Online game rebirth of super hunter

Chapter 65 Changes in Style of Play

Chapter 65 Changes in Style of Play

The first update, the second update at 2 pm.

"Humans, die!"

The "strong man" Gesun started to roar, the boss's HP had dropped to half, and he started to go crazy.

The body slowly turned red, and the damage also began to increase slightly.

The huge body, combined with the sudden appearance of a huge fish OSS, began to show the power of a weapon warrior.


Accidentally, the paladin in front of Shi Xin was charged in front of him by the boss, a blood-red light flashed on the harpoon, and then hit the paladin suddenly, taking away more than 900 HP of the paladin.

Although Shi Xin was a little far away from the boss, he was a little closer to the paladin, and this time the attack was passed on and hit him, deducting 1100 points of health.


This time, Shi Xin was almost scared to death. His life value was less than 1200 points, so he almost died here.

This is also because Shi Xin wore more equipment with agility attributes, and sold all the stamina equipment to NPCs, otherwise he should still be able to support another two or three hundred health points.

The sudden danger made Shi Xin tense up again, and he began to stay away from the humanoid beasts around him. The sweep of this boss has a diffusion effect. The more people there are, the more damage they will suffer later.

"Ha, this boss is quite difficult to fight alone."

Although Shi Xin was nervous, he was not too worried. After all, as long as he paid attention, there would be no major problems.

But this also made him understand one thing. Although he looks really strong, he can do it by himself in a dungeon, but when facing other players, he will expose a problem.

That was his lack of adaptability. For a wooden stake, Shi Xin could be almost invincible. Any player who faced him in this way would be suicidal.

But if it was those extremely skilled players who required Shi Xin to spend a lot of energy to deal with, then these beasts of his might be a drag, because he might not be able to take care of all the situations.

So sometimes, when it's time to let go, you have to let go.

It's time to increase your strength.

Shi Xin raised his bow and arrow, and fired another arcane shot. A purple halo exploded on the boss. The kill command made the tank deal 1100 points of critical damage to the boss.

Papapapa, Shi Xin kept shooting arrows here, giving up the control of mages and paladins, and let them attack in the simplest way.

As for Shi Xin himself, he focused on avoiding various skills of the boss.

The human-beast is dead?
It doesn't matter, it's just resurrection. Anyway, as long as the tank doesn't die, other humanoid beasts can be resurrected by Shi Xin soon.

Even if the tank is dead, the paladin can hold on for a while and allow himself to revive the tank.

After Shi Xin let go, he immediately felt a lot more relaxed. Several humanoid beasts relied on their own intelligence mode to attack, and they were still able to fight smoothly.

The so-called smart mode is to let Shi Xin set the beast's own skills and use them in order.

Most of the skills will be banned, and the skills that are allowed to be activated will be used according to Shi Xin's ranking priority.

For example, the multiple hatred skills of the tank are set by Shi Xin. The first skill must be charge. If the charge cannot be used, it is to use Thunder Strike after attacking the enemy for the first time, and then revenge, shield attack, etc. Wait.

And mages are much easier. Now facing the boss, you only need to set a fireball technique and let the mage keep hitting it.

The same is true for paladins. Holy Light can heal the tank well, so there is no need to do anything.

Originally, Shi Xin wanted the paladins to play Judgment of Light and Judgment of Wisdom, but now it is no longer necessary.

The battle started to be smooth, and the health of the boss also turned blood red during Shi Xin's transformation.

Soon, the "strong man" Gesun left behind only a corpse.

Shi Xin sighed, it was too embarrassing for a simple boss to make him exhausted.

The drop of the boss was not bad, and Shi Xin found an excellent ring from the corpse of the boss.

The attribute of the ring is good, it increases endurance and strength, and belongs to the equipment of warriors.

Naturally, tanks can also be used, and in the tank's current equipment column, there is no equipment in the empty columns of the two rings yet.

This is a very high improvement, an improvement for a whole piece of sophisticated equipment.

The drop of the ring is not low, but it is dropped by monsters that require a high level-such as monsters above level 25.

Up to now, Shi Xin has not won a single ring as a trophy—even an excellent green ring.

But at least I got one now, good luck.

In addition to the excellent ring, Shi Xin also obtained an "Exquisite Murloc Scale" from the BOSS, which can be exchanged for the Medal of the Advanced Fisheries Association.

This is a good thing, Shi Xin thinks that he may come here to farm more murloc bosses in the future.

It can be regarded as getting used to another style of fighting.

But only after a while, he shook his head and gave up the idea.

It's a waste of time, the BOSS in a dungeon is not worth spending too much time on yourself, you have to rise to the highest level as soon as possible, and there will be plenty of BOSS for you to kill.

Moreover, the "exquisite murloc scale" is not guaranteed to drop, but Shi Xin knows how rare this thing is at a low level.

At the current level, being able to have a 5/1 chance is considered very lucky.

After making a decision, Shi Xin continued to walk towards the back. There was a boss behind him. After killing it, he could turn to the passage on the right.

The boss behind is not far from here, and there are not many murloc monsters encountered on the road.

After killing 4 batches of elite murlocs, Shi Xin came to the edge of a dark river, and saw something far bigger than the first giant murloc.

Koguro the Devourer, a level 31 boss with 5 HP.

It was a terrifying octopus-like monster. Standing in front of it, Shi Xin seemed to be facing a giant.

A boss with four or five tentacles must be good at multi-directional group attacks.

Moreover, the boss is at the bottom of the water, so Shi Xin needs to enter the river to fight the boss, which makes the battle even more difficult.

However, in Shi Xin's memory, he vaguely remembered that this boss should be just a stake fight. Although he would suffer group damage, as long as he paid attention to the treatment, there should be no problem.

Treatment is the least of Shi Xin's worries now.

The mage was taken back by him, and the priest was released.

"Let's see now, with 3 healers and 2 output, can we easily deal with the BOSS?"

Shi Xin smiled and beckoned the tank to rush up.

(End of this chapter)

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