The evil spirit of online games

Chapter 675 Thorn Scale

Chapter 675 Thorn Scale (1)
Lu Xun rushed directly into the poisonous mist, only to feel his whole body froze for a moment, white lights flashed, and the vicious holy purification directly shrouded them. toxicity.

The smoke was still very thick, and the sky was already dark, and you couldn't see your fingers. Several people stood opposite each other, and they couldn't see their teammates.

Lu Xun can't control much anymore, the only person who doesn't have the resurrection pill on him now is himself, the others have at least one chance, and he can only try his best to save his own life.

Following the huge booming sound, Lu Xun avoided the broken rocks that might fly at any time, and ran straight up the mountain.The closer to the place where the two monsters fought, the thicker the fog. Lu Xun only felt that the crisis was approaching, and the impact made him a little unbearable.

In the darkness, Lu Xun had no way of knowing how the battle between the two monsters was going.At this moment, lightning as thick as Bai Lian suddenly fell from the sky, and then countless lightning bolts fell down, densely packed like threads.Lu Xun hurriedly dodged a bolt of lightning, which struck the rock under his feet and instantly shattered the rock into powder, obviously extremely powerful.Then, Lu Xun heard a scream - it was a vicious voice!
Lu Xun ran over following the voice, "Poor, are you alright?"

In the dark, Qiongrui answered Lu Xun, "It's okay!" Po Jun, Juicy Buyao, and Locke all heard the voice coming, but they didn't dare to approach each other. After all, the group was too big. Even the space to dodge is very small.

Lu Xun felt relieved when he saw that Qiongrui was fine.Concentrating on dodging the lightning, Lu Xun couldn't escape the screams again and again, but fortunately, the lightning can only cause more than 300 damage. As long as he is not hit continuously in an instant, he can use red medicine to make up for it.However, the feeling of being shocked by the electric shock is still uncomfortable, and the four people in Xuanyuan were more or less severely shocked, and even wanted to temporarily stop moving forward until the thunder and lightning passed.Locke, on the other hand, can control the wind, is extremely fast, and can dodge lightning quickly. Hearing his voice, Lu Xun seems to be ahead.

At this time, Lu Xun regretted not letting Lin Yan follow. After all, if she was there, he could tell where his teammates were just by the sound, and he could also know what obstacles were ahead like a bat and guide him forward.But it's useless to say anything now, her safety is the most important thing.

Lu Xun yelled to the front, "Loke, don't rush in!" and then moved forward slowly.

The thunder and lightning lasted for a few minutes, and when Lu Xun and the others were extremely impatient, their eyes suddenly became clear, the poisonous smoke and thick fog were broken, and then there were monstrous waves falling out of thin air.

Lu Xun couldn't dodge it in time, and was pushed a few meters away by the wave—this wave was obviously brought by the phantom snake, but fortunately, its target was the red-eyed and blue-eyed beast, so Lu Xun was not greatly affected, but he didn't know the situation of his teammates how.

(End of this chapter)

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