Doomsday female supporting characters

Chapter 250 The base develops well

Chapter 250 The base develops well
Xiao Huang looked at the person who was going to negotiate, pointed the gun at him and said, "What does most of the death have to do with me? I didn't kill it."

"That's what they deserve, what can I do?"

The negotiator was gasping for breath, feeling that his liver hurts, his stomach hurts, everything hurts.

There is no human touch at all, and now he is still pointing a gun at him, it is really a decline in the world, a decline in the world.

"So, do you still want to gather a crowd to make trouble?" Xiao Huang asked, still pointing his gun at the person who wanted to negotiate.

It seems that as long as these people don't leave, then the person who jumped out to negotiate will burp and enjoy himself.

The negotiator's face was pale and he was sweating, his eyes were wide open. He didn't come out to die.

It is to make these people gain some benefits through negotiations and let them accept favors from others.

Negotiations have collapsed, and now they want to kill him.

Sure enough, you can't just jump out and look for trouble.

"Let's leave now, leave now." The negotiator carefully looked at the muzzle of the gun, afraid that he would die if he heard a sound.

Xiao Huang nodded slightly, and then pulled the trigger.


After the gunshots, the negotiators fell to the ground and died.He just wants to lay the groundwork for the future.

Is he easy?He paid his life for it.

One fell to the ground, which startled the mob.They said they were going to leave, why did they kill that person?

Cold-blooded, ruthless, shameless...

The crowd turned and huddled back, terrified.

Xiao Huang raised his eyebrows and shifted the gun. The person he wanted to kill was still alive, how could he let them leave?
After a few shots, several people whose faces he remembered fell to the ground.

Didn't run away.

Xiao Huang turned the gun in his hand around and put it on his waist, watching the gang of mobs flee in a panic.

Someone else died, and the mob didn't care, they ran away with all their heart, and couldn't let the pervert kill themselves.

Run, run, squeeze.

There was no one to help the one who was pushed down, and he couldn't get up by himself, and was trampled to death by one person and one foot.

Typical stampede.

Everyone is in a hurry to escape, who cares what is on the ground?Even if it's shit, you have to step on it.

He ran away in panic, afraid that the little beast behind him would be the next to kill him, who would have thought what the beast was thinking?
Even though I was so hungry and exhausted, my thirsty throat was smoking, and I was so frightened that I was about to fall out, I still quickly evacuated.

A few minutes later, there were more than a dozen trampled messy corpses, blood-stained footprints and the army who put down their guns.

"Young man, why don't you get out of here." Xiao Huang pointed his middle finger at the corpse, and then said: "Clean up the ground, don't make the officer feel bad."

One of the earth-type superpowers who had to order used his superpowers to dig a deep pit and bury it directly.

Stand guard after the task is completed.

Some people still came the next day, they didn't want to work, even though they were afraid of being killed, they still went to the parade.

Xiao Huang killed them all.

Too lazy to stop working and want something to eat?
What I thought was true beauty, even more beautiful than Chang'e.

Send you to heaven, okay?
You're welcome, someone gave me a nickname, so is Xiao Huang.

This was a deterrent to the mob, and they went to work with a sallow face and trembling.

In the afternoon, go out to kill zombies and eat with energy beads.

For the first time, a group of 100 people went out to kill zombies. The weapons were the new energy knives provided by the base army.

Install the energy beads, the energy of the energy beads will form a layer of energy on the knife, and the energy will decrease with use.

The 100 people with weapons tremblingly went out to kill, and only five came back.

On the battlefield, these people were terrified when they saw the highly corroded faces of the zombies, and even lost their ability to move.

There is also timid direct urinary incontinence.

When they killed zombies, there were observers in the base, as long as they had killed zombies, they could enter the base.

Meals will be distributed at night, and the energy beads in the heads of the killed zombies will also be given to the zombie killers.

And those who mess around, those who take the opportunity to fish in troubled waters, can't enter the base at all, and are directly eaten by zombies.

Except for those who had killed the zombies, the rest were ignored and let the zombies eat them.

The weapons are all given to you, and you can kill zombies with a few swings, why not kill them?You deserve it.

When the people who didn't kill the zombies outside the base were almost dead, the army shot and killed the remaining zombies.

Let another wave of people who are about to go out go out and pick up the knife and use it.

The next wave of people in the base who were about to go out to kill the zombies trembled in fright when they heard the various shouts coming from outside the base.

I can't wait to frighten my courage to go out and eat some dishes.

If you go out, you will die, if you don't go out, you will die.

Why is this happening?

It was their turn, and it was finally their turn.

Being huddled in the base for a long time made them very timid and lost their courage.

They wouldn't want to go out to deliver food if it wasn't for killing and eating.

Anyway, they are all going to die, so let's fight, what if the zombie is killed?
Then you will make a lot of money.

Wave after wave of people came out of the base to kill zombies. Of course, this was all spontaneous, and the army arranged for the number of people to go out.

Naturally, there are those who dare not go out, and would rather starve to death in the base than go out and be bitten by zombies, leaving no bones left, or becoming a member of the zombies.

There are also some evils that come from the guts. When some people who finally got food returned home, some people organized a group to assassinate the person who got the food.

Then share the food and move on to the next pile.

These people killed a person, saw the blood, and became more courageous, and they were not afraid of starving. Someone provided it.

The base is full of dark violence in the dark, and they dare not do it on the bright side. Who knows if those troops will defend those who have killed zombies.

To do business, of course, how to do it safely.

On the surface, the city y base is peaceful and thriving, with good development, and everyone is moving towards the direction of turning all the people into soldiers.

And White Star's Dawn base is also developing well.

is gradually rising.

Food crops have also begun to grow, all of which are mutated food, which are planted and harvested by wood-type supernatural beings.

People from other departments don't get close to the mutated grain at all, otherwise the mutated grain will be shown to them.

They are afraid, afraid.Never go to the planting area, just look around the perimeter of the planting area.

Food, you can only watch it from a distance, not play it up close.

And the mutated animals also raised a few, mutated pigs.

One day, three large mutated pigs tried to get close to the planting area to eat grain.

Would that make it work?

No, they must be collected.

How can there be no reason not to accept the food delivered to the door?


Don't leave when you come, we will feed you, don't bother to find food yourself.

You are so right.

After you have a few litters of cubs, we will make you fat and fat, then we can let you enjoy the massage before meals.

I don't know anything after the massage.

How great.

And we can also enjoy a big meal, the best of both worlds, great.

The mutated pigs were enclosed by Bai Xing with ice, and ice was even distributed underground.

Creatures like pigs like to dig the ground, so it's not good to run away.

(End of this chapter)

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