Chapter 85
 Going back to sit on her own, Wei Nuan hurriedly handed Bing Linger a cup of hot tea to moisten her throat.

 Hearing Bing Ling'er's words, Wang Cheng really calmed down. He really can't kill her now, because it is now rumored that the idiot in the prime minister's mansion gave birth to a child out of wedlock and returned to the prime minister's mansion, and she broke away from the prime minister's mansion. Don't know yet.

 If she died outside the prime minister's mansion, he would definitely say that Wang Cheng did it on purpose, so that the image of being close to the people he worked so hard to maintain would no longer be there.He also gained a bad reputation as a lax discipline and a tiger poisonous eater.

 And today, Ye Feng, Shangguan Yunhao, and Xuanyuan Che also saw her in the prime minister's mansion, so it was even more impossible for him to kill her.

 Wang Cheng calmed down all the anger in his heart, and returned to a look of good business and good quantity.

 "Those things are not worth much, you can tell me a price, and I will give you money for the truth."Wang Cheng spoke as if giving charity.

 "The Prime Minister's Mansion is really rich and powerful!" Bing Ling'er said indifferently.


 "Why is it a gift from the royal family? Even if it is worthless, the price must be more than ten times higher than the outside price." Bing Ling'er seemed to be talking to herself, but everyone heard her voice, and even heard her subtext. I want to blackmail you severely, and you can't refute it yet.

 "Even if the 24 imperial gift items cost 10 taels, they cost 240 million taels." Bing Ling'er opened her big innocent eyes and looked at Wang Cheng, whose lips twitched at the corners of his mouth, feeling better instantly.
 "Because you have raised me for so many years, let me give you a [-]% discount."

 "The 190% discount is 190 million taels, and I'll give you a fraction of [-] taels, um, that's [-] million taels." Bing Ling'er finished speaking and looked at Wang Cheng.

 That appearance seems to say, I am enough, I would not do this to most people, that is, you just gave you a [-]% discount and got rid of the change.

 Wang Cheng tried his best to keep calm, he didn't want to be pissed off by her.

 "Okay" Wang Cheng took a deep breath before saying.

 "Oh, it's 190 million taels of gold," Bing Ling'er added without haste.

 Wang Cheng's breath got stuck in his throat, and Wang Bingyi held back his gushing smile and handed Wang Cheng a cup of tea.

 But the flying eyebrows couldn't hide the joyful smile.Wang Bingyi thought to himself when did the little girl become so black-bellied.

 Wei Nuan is not Wang Bingyi, she directly disrespects Wang Cheng and honors her young lady, so she burst out laughing.

 When it was over, he said, "I'm sorry, Prime Minister, I really couldn't hold back, hahaha." Bing Ling'er gave Wei Nuan a tired look, and said nothing.

 But can Wang Cheng be laughed at by a little maid?Of course not, wouldn't this make me angry?
 "Is this how you discipline the servants around you? You don't understand any rules." Wang Cheng's words made Wei Nuan and Bing Ling'er's faces very ugly.

 slave?Have you ever seen such a beautiful servant as sister?snort!Wei Nuan pretended not to hear Wang Cheng's dog barking.

 "Prime Minister, don't worry about my girl's business, let's get ready to settle the score." Bing Ling'er directly went back to the beginning of the settlement, and really regretted the [-]% discount just to tease him.

 "Is there still a bill? Don't push yourself too hard." Wang Cheng frowned. She came here sincerely to find fault today, right?

 "Just now we counted the first tranche, and there is a second tranche, and a third tranche," Bing Ling'er said while counting on her fingers.

Pay attention, yesterday the system was convulsed and sent a few more chapters in a row, and I came here today
(End of this chapter)

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