Chapter 504
Chapter 450 Six

Could it be the same situation, and started crying after hugging Yuxi, these two days are probably the most desperate moments in the life of these two people.

They once thought that they would not be able to get out, and they had already run out of water and food, so they relied on the two bottles of essence given by Yuxi to survive. Fortunately, they finally waited for rescuers.

"Father, let's not cry, we are here..."

The masters were crying and laughing, and even the three brothers from Guoan next to them couldn't help crying with them. Only at this level can people know how precious life is, and only then can there be hope.

"Uncle, eat something to save some energy, we will send you up immediately, and we will save Haoran in a while."

Bai Wenli sniffed, "Shitou, I am laughing at you, uncle, I dream of seeing you all."

Yu Xi wiped away his tears, and hurriedly stuffed the food that Shi Shi handed over into the hands of Bai Wenli and Mo Fei.

"Dad, Dad, eat first, what's the matter, let's talk while walking..."

Although Bai Wenli and Mo Fei relied on the essence to nourish their bodies these two days, they were still hungry.

So the two of them were not polite, they grabbed their food and ate frantically, and only drank the water Wu Lei handed over when they were almost done eating.

"Oh, good son-in-law, with you here, father should rest assured, there is some trouble at Haoran's end, we can't find the entrance at all.

And I can't seem to figure out what he meant, you guys should quickly think of a way, although there is water at your brother's end, it won't be a problem after a long time. "

Yu Xi and the others couldn't help frowning when they heard this situation, and finally came in. If Bai Haoran doesn't come out again, then their efforts will be in vain.

"Dad, Dad, don't worry, we will definitely be able to rescue my brother."

Wu Lei and the others follow the route back to the entrance of the cave first, and let Bai Wenli and Mo Fei go up first, or else according to the current physical strength of these two people, even if a little monster comes, the two of them may not have the strength to deal with it, so they might as well lighten their hands He quickly went to find Bai Haoran.

Going back to the picture wall where Bai Haoran was seen, the two of them confirmed their location and set off with the three Guoan brothers.

This time, Yu Xi and the others have all put on protective equipment. What's going on here? I just saw one side just now. It's really hard to say about other places.

When they wandered to the place where Bai Haoran was, Wu Lei and Yu Xi started to have headaches again.

Bai Haoran's position can be seen clearly on the screen wall, but they can't find it no matter how hard they look according to the arrows on the blueprint, and it's not just a problem of fighting monsters along the way, but they also encountered a lot of problems. Oddly shaped plants.

"Is it possible that this thing can grow in the ground, and I really haven't seen it like this, and I don't know if the fruit on it is edible?"

Yu Xi wasn't sure whether the thing was poisonous or not, anyway, she didn't dare to test it.

"Forget it, let's not care what it is, after all, it has grown up here for so many years, it would be good not to eat dead people, let's stop thinking about it."

It's not that Yuxi didn't want to, but this thing is not a product of the ground. If she brought it up, she would not be able to bear the crime of destroying the earth. Let human society develop slowly. Greed is often a precursor to destruction.

Wu Lei also said sternly, "Brothers, don't make such an idea, let's not talk about whether it is poisonous or not. If you get an infectious disease from the above, you will regret it to death."

As soon as his words fell, a red fruit fell to the ground, and a small pit was immediately burnt out on the slate floor.

"Damn, I just realized that this is how the potholes on the ground came about. It's a good thing we didn't pick them up, otherwise my hand would really be scrapped..."

The other three people had lingering fears. Fortunately, they were not greedy. Just now, the three of them were wondering whether this thing would live forever. Wu Lei, a lover, still saved their lives.

The further you go inside, the more bones there are on the ground, probably the bones of people who strayed into this place before, Yu Xi can only think so for the time being.

Wu Lei roughly determined the location of Bai Haoran, but after wandering around for a long time, he couldn't find it.

"Could it be that there are still arrays in here?"

Yu Xi sighed, "It's really hard to say, it can make flowers and plants grow underground, and if my brother can't get out, I can only think so, Stone, how can we solve it then?"

Wu Lei also has a headache. They can't stay down there for a long time. This side is obviously different from that side, and the danger here is greater.

You can't risk the lives of these brothers just to save your uncle, everyone's children feel distressed, and he is not so selfish yet.

While wandering around, he thought of a way, "Yu Xi, try the water you brought, maybe it will work."

Yu Xi knew what water Wu Lei was talking about, even though he wasn't sure if it would work, he took it out of his backpack.

She also knew that she had to come up with an idea quickly, otherwise what would happen if there was a change in this damn place.

I poured water one by one on this wall, just to try to see if I could get plants to stretch out from the place where Haoran was still staying.

Not to mention, after she did this, she could really see some doorway, as if some plants protruded from below, which happened to be the wall they were facing, and after being moistened by the water, it seemed that some doors could be seen. look.

Wu Lei looked around and found no switch or anything.

"Wu Lei, is there a switch control in the room in front of the screen we went to first? I always feel that the screen wall is a bit like the main control room we use. Maybe the switch is there."

Wu Lei also felt that this idea might work.

"Then you two take Yuxi over there, and leave someone here with me to wait for the door to open. When you see the door open, hurry up to the ground, and we will evacuate quickly."

Yu Xi handed Wu Lei a bottle of mixed water and essence, "Maybe this will be useful at that time, we'll go there first, you two have to be careful, come out quickly when you see someone, don't forget to give it to me." Brother put on protective clothing."

Although they are worried, the two of them have to separate. Only the two of them know the terrain here. If she doesn't want to do useless work, she must temporarily separate from Wu Lei.

Bai Haoran's dry food here has been exhausted. He wanted to eat the wild fruit in it, but he held back just in case. As for the water, he didn't know what to do, but he drank it. , No problem, I only drink a little essence every day, just to preserve my physical strength and wait for someone to come to rescue me.

Although this hope is a little slim, but thinking about his relatives at home and his lover, he feels that he can't give up any hope. He really dare not touch the things inside. This place makes him feel too strange.

(End of this chapter)

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