couldn't dodge it successfully, and was directly hit by his own lightning.Lu Xun laughed loudly, "How does it feel to be struck by my own lightning?" After that, he himself moved quickly, and the moon and sky wheel cut out at an extremely fast speed.At this time, the God of Thunder and Lightning was hit by his own lightning, and his whole body was scorched black. However, he himself is the divine power of the Thunder and Lightning Department, and his resistance to lightning is also strong. This lightning did not hurt him, but made him He was extremely embarrassed.But at this moment, the moon and sky wheel bombarded him, and he couldn't react in time, so he dodged hastily.

However, the moon and sky wheel chased after him, and in the blink of an eye, several deep blood grooves were cut on the body of the god of thunder and lightning.

The God of Thunder and Lightning was in terrific pain, and more importantly, he was insulted. How could the God of Thunder and Lightning, who was already out of temper, suffer such a thing? He couldn't see where Lu Xun was, and another bolt of lightning struck out.However, Lu Xun had already quietly arrived at his side, brewing his strongest skills.

The God of Thunder and Lightning only heard a gloomy voice in his ear, and the voice said a few words - "Dark Explosion Void!"

Before he could react, he felt that his body was sucked by something, he couldn't move, and everything in front of him became dark.The God of Thunder and Lightning was extremely terrified, and a few more bolts of lightning struck out, trying to smash this thing.But how could Lu Xun give him such an opportunity, and shouted directly in his mouth - "Boom!"

There was a loud "boom", like thunder, no, it was hundreds of times stronger than the sound of thunder.Countless thunderbolts burst out of the dark group, like fireworks blooming. These thunderbolts fell on the monsters and divine soldiers, killing them instantly.However, after the dark group and the thunder and lightning exploded together, the God of Thunder and Lightning could no longer be found, and he had completely disappeared in the night sky.

(End of this chapter)

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