Chapter 155

Xiao Li remembered something, and his body was trembling with memories.

Bai Xing stepped forward and patted Xiao Li's shoulder lightly, "Xiao Li? Xiao Li, are you okay?"

"Ah! Don't come, don't come."

Xiao Li was startled, and his body fell to the ground.

Bai Xing picked up Xiao Li in time and put her on the bed, and said softly: "Xiao Li, sister, this is very safe, don't be afraid, nothing will come through.

Now I can't care about her little cleanliness, this child is frightened and hysterical, she has plenty of things on the bed, and she can change them.

"Sister, I know where those people who disappeared went." Xiao Li looked terrified, and he held Bai Xing's hand tightly.

Bai Xing felt that what Xiao Li was going to say might be very serious, what could make Xiao Li, who is used to running around like zombies, so scared?

"You say, I listen."

Xiaoli was in a trance and said slowly: "Although I was looking for a job every day, the food was still poor. I happened to eat up the food my sister gave me that day and went out to find a job that could earn food. I couldn't find it after a whole day of searching. , didn’t go home at night, and slept in a corner next to my uncle’s house who lived alone in a wooden house.”

"It woke me up in the middle of the night, and the moonlight was very bright. I rubbed my eyes and looked at my uncle's house in the plank house, wondering if I could talk to him about letting me make it through the night."

"But before I even got up, I found through the cracks in the planks that my uncle was not alone in the plank room, and there were several people dressed in black."

Xiao Li's tone changed a little, becoming frightened.

"I saw that they dragged away the uncle who had been injected with something. Maybe those men in black relaxed their vigilance after winning the mission. I followed carefully all the way without being noticed."

"Following them for more than ten minutes, we came to a house. The house was very ordinary, no different from other houses. They brought my uncle into the house. I didn't follow. I was afraid of being discovered, so I squatted under the window to see Let's see what they take uncle to do."

"They pressed something in front of the fireplace in the house, and the fireplace automatically opened to a place like an elevator. They went in. I couldn't see anything and didn't leave. I just squatted under the window and stayed."

"Not long after, the man in black came out from the fireplace passage and left the house, and there were two men in white coats holding some notebooks and talking about something."

"The window was opened a little bit, and I wanted to hear what they had to say, so I squatted under the window and put my ear on the window crack, and I heard one of the white coats say: There are still fewer test items, and the one just now has not survived, we It can be said that the experiment can be better completed with the use of supernatural beings.

Another retort to the person who spoke: Want people with supernatural powers to do experiments?Then you can catch it, I can't catch it.Then the man left. "

"The remaining one in the white coat cursed at the white coat that left, and then said to go to study and study, ordinary people have become monsters, they can't be kept, they have to be sliced."

"Later, I heard there was no sound in the room, so I left there quietly."

Xiao Li shook his eyes and asked with tears in his eyes, "Sister, did they slice up that uncle?"

"I also found that there are few ordinary people who live alone and have no relatives or friends. Will people like me who live alone be arrested and sliced ​​​​to become monsters?"

Bai Xing frowned the whole time, this Xiaoli actually wrote down what the two white coats said, he seemed quite frightened.

When Xiao Li looked at her, he patted Xiao Li on the head with a teasing smile and said, "You're a brat, what are you thinking about, you won't be sliced."

"If you are afraid alone, you can live in my house. I have a lot of family members, so it's safe."

"Come on, I'll ask Mama Li to find you a room to live in."

Xiaoli was very pleasantly surprised, and immediately dispelled the fear of slice research, jumped out of bed and followed Bai Xing: "Really, sister? Can I live here?"

"Really, but you have to tell me where is the house where you heard the white coat talking." Bai Xing scratched Xiaoli's nose.

"Why do you know that house? Is my sister going? Or don't go, it may be dangerous." Xiao Li's expression was tense, and his nose was wrinkled.

"There will be no danger. You see, if you, an ordinary child, can leave safely, I'm sure I can too." Bai Xing knelt down and whispered in Xiaoli's ear, "I'm a fifth-level alien. Those who are capable, I am very powerful, remember not to tell others."

Xiaoli's eyes are shining, my sister is a fifth-level supernatural being, so powerful, my sister is the most powerful person in this world, right?

"I'll keep it a secret!" Xiaoli cutely stretched out her little hand to make a zipper movement around her mouth.

"Okay, my sister believes in you, and I still want to tell you that there are still a few people who know my level, so don't be depressed if others find out, I told them the other day." Bai Xing got up and led Xiao Li Go downstairs to find Li Ma.

"Oh." Xiaoli nodded. Although he is not the only one who knows, there must be very few people who know the level of sisters. He is one of the few, which is also very good.

Bai Xing took Xiaoli to Li Ma's side and said, "Li Ma, he wants to live here, is there any place to live?"

If there is no room, then it would be nice to have an air-tight igloo in whoever has the bigger room. Her current level can definitely build a hut.

Thinking like this, she suddenly wished that there would be no place to live, so she could try to make an igloo!
Li's mother looked at Xiaoli, her Xiaoxing picked up another child, a very cute child.

Li Ma nodded and said: "There are, there are quite a lot of places, but the room is not very big."

"Oh, then, Mama Li, you can take him to his room, and get him something to eat, so that he can get to know everyone better." Bai Xing went back to the room a little depressed, the igloo can't be built for the time being, there's no need for it.

Li's mother took Xiaoli to find a room. Although it was not very big, only a dozen square meters, it was still more than enough for a child.

Mama Li made food for Xiao Li, and asked Tang Han to go with Xiao Li, and introduce them to others when there were more people at noon.

As soon as Tang Han saw Xiaoli, he was overjoyed, and gave some of his delicious food to Xiaoli, and then happily chatted and played with the children.

When Bai Xing returned to his room, he went into the Ziming Ring, and the three dogs insisted on following him, so he went in.

She thought of the white coats Xiao Li talked about, test subjects, monsters, supernatural beings and slices.

Could it be some research institute?A research institute that studies living people?

Big event, some research is good for human beings, but some research is bad for human beings.

In the movies, she has seen a lot of human experiments on living bodies, and the world is about to be destroyed.

No, she has to take the time to look at the secret research of those researchers, how they experimented on living bodies.

Ordinary people's lives have become degraded, and the researchers' unscrupulous and silent arrests have left traces for people to discover.

PS: ('')
Juice forgot to name the chapter and published it!Then I wanted to change it and found that I couldn't change it!
 Thank you Qiushui Yiren for the monthly pass
  Qiushui Yiren (human) is more heart-to-heart

  Today is Juice's second day of learning to drive. I feel very busy. I drove for more than ten minutes in the driver's seat, and then the study was over.

  Learning continues--

  Juice would also like to thank all the cute little ones who continue to read the article. Only with your juice can we have the motivation to continue to continue
  ( ̄y▽ ̄)~* covering mouth and laughing
(End of this chapter)

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