Qingling Punishing Heart

Chapter 13 Chapter 7

Chapter 13 Seven (Fourth)
The morning light shines on the gray tortoise shell bed through the broken paper window.

Su Ji slowly supported his eyelids, and the sunlight pierced through a gap to cut through the darkness in front of him.

The walls on all four sides of the house have been peeled off, and there are dusty cobwebs hanging from the four corners.The animal bone had been gnawed by moths or rats, it was riddled with holes, and it was scattered like catkins, even if it was thrown into a plate, there would be no more flames.

Su Ji was heartbroken, but there was nothing he could do.He couldn't help sighing that even though the scriptures are not afraid of fire, they are also afraid of being eaten and corrupted by moths with a heart.

He picked up the plate under the animal bone and looked at it, the more he looked at it, the more familiar it became.There was a chipped thumbnail on the edge of the plate and mold on the back.

Isn't this the plate that the old beggar knocks on every time he eats?

Su Ji quickly wiped off the mildew with his hands, only to see the four gold characters "Jade Butterfly Fortune" appeared on the plate.It turned out that it was the real treasure, no wonder the old beggar would never leave it.It's a pity that the animal bone is no longer there, and I am afraid that no one will be able to understand the mystery of this plate.

Putting the plate in his arms, Su Ji supported his stiff body and stood up.

There was the sound of bones rattling in my ears, and I smelled the aroma of wine, which came from a jar of wine on the table.He lifted the wax-sealed lid, and suddenly a strong aroma came to his nostrils, which was the mellow aroma that only old wines have.This wine was originally a jar full, but now there is less than half of the jar left.

He picked up the jar and drank it. The liquor slid through the dry taste buds, and the sweetness in his mouth gradually became richer. This should be a new wine for a year, but it tastes like a ten-year-old wine!

Just when Su Ji was puzzled, Li Hongjun's voice broke the silence.

"You finally woke up."

Su Ji turned his head suddenly, only to see that the bronze bell originally hung on the door had turned earth green.He stepped forward to wipe off the dust and patina on the bell, the bright green body of the bell reflected his face.Through the messy hair on his forehead, he found a long beard growing from his mouth.He played with his beard in disbelief, and then he heard Li Hongjun say again:
"...Nine years have passed."

Su Ji suddenly understood that the ninety days in the yin and yang artistic conception are nine years in the world, no wonder those monks live long lives.Compared with Su Ji nine years ago, he is now completely transformed and full of knowledge.

Even though he had only read that piece of animal bone for seven nights, the seven schools of thought involved in it covered almost all the wisdom of human beings since the beginning of chaos.He has spent nine years learning knowledge that ordinary people can't finish in a few lifetimes, and he has written essays on martial arts. Now he is not inferior to his two elder brothers.

Although he has learned a lot in one breath, the time between understanding and mastery still needs to pass the test.No matter how much a person knows the truth, he cannot do things completely according to the truth.It's like an alcoholic who knows the truth that too much alcohol hurts his body, but he can't stop drinking.

In the past nine years, Li Hongjun has also grown slightly.After countless ideological struggles, he finally decided to tell Su Ji what he saw when he shook the bell.

Su Ji heard that Taijia Daoist said that Hongjunling could see the secrets of heaven, so he wanted to use the Yin-Yang Nine Palace Zen practiced to cooperate with Hongjunling to conduct a trial.He planned to list the hexagrams for the future in the room, sitting cross-legged on the Liangyi and shaking the bell, to see what Li Hongjun could see this time.

At first Li Hongjun would rather die than follow.And Su Ji used the very convincing reason of "helping him to be a man again" to make him willing to suffer again.

Su Ji sat cross-legged in the center with tortoise shells in the shape of a yin-yang Taiji fish, raised the Hongjun bell, and asked:
"are you ready?"

Li Hongjun begged tremblingly:

"Please shake it slowly, my body can't bear you."

"Hey, I'm really going to shake you..."

"Shake it! I'll take it!"

"Ring ring ring ring ring ring..."

"It hurts, hurts, hurts..."

With the ringing of the bell, a scene of images emerged. Li Hongjun endured the severe pain in his head and described what he saw:
"Clean thatched cottage...seven chairs...seven teacups...seven futons...and seven people...you are among them...only you lying on the bed...everyone else is standing around you... "

Su Ji was overjoyed, and said with a lewd smile:

"Could it be my six wives standing beside me?"

Li Hongjun said: "...Maybe. But most of them are men."

Su Ji was immediately choked by Li Hongjun's words, and asked pitifully:
"Not even a girl?"

"There is a..."

Su Ji asked with some relief:

"What does she look like?"

"Not bad...very pretty...but I'm afraid she won't like you."

"Why?" Su Ji asked unconvinced.

"Because she looks much younger than you... These people are generally very different in age from you... The youngest is probably not born yet... And... you are twisting a pair of red bracelets on your hand... There are also a total of seven beads on the string...Your brows are furrowed...It seems that you have a very serious mind..."

"What clothes are those people wearing? What do they look like?" Su Ji asked anxiously.

"I feel dizzy and sleepy..."

"Hey! Don't sleep!"

The color of the bell suddenly became dull and dull.Su Ji shook the bell vigorously, but no matter how much he shook it, Li Hongjun's voice never came out again.

"Seven, all seven..." Su Ji muttered to himself.

He recalled that there were also seven shooting stars piercing the sky in the artistic conception.His expression gradually became serious.He never thought about what happened after the age of 17 before, and he didn't know what kind of life he wanted, but what is certain is that it must not be like this now.

Su Ji stared at the decayed door, motionless.

nine years.

How many nine years are there in a mortal life?
In the past nine years, how many people have passed by in the outside world?How much has happened?How many years do you get old?How many meteors slide across the night sky of Chaoge?How many winds, flowers, snows and moons have passed away quietly with time?
At this moment, behind that door, there seemed to be a voice telling him that as long as he found the other six people, he would know everything.

At that moment, he decided to leave Qingling Temple, but there was still an unresolved knot in his heart that bothered him.Before leaving, he had to personally confirm one last thing.

(End of this chapter)

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