Chapter 496
Facing Su Ji's persuasive tone, Guo Shengxiu chose to remain silent and did not speak for a long while, only focusing on heading deep into the dark cave.

Su Ji followed her footsteps and asked: "You have been very enthusiastic about me since you met me. You will patiently answer all the questions I ask. Why do you do this? What is your purpose?"

Guo Shengxiu continued to walk forward, and said in a low voice: "You will know when you see the Great Elder, just trust that I will not harm you."

Looking at Guo Shengxiu's hurried back, Su Ji suddenly stopped and said, "You obviously have something to hide from me, how can I trust you? You deliberately led me here to avoid the eyes and ears of other wandering souls. What shameful thing?"

Guo Shengxiu had to stop, turned around and said, "From the moment I saw you, I have not lied to you. Every word you heard is absolutely true, including I beg you to put me to death. If you If you don't believe me, you might as well kill me now."

After saying this, Guo Shengxiu's eyelids were tightly closed.Her expression was full of determination, no hesitation, no resentment, no nostalgia, a look of willingness to die, as if there was nothing better than "death" for her to get her out of the sea of ​​suffering.

Su Ji looked directly at her tightly closed eyes. For some reason, she always felt that the woman in front of her was not malicious, but just desperate for the future she was about to face, and only wanted a long-term relief.

Guo Shengxiu slowly opened his eyes, without saying a word, he continued to walk deep into the cave.

Su Ji walked behind her warily, except for the footsteps of two people, there was no sound around, the silence was terrifying.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, Su Ji saw a faint light source in the depths of the deep cave ahead.A hunchbacked figure sat there, his back was as quiet as a stone statue.

"Great Elder!" Guo Shengxiu blurted out, and quickly ran towards the figure of the Great Elder in the distance.

The Great Elder's movements were a little slow, he stood up slowly, and turned around unhurriedly.

Su Ji took a closer look and saw that the Great Elder was wearing a goose-yellow robe and a bronze armor inside.When walking towards him, the back of the robe dragged directly on the ground.There is also a strange helmet on the top of the head. It is not so much a helmet as a mask that covers the entire head.

"I'm here, waiting for you for a long time."

The strange voice of the Great Elder echoed in the bronze helmet, sometimes dull, sometimes shrill, like the sound of nails scraping iron, making people feel uncomfortable.That is not the sound that humans should make, but it is speaking the language of humans.

Su Ji felt that it was not the real voice of the Great Elder, but a voice deliberately made to conceal his identity.So far, Su Ji has met many people who wrapped themselves up tightly to conceal their identities, and this Great Elder is definitely the most mysterious one he has ever met so far.Because Su Ji couldn't tell whether the other party was a man or a woman no matter from the appearance, voice, movement, or the breath around him.

The Great Elder walked up to Su Ji and asked, "You must have brought many questions with you when you came from a long way, Mr. Fox..."

Guo Shengxiu's face changed slightly when he heard the great elder addressing Su Ji with the word "Master Fox". It turned out that Master Hu who Su Ji said was the one who merged teaching and cutting teaching was himself.Guo Shengxiu just found out about this matter, and she was only ordered to pick up a living person before, so she didn't care too much.Because she originally had no hope of being alive, but now knowing that the Great Elder invited such a strange person who facilitated the merger of the two religions, it might be possible to save the fate of the Hanquan Northern Territory from being destroyed.

Su Ji went straight to the point: "I originally wanted to go to Tianqi Rensheng Palace, but now that I meet you, I'm even more curious why you asked me to come here?"

The Great Elder said: "From now on, you must forget everything you thought you knew, and I will tell you the truth of this world."

"Appreciate further details."

"With the disappearance of the physical body and memory, the acquired Qi will disappear with the death of the physical body. Only the innate Qi takes root in the depths of the soul and will never disappear. The strength of Qi can directly determine a person's talent for cultivation Therefore, the qualifications of mortals in the world can only be divided into high and low."

"It's true that there is a gap in aptitude in the world, but why is there a body of pure yin and a body of pure yang?"

"These people with special physiques were originally gods expelled by the heavens. For example, the third prince Nezha, who was a child under Nuwa's seat in the previous life, also possessed innate divine power after reincarnation. Because the qi of the gods will not disappear completely. The soul of the god of heaven enters the six realms of reincarnation, and the remaining qi will turn into pure yin or pure yang, thus possessing the body of pure yin and pure yang."

Su Ji suddenly realized that it was not a fluke that Mu Lingyu was made a god by the Queen Mother of the West.She was born with a pure yin body, and was originally a god expelled by the heavens, so she was re-given godhead by the Queen Mother of the West, and thus restrained by the heavens.According to this: Baipao, Mo Shu, Jin Chanzi, Li Hongxi.These people with pure yang or pure yin physique were also gods expelled from heaven.

"Which immortal are you from?" Su Ji asked Guo Shengxiu beside him.

Guo Shengxiu shook his head blankly.

The Great Elder said: "The saddest thing is that those gods who didn't intend to continue to be gods had no choice but to go down to the world because they lost the memory of their previous lives and because of the advantages of their talents, they set foot on the fairy road again, and then returned to the heaven after going through the experience of the mortal world. In this way, they will lose the memory of the past after being reincarnated in this world. Thus ensuring the unshakable position of the Heavenly Court."

Su Ji couldn't help but feel extremely sad, as long as he didn't have a pure yin or pure yang body, he would have no chance to become a god in the sky even if he practiced to death.As long as the heavens do not allow it, no matter how hard a mortal works, it is impossible to become a fairy.

Why, do you want to fool mortals like this?
One day in heaven, one year on earth.

Although ordinary mortals are not born with high aptitude, they can improve their cultivation with the time acquired.The gods in the sky spend only three years, but the mortals in the world can practice for more than 1000 years.With such a long practice, even a monk with low talent can achieve a little success.The so-called "crossing the catastrophe" is not to test mortals, but to obliterate those monks with advanced cultivation, and the task Qingli was assigned was to facilitate these catastrophes and obliterate mortals who may ascend to heaven.

Su Ji recalled his mother Yu Hongzhi, his master Wu Ji, Taoist Chai Song, and many unknown monks who died in the calamity. They were not pure yin or pure yang. The realm is also destined to be rejected by the heavenly court and die tragically in the catastrophe.

Ordinary people are like cattle and sheep raised in heaven, ignorantly exploited, and foolishly use pious incense to provide the gods in the sky with the original power of refining energy and supporting them with endless life spans.

Su Ji pondered for a moment and asked, "Thank you for telling me the origin of the pure yin body and the pure yang body. Then what about my obstinate body?"

(End of this chapter)

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