Chapter 289
The next day, the people at the first base were still busy, and no one noticed the dozen or so people who had disappeared.

Even if he found out, he didn't say anything, and it's none of his business.

The current people in the base are adhering to the fact that it's none of my business and none of your business.

He Lanxin was a little worried at first, but she didn't find anything when she went out wandering around, so she was relieved at once, Xiaolu was reliable in her work.

Next, He Lanxin asked Xiaolu to kill people and devour energy in the first half of the night every few days, then fell asleep by herself, and went to Mingyue to sleep in the second half of the night.

The working hours are very stable.

But the strength is rushing upwards.

t city.

Shirahoshi and Rocky are at the beach. They have been to the beach many times. When they came for the first time, they competed with Rocky who killed the most. In the end, of course, Rocky killed the most.

He wanted a reward, so he killed, counted the number of Bai Xing's kills, and there was always one more than Bai Xing.

In the end, he won by killing one more.

The reward is a kiss, but the time is not fixed, and now Rocky was so excited, he hugged Bai Xing and kissed for more than an hour.

If it wasn't for Bai Xing's face getting darker and darker, he didn't want to let go, no, let go.

Shirahoshi stared at the seafood with numb lips.

When she returned to the base, she took care of her idea.

A store named Duoduo Seafood opened, a self-service seafood barbecue restaurant.

The recipient was a mutated dog, sometimes a black dog, sometimes a white dog, and sometimes a brown dog.

Fewer people go hunting for food like seafood, because the rising sea water has brought a lot of marine life ashore and multiplied in large numbers.

If there is a large number of reproductions, there will not be enough food on the seabed. When they go ashore, they will do all kinds of fabrications and chew on everything, but the zombies are avoided.

The seafood that act collectively is too rampant and scary, so there are fewer people who kill seafood.

However, for a few days at the base, the head of the base provided seafood for free, which allowed the base members to develop various ways to eat it.

Now there is a seafood shop in the base. There are many common types of seafood, which are extremely fresh and most importantly, the price is cheap.

One energy bead can feed one person, and you can also buy it and cook it yourself.

Every day there are a lot of seafood.

Xiaobai received the energy bead softly, but it was too cheap. The energy bead is the lowest level of the second-level energy bead at this stage.

Its task is to collect money leisurely, or use wind blades to chop and arrange seafood, which is very easy.

There are commissions every day, which is great.

Shirahoshi and Lochton are guarding.

He has been busy working a lot, and the rewards he gets are undoubtedly extremely generous.

"Daughter-in-law, how long do we have to kill seafood?" Rocky picked up his clothes and smelled it, feeling that his whole body smelled of seafood.

Even if you don't touch seafood, but you are in the same space as a few meters away from seafood, your body will be tainted with the smell.

I went home and took a shower vigorously, but the feeling was still there.


"It's been a long, long time." Bai Xing replied without thinking.

Seafood is too profitable, and she still lacks it. Recently, her eyes seem to have turned into symbols of money.

The feeling of being a local tyrant is super good.

Duoduo Seafood is also very profitable. As expected of Duoduo, there is a lot of seafood and a lot of money.

But even if many people buy seafood, there are still a lot of seafood in her Zimingjie warehouse.

It’s all about money, money, strength, strength.

Except for labor, almost zero cost to make money!
"Oh." Rocky curled his lips, what can we do?The daughter-in-law is here, and he is here.

"It's here!"

Bai Xing watched the sea water churning with sparkling eyes, and then a head popped out.

The vines on the coast quietly approached the sea creatures, and then quickly tied them up. Shirahoshi immediately mobilized his internal energy to pull the vines vigorously.

The sea creatures struggled, splashing the water.

Finally pulled out the sea creature, Bai Xing said: "Quick, discharge."

Rocky discharged the discharge as promised, and the sea creature twitched on the beach for a while, and then stopped moving.

Bai Xing immediately went over to take a look, looking at the big Octopus who was still flashing with electric arcs, if it wasn't for Rocky being here, she would have laughed like a pig.

He didn't directly electrocute Brother Octopus in the sea. Bai Xing was afraid that it would be bad if he electrocuted all the creatures in this sea.

I can't finish it, and the ocean is too big to take it all away.

Over time, marine organisms rot and are prone to plague.

Plague, try to avoid it before the end of the world, and it will be over after the end of the world, the mutation is terrible.

If the creatures in this ocean become extinct, it will also have an impact on the earth. Don't dare to try, don't dare to try.

Bai Xing took the giant Octopus into the Ziming Ring, feeling that the Ziming Ring would not be able to hold these seafood creatures.

Shrinking it to a little bit takes up a lot of space in the warehouse.

"Rocky, let's go home and eat barbecue." Bai Xing held Rocky's arm.

"Okay, I'll bake it for you." Rocky looked at Bai Xing dotingly.


The two quickly returned to the base.

Bai Xing first went to see if Duoduo Seafood was short of seafood, and then went home.

Rocky has set up a grill with giant octopus meat grilling on it.

The octopus meat is grilled on charcoal fire, making a sizzling sound, sprinkled with ingredients, and the fragrant smell is constantly wafting.

"Here you are." Rocky handed Shirahoshi the freshly grilled octopus skewers.

"You eat first." Bai Xing took the skewer and handed it to Rocky's mouth first.

Rocky took a big bite: "I'll try the poison for you first."

Bai Xing: →_→, it is definitely not poisonous, okay?

"Have you tried it? Didn't you die? If you didn't die, I ate it." Bai Xing ate the rest.

Hmm~, it's really fragrant and delicious.

The taste is good, very chewy, and the taste is good. The taste of octopus goes straight to the stomach, and the taste is absolutely amazing.

After eating one, eat the next one, you take one bite and I eat one bite at a time.

"Let's go to other bases and sell seafood." Bai Xing bit the octopus.

"Can't fit it?" Rocky asked amusedly. His wife's space is too large, but she has no lethality. This is finally going to be full.

"Yeah, it's too much, let's make some money by the way." It still takes up space, so it's better to replace it with energy beads to improve your strength.

"Okay, any day is fine." Rocky was still grilling skewers.

He is now living with Bai Xing, letting him take advantage of him, but he can't make the last step, every time he seduces Bai Xing, but his wife's self-control is too amazing.

In the end, it is always the five-finger girl's solution, or take a cold bath.

When can we get married?depressed.

"Hee hee." Bai Xing smiled all over his face, feeling that Rocky was too obedient, he could basically say anything, of course not absolutely.

Otherwise, having Rocky is like having a slave, obeying everything, and if she obeys everything, then she doesn't need Rocky.

Of course, there is a reason why she didn't take the last step. The end of the world seems to be stable now, but it just looks like it.

There are also many hidden crises.

Moreover, she still has a secret existence, she is still not her original body, and she cannot surrender her body hastily.

Maybe when I tell him the secret frankly, I will fully accept him.

(End of this chapter)

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