The evil spirit of online games

Chapter 271: The Beginning of Evil

Chapter 271: The Beginning of Evil (3)
Under the pain, Lu Xun rushed forward again, but at this moment, his body could not move forward, and there was a bone cracking pain in his right shoulder blade.Looking again, at some point, the monster grabbed his shoulder.

Lu Xun panicked, looking at the treasure of reef fish in front of him, did he just fail like this?no!Never have something to let yourself fail!This is the most powerful belief in Lu Xun's heart. He felt ruthless, resisted the pain, exerted force on his legs, and twisted his whole body irregularly.There was the sound of cracking bones, and Lu Xun knew that his shoulder blades had been broken by such a brutal movement.The heart-piercing pain almost made him faint.

Seeing that the other paw of the Ice Bear King was about to be grabbed, Lu Xun had no room for thinking at all.

"Ah—" His legs kicked the ground again, bursting out with his strongest strength, and the entire shoulder blade was torn off with the flesh.Lu Xun's body finally took advantage of this momentum and rushed to the altar.

Before the Ice Bear King could react, Lu Xun swiped his left hand and held the reef fish treasure tightly in his hand...

"Success!" Lu Xun was overjoyed, but at this moment, the roar of the ice bear king came, but was quickly covered by the loud noise.The entire hall began to shake violently.

Cracks began to appear on the altar under Lu Xun.

I rely on!How is this going?

Although the earthquake caught Lu Xun off guard, it was precisely because of this that the ice bear king who was about to rush over did not rush over because of his unsteady body.

The earthquake became more and more severe, and the stones on the hall began to fall like hail.Lu Xun dodged instinctively, and heard Yu Zhanhun's eager voice, "This place is going to collapse!"

Lu Xun followed Ting Yu's voice to find Ting Yu's war soul in the cracks of the falling stones.Looking at the reef fish treasure in his hand, and seeing that Tingyu's war spirit is not too far away from him, and it seems that the vibration there is not strong, Lu Xun suddenly had an idea, "Tingyu, catch this thing!"

Lu Xun suddenly threw the reef fish treasure out, but at this time the Ice Bear King, who was standing unsteadily, saw the reef fish treasure, but flew away desperately.

Depend on!If you let this guy grab it, you will fall short!

"Tingyu, catch it!" Lu Xun called out to Tingyu's battle soul, and threw himself at the ice bear king desperately, hugging the big guy's legs tightly.The figures of one person and one monster were all stagnant because of this, and the falling stone hit Lu Xun's back in an instant, further crippling his already badly injured back.

However, Lu Xun didn't care about these things at this time, he was only satisfied when he saw that Tingyu Zhanhun had caught the reef fish treasure.

"Ting Yu, hurry up, I won't die here!" Lu Xun shouted loudly, but Ting Yu Zhanhun is also a loyal person, after putting away the reef fish treasure at this time, he desperately wants to enter Pull Lu Xun out here.

(End of this chapter)

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