Ming Empire

Chapter 171 Follow me to fight the world from now on

Chapter 171 Follow me to fight the world from now on
"A beautiful woman, said to be the general's enemy, do you want to see me?" Cao Yueting, who was personally directing the training of the special guard battalion, was surprised after hearing the report from the battalion guard.But he guessed who it was right away, couldn't help being overjoyed, and quickly ordered the sergeant to bring the woman into the camp.

As he expected, the person who came to see him outside the camp was Hong Niang who had been missing for several months.

The red lady was dressed in plain and filial piety, and the maids Ruyi and Xiaolan who came with her also wore the same attire.

I haven't seen her for several months, Hong Niangzi has lost a lot of weight, and there is an unconcealable sadness hidden between her brows.

Seeing Cao Yue, after Cao Yue retreated to the left and right, leaving only the two of them, the red lady couldn't help but burst into tears.

"General Cao, my husband was killed by that dog thief Li Zicheng!" In grief, the red lady also told Cao Yue, "Liu Zongmin falsely accused him of having an affair with the officers and soldiers, and prepared to surrender. Persuade him and insist on arresting and killing him."

"Miss Hong, I already know the news," Cao Yue sighed, and said in a sad tone: "I never thought that Li Zicheng would be so big, and Liu Zongmin would be so difficult to tolerate someone more talented than him. Brother Li Yan had some letters to play with, and they treated each other with courtesy during the Great Harmony War, and they didn't have much contact with each other, but they didn't expect that such a thing would happen. This kind of villain will definitely have retribution."

Seeing what Cao Yue said, the red lady couldn't help but cried even more sadly.

Seeing the sad look of the red lady with the pear blossoms and rain, Cao Yue couldn't bear it, stepped forward, patted the red lady's shoulder lightly, and comforted: "Red lady, death can't be resurrected, so you can express your condolences. You and Although he is no longer a husband and wife, after all, the relationship between husband and wife is very deep. I believe you will not tolerate this and want to avenge him. If you want revenge, I am willing to help you!"

The red lady cried bitterly, and finally couldn't help it, she threw herself into Cao Yue's arms, and cried without any scruples.She didn't know why she was like this. After learning about Li Yan's death, the first thing she thought of was to come to Cao Yue, hoping to get Cao Yue's comfort and help.Seeing that Cao Yue was very concerned about herself, she couldn't help but threw herself into Cao Yue's arms, not hiding her emotions at all, and vented her heartily.

Cao Yue put his arms around the red lady's fragrant shoulders, and comforted her in a low voice, telling the red lady not to be sad.But the red lady cried even more sadly, the billowing tears wet his clothes.In the end, Cao Yue didn't persuade her, but just hugged the red lady and let her cry bitterly.He knows that when a person is extremely sad, if he vents it well, the sadness will be less.

The man in his arms was crying heartily, and outside the window, the two beautiful maids of the red lady wandered there with their heads bowed, looking here from time to time.He also immediately thought, the last time outside the city of Datong, didn't the two maids of the red lady disappear?Why are you back now?These two women survived a catastrophe, and met the red lady?

"Red lady, don't cry." After a while, when the red lady gradually suppressed her tears, Cao Yue patted her on the shoulder lightly, and comforted her softly: "Your two maids have returned to you , can be regarded as your gospel. Your past husband was killed, as long as you avenged him, you are worthy of this relationship. Li Zicheng is tyrannical, and sooner or later he will die badly. You can’t be sad now, you Think carefully about how to avenge Li Yan. If you need my help, I will try my best to help."

But the red lady still threw herself into Cao Yue's arms and wept, holding him tightly with both hands.Cao Yue had no choice but to let her hold her, using his chest as a pool of tears, and let the red lady shed tears.

After touching Hong for half an hour, Lady Hong finally stopped crying and got up from Cao Yue's arms.

She also seemed to have noticed her gaffe, and was a little embarrassed, so she quickly took the opportunity to wipe away her tears to cover up her embarrassment.

"General Cao, I made you laugh, slave..."

"Miss Hong, don't explain anymore, it's okay, since you trust me, you are willing to come to Nanjing to find me at this time, and even show your weakest side in front of me, that is to treat me as your good friend. I I am also angry at the killing of General Li Yan, if you want revenge, I will help you!" Cao Yue took the handkerchief from the red lady's hand, and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, "You can just say it, you need it!" How can I help you, people, money, food, weapons, I can give it to you!"

Cao Yue's careful actions and bold promise made Hong Niangzi feel warm immediately, and the sadness just now was much less.

It's just that she didn't know how to answer Cao Yue, because she didn't think about how to get revenge.When she came to Cao Yue, she subconsciously thought that Cao Yue would help her and support her. "I don't know what to do, how to take revenge!"

"Li Yan's men should be pulled up by you first. As long as those backbones are not eliminated, you still have a way to continue to order them, right?"

The red lady's heart suddenly brightened, and she nodded immediately: "Yes, this team was first pulled up by the slave family, and then let Xianggong...let him take charge. The main generals are all his loyal staff and the slave family's cronies. After Li Zicheng was defeated, in order to avoid further chaos, he executed Li...yan and planned to reorganize this army, but Li Qing responded early and led his troops away from Li Zicheng's main force. If the slaves rush back , should be able to command these tens of thousands of horses."

"Miss Hong, do you trust me?" Cao Yue asked seriously.

The red lady nodded slightly.

"Do you think I'm a good officer?"

The red lady still nodded gently.

"Do you think the troops under my command can defeat Jian Nu and Li Zicheng?"

"Yes, I can!" Hong Niangzi is also a smart person, and immediately understood Cao Yue's intentions, "You want to bring these tens of thousands of horses over to join you?"

"If you think I can finally eliminate Jiannu and Li Zicheng, restore peace to the world, and let the people live and work in peace, then you will follow me to fight Jiannu and quell civil strife."

After hearing this, the red lady didn't answer right away, but bowed her head in deep thought.

Cao Yue walked up to the red lady, stretched out his hand to hug her gently, stroked her hair, and said softly: "Red lady, believe me, in the world, only by following me, Cao Yue, will you have the chance to end up with me." Survive, believe me, I will eventually be able to dominate everything in the world, and bring peace to the people. I believe you know that I have nearly 10 troops under my command. Although it is a new army that has just been recruited, its combat effectiveness is already good. The combat effectiveness of the Datong Army is yours. I have also seen that the combat effectiveness of the new Nanjing army will definitely exceed that of the Datong army who left Cao Yue in the future. You bring that team over and fight with me to bring peace to the world!"

The red lady didn't struggle, Ren Caoyue hugged her body, after thinking for a while, raised her head slightly, looked at Cao Yue for a while, then nodded lightly: "My family trusts you, I will obey your orders! "

"After you bring Ren Maji here, I will continue to let you lead, and I can supply you with money, food and weapons. From now on, you can always follow me!"

Cao Yue's pun made Hong Niangzi tremble.

(End of this chapter)

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