Qingling Punishing Heart

Chapter 462 Where to Go

Chapter 462 Where to Go
Su Ji didn't answer any more, and he didn't ask any more questions. It wasn't that there were no questions, but there were too many things to ask, and he really didn't know where to start, so it's better to wait and see.

Li Rumei walked into the cave in the middle of the snow-capped mountain with Su Ji in her arms, and walked slowly along the white and bright cave walls. The cave in front of her was sometimes wide and sometimes narrow, with a depth of more than hundreds of feet, like a winding maze .

The surroundings are terribly quiet, only the sound of melting snow water dripping from the cracks in the cave wall can be heard:

The rhythm of the sound of water was monotonous and lonely, which made Su Ji suddenly feel familiar.

Li Rumei's footsteps also moved forward slowly like the sound of water droplets. The further she walked, the darker the surrounding light became.There was a foul smell of foxes everywhere, and as Li Rumei went deeper and deeper, Su Ji smelled more and more intense.

The fox's cry suddenly sounded in my ears, and pairs of bright eyes peeked out in the dimness.After all, the fox is the nemesis of the birds, and Su Ji instinctively felt the fear from the bottom of his heart.Suppressing his uneasy mood, Su Ji shivered in his arms until a faint blue light lit up in front of him, and Li Rumei finally stopped.

A woman's familiar voice came from the darkness ahead:

"You go back first."

A sound like a silver bell echoed in the cave for a long time.All the foxes stopped making a sound, and even held their breath, so awed that they didn't even dare to make a sound.

However, when Su Ji heard the voice, instead of being afraid, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

What should come will always come.

She is coming.

she's in the dark
Su Ji was put on the ground with both hands, and the chains tied to his body disappeared. Turning around, he found that Li Rumei was gone, and only endless darkness shrouded behind him.He didn't look back, flapped his wings, flew into the depths shrouded in blue light, and came to the end of Qingling Cave Mansion alone.A stalactite chair comes into view, the surface is as smooth as suet white jade.

A woman in green clothes sat on the stalactite chair, her figure seemed to be there, and she couldn't see clearly.

If it were alive, Su Ji's gaze would stop below her neck, and he would not dare to look up to avoid her eyes, because the mysterious energy would come from her eyes, as long as he did not look at her The eyes will not be covered with the curse of longevity.However, the current Su Ji didn't have a trace of mystery, looked straight into her eyes, and asked, "I want to know who I'm talking to? Mr. Shancai? Qingli? Granny Su? Or..."

"……it's me."

That was Lin Zi's tone. Su Ji was so determined that he waved his wings and landed on a big rock not far from her.

Lin Zi asked, "You still hate me?"

Su Ji pondered for a moment, and replied in a deep voice: "I have to admit that if I hadn't met you in my previous life, I might have taken a different path, and I might have died long ago, but that doesn't mean I can forgive you for your mistreatment so far. Everything the people around me do."

Lin Zi lowered her eyes and fell into silence. A woman's voice came from her mind: "Am I right, everything you have done for him has been forgotten by him. He is just a heartless and heartless man!"

That voice did not come from Lin Zi's mouth, as if countless voices came to his ears from all directions.

Su Ji could also hear that soft voice, and couldn't help asking, "Who are you talking to?"

Lin Zi's expression suddenly changed, revealing a charming expression.She stood up from the stalactite chair, walked slowly in front of Su Ji, and uttered a completely different voice, threatening: "You have just seen the eight cold hells, are you not afraid that I will turn you from a living ghost into a dead ghost?"

Su Ji said indifferently: "Since you are a ghost, how can you be greedy for life and afraid of death?"

Lin Zi smiled without saying a word.It was a smile of approval, and seemed very satisfied with Su Ji's answer.

Su Ji's ears trembled slightly, and he heard the sound of strings being plucked.He listened attentively, and the melody lingering in his ears was so familiar that it shocked him instantly!
A beam of light lit up in the dark area behind Lin Zi, illuminating a figure playing the piano.

The violin stopped abruptly.

Su Ji raised his head slowly, and he was shocked by a scene in front of him. What caught his eyes was an elderly scribe with a pale face, wearing a brocade official robe with green cloth patterns, who was unexpectedly Xibo Jifu.


Su Ji flapped his wings hastily and landed on the head of the piano, and his father was no longer the puppet he saw on the tower.His eyes were piercing, as if he could see everything more clearly than a living person.

Xibo Jifu turned his head to look at Lin Zi, and said to Su Ji, "Qing Li is not your enemy."

Su Ji opened his eyes slightly, and said in astonishment: "Father, have you fallen into the evil spell of the evildoer? Why are you lying?"

Xibo Jifu said: "People can tell lies, but souls can't."

Su Ji couldn't help but feel incredible.Ever since he entered the Eight Cold Hells, he has always felt unreliable, as if everything was in a dream.But he knew in his heart that this was definitely not a dream.He never dreamed that such words could come out of his father's mouth, "Father, what's wrong with you? Do you want to forgive a murderer who killed his wife?"

Xibo Jifu said: "If we want to dissolve the hatred in the world, someone must choose to forgive, forgive those who have hurt us."

Su Ji shook his head in disbelief, and said dejectedly: "Not everything can be forgiven. My mother was burned to death by thieves. I used to blame everyone and everyone for this, hated all the misfortunes that happened to me, and even thought that if you weren't Xibo Ji Fu, will everything never happen? Over the years, I tried my best to curb such thoughts, but there was always a voice telling me: Father is not the grand master of the Zhou Dynasty, but father is the grand master of the people in the world. But in the end? You save the people , who will save you again? Do you know, dad? What did the people say about you after you died? They said you were a traitor and traitor who conspired to rebel. Pity you for assisting three generations of emperors and being loyal, but in the end you became a An abandoned son who is reviled by the world."

Looking at Su Ji's current appearance, Xibo Jifu said: "Father knows. Even though the ideal of a prosperous country and a peaceful people cannot be realized in our generation, I believe that 100 years later, 1000 years later, there will always be a day of peace in the world. Hundreds Over the past few years, the world has been fighting and bloody, and now is the time to end all of this. Son, Dad wants you to do one thing."

Su Ji smiled wryly: "I am like this now, what else can I do?"

Xibo Jifu said: "Only you can do this, and only your forgiveness can save the people of the world."

Su Ji didn't want to hear any more, and didn't want to know the content of that matter.Although he knew that what his father was going to do was related to the common people, he obviously had to sacrifice his own principles.Su Ji felt that if he compromised with a culprit, wouldn't the death of the people around him seem meaningless?

"Father, no matter whether it is life or death, you will never abandon your people. You are a well-deserved saint, but I am just a mortal. You want me to forgive an enemy who killed my mother, but I can't do it."

Xibo Jifu and Lin Zi glanced at each other, neither of them said anything, they watched Su Ji fly away from the darkness.

People live in this world, always involuntarily.

Su Ji thought that everything would be settled after death, but he didn't know what to do after death.

(End of this chapter)

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