The mysterious boss who wears books, please stop making trouble

Chapter 162 Experimental surgery, full aura

Chapter 162 Experimental surgery, full aura (2)

Chairman Wen who was standing next to him introduced the condition of the weasel with a microphone.

"This weasel has a soybean-sized tumor growing in its head. The tumor is malignant and grows between the central nervous system. Professor Jintian and Li Xiaoyue can see if you can keep it from hurting its brain. Remove the tumor at the same time as the central nervous system inside;

But there is another point, that is, this weasel has congenital asthma, so please pay attention to it when you are doing the operation. "

After listening to Chairman Wen's introduction, Jin Tian had a flash of surprise in his eyes. It just so happened that his research was on brain tumors.

After President Wen went down, Jin Tian directly said to Li Tangyue in a commanding tone: "You come to help me, wait a minute, I hope you can cooperate with me in the operation."

After finishing speaking, he asked politely: "Can you do this? If you can't, it's still too late to change."

Li Tangyue glanced at Jin Tian with a serious face, and raised the corner of her mouth, "Professor Jin Tian, ​​don't worry, as long as you don't lose the chain during the operation, I guarantee that I will give you what you need."

Jin Tian glanced at Li Tangyue, feeling even more upset.

The two stopped talking, and Jin Tian directly occupied the best position to inspect the weasel on the operating table, while carefully drawing up the operation plan to wait.

Li Tangyue stood beside him and watched.

At this time, the cameras basically focused on Jin Tian.

"Professor Jintian is really confident. I guess he didn't take President Wen's last reminder to heart at all." Director Chen who was sitting next to Professor Fang couldn't stand it any longer, so he muttered there.

Just when Professor Fang heard this, he said, "For such a conceited person, you should let him know what it's like to fail."

Director Chen also thinks so, but he is still a little worried: "Teacher, do you think Jin Tian will deliberately make a mistake when asking the junior sister to hand over the surgical tools, so that the operation fails, and then he will shift the responsibility to the junior sister?" ?”

"He dares!" Professor Fang immediately became angry, "If he dares to do this to Xiao Yueyue on purpose, I don't think I'll go up and beat him to death."

Professor Chen: "...Teacher, don't be impulsive, I'm just guessing casually."

Jin Tian on the stage showed off his professionalism for a while before starting the final preparations before the operation.

When Li Tangyue was waiting for him to prepare, she took a good look at the weasel.

The operation started soon, and everyone was staring at the operating table while holding their breath.

"Turn on the respirator, heart rate monitor."

"Scalpel, pliers..."

"Blood pressure."


Jin Tian performed the operation quickly. Every time he needed something, Li Tangyue handed over what he needed as soon as he opened his mouth.

The operation was proceeding in an orderly manner, and Jin Tian popped up a series of professional terms in order to show how professional he was.

Although many people disapproved of his dual-purpose approach, he did nothing wrong, and no one said anything.

Looking at the weasel's head being broken open, various structures in his brain can be seen under a thousand-power microscope.

Finally, when he found the tumor, Jin Tian said proudly: "Pull the camera in a little bit, let everyone see this tumor. Although this tumor is only as big as a soybean, it really zooms into the human brain." , it’s huge, so I’m going to do this in a moment…and then do this…and finally do that…”

"Could it be that Jintian thinks it's just a weasel, so there's no need to be so anxious, and he doesn't worry about the bleeding in the weasel's brain?" Professor Xiang, who was sitting next to him, couldn't stand it anymore, and said bluntly.

Both Professor Fang and Director Chen turned their heads to look at him.

Professor Xiang snorted coldly at Professor Fang, then turned his head and continued the operation on the stand.

"Teacher, why are you messing with this one?" Director Chen is a student of Professor Fang, and he knows Professor Xiang very well. To put it bluntly, this person is narrow-minded and loves to compare. He can't see that others are better than him.

But at the moment, he agrees with Professor Xiang's words.

As he said to the professor, when Jintian was almost complacent while explaining while performing the operation, his weasel collapsed.

Li Tangyue had to remind: "Professor Jintian, if we don't stop the bleeding and give the weasel a blood transfusion, it will have no signs of life."

"Do you need to remind me of this!" Jin Tian yelled at her irritably, and hurriedly stopped the weasel from bleeding.

Li Tangyue quickly gave the weasel a blood transfusion.

It's just that the bleeding hadn't stopped yet. Jin Tian actually broke a tiny blood vessel on the weasel's central nervous system when he stopped the bleeding. Let alone stop the bleeding now, the weasel's asthma was induced.

Soon, the data on the heart rate meter returned to zero.


The people in the whole venue exploded and started talking loudly.

"I didn't expect Professor Jintian to make such a low-level mistake!"

"If he used the talking time to concentrate on surgery, where would this happen."

Jin Tian looked at the bloody weasel under his command, his mind was a little confused, but his face was calm.

He hurriedly yelled at Li Tangyue: "Give it CPR immediately."

Li Tangyue looked at Jin Tian who was standing there motionless, and reminded him, "Professor Jin Tian, ​​please step aside."

There were too many bad comments about him in the audience, Jin Tian was very irritable at this time, so he didn't react, and directly yelled at Li Tangyue: "I told you to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation on it, are you deaf!"

"If you don't get out of the way, how can I treat it!" Li Tangyue suddenly burst into a powerful aura, and her tone was so cold that Jin Tian subconsciously stepped aside.

Li Tangyue didn't look at Jin Tian, ​​and quickly performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation on the weasel.

At this moment, the powerful aura emanating from her body shocked everyone instantly.

Everyone watched her movements with bated breath.

After about 2 minutes, when everyone felt that the weasel could not be saved, Li Tangyue took out a hair-thin silver needle from his body and quickly stuck it into one part of the weasel.

After a while, a person suddenly shouted excitedly: "Ah! The weasel has come back to life!"

Everyone showed expressions of disbelief, even Jin Tian who was standing there opened his eyes wide in disbelief.

Seeing the weasel's heart beating, he hurriedly said to Li Tangyue, "Get out of the way, I'll come."

Li Tangyue glanced at him indifferently, and said in a commanding tone: "Stand there and don't move!"

"You..." Jin Tian was stunned for a moment, and when he reacted, his face immediately turned purple and red, feeling that his dignity as a gold medal professor had been seriously challenged.

He immediately yelled at Li Tangyue: "Come down as soon as I tell you to. You are a kid who doesn't know anything about this operation. You think you can do it well."

Li Tangyue didn't even look at him, her subordinates didn't stop, and quickly said: "Either you help me, or you leave here."

"You... you! Well done! Don't let this operation fail if you have the ability."

Seeing the stalemate between the two, the people in the audience began to discuss directly.

At this time, except for a few people who knew Li Tangyue's strength, everyone else felt that Li Tangyue was overreaching.

Even the staff standing at the end couldn't help discussing.

"That Professor Fang's student is too arrogant. She dared to let the gold-medal professor of country R help her. Who does she think she is? Isn't this destroying the friendly relationship between our two countries?"

Su Ziyou glanced at the person who spoke, and said, "Miss Li should be sure that she can do this operation well, although it's a bit unreasonable for her to let Professor Jintian go down."

"That's right, I think she definitely doesn't know how to do it with a scalpel."

Listening to everyone's discussion, Professor Fang said to Director Chen, "Xiao Chen, go up and help Xiao Yueyue."

"Okay, teacher." Director Chen immediately stood up and walked towards the stage.

When he got to the stage, he politely said to Professor Jintian, "Professor Jintian, if you don't want to help my little junior sister, please step aside and I will help her."

"You..." Jin Tian looked at Director Chen in surprise.

The people in the audience were also very surprised.

"The director of the Brain Department of the Affiliated Hospital of Medical University actually said that he would lay hands on Li Xiaoyue!"

"Did he say something wrong? In fact, he was the one who took the lead, and Li Xiaoyue was the one to do it."


Jin Tian looked at Director Chen angrily, and felt that he said that on purpose. Like everyone else, he didn't believe in Li Tangyue's strength at all, and he didn't believe that Director Chen, a head of the brain department of a big hospital, would condescend Give Li Xiaoyue a hand.

However, his anger also came, and he straightened his neck and said, "Then I want to see how you perform this operation well."

Then he looked at Li Tangyue with stern eyes, "Li Xiaoyue, if you can't do this operation well, get out of the medical profession!"

Before Li Tangyue could respond, Director Chen immediately became angry.

Li Tangyue said before he could turn back: "Brother, if you don't attack me, this weasel will really die."

(End of this chapter)

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