Korean Entertainment Apocalypse

115, happy birthday yuri

(Happy birthday to yuri, just like the title. There will be more Flytrap today. Please support this book more.)

"You...why...don't you hide?" The huge four sharp claws sank into Jiang Jun's shoulders, and the gecko man looked at him in disbelief. The life was passing through the gecko man's body as an apostle, and he was an apostle after all. Even if he was hit in a part that must die, he still had a moment of sobriety.

"Because I know that if you don't dodge, you will die." Jiang Jun pulled out his fingers coldly, then jumped up amidst the clamor of collar sirens, and at the same time shouted to Jiang Minjing: "Go!"

There was a loud bang, and the sound was accompanied by air waves that made Jiang Jun stagger. He returned to Jiang Minjing and looked at her with a smile, the gray in his eyes had quietly faded away.

"Your...injury~!" Jiang Minjing covered his mouth in distress, and pointed to his shoulder and cheek with the other finger.

"It's okay, my self-healing ability has suddenly increased a lot. Look..." Jiang Jun said as he wiped the blood stains on his face. The wound under the blood stains left only a trace of fine marks, and the healing speed was very obvious.

"Let's go, hurry up and find a car~ Be careful of other troubles caused by the movement." Jiang Jun pulled Jiang Minjing up to continue the business of finding a car that was interrupted because of this gecko man.

After some searching, it was not in vain. They finally found a broken down armored vehicle in a building. Looking at the mess outside, the soldiers in this vehicle saw that the situation was not good, so they wanted to drive into the building and then He escaped by crashing from the other side, but the car accidentally got stuck between the two walls, and the car could only go backwards and could not move forward.There was no one in the car, probably because the car broke down, and the soldier driving it was desperate to survive and finally abandoned it and fled on foot.

This car is not only equipped with a small artillery, but also equipped with two cannons on both sides of the car. It seems that the firepower is very strong. Jiang Jun checked briefly and found that all the equipment of the vehicle is normal, although the amount of ammunition on board seems to be small. A little bit, but it is already the best result.

"Sit down~ let's go back." Started the car, the crawler belt rolled up the dust, and the two sat in the airtight iron box and rushed out of the building.

When taking back the gun along the way, Jiang Minjing was worried about Jiang Jun's injury. In order to let his wound heal earlier, this kind of hard work of running up and down was finished first. Considering her physique, Jiang Jun accepted it with a smile up.Thinking of his three women, Kim Hyun-ah, Jung Soo-yeon, and Jiang Minjing in front of him, Jiang Jun felt a little strange. After Qin's incident, he had always felt that women were just acting on occasion.Even for Kim Hyuna, when they first met, he only had sex with her out of half kindness and half desire, and calling her "plaything" was just a subconscious escape from him not daring to face his heart.

Facing a woman who is dependent on him, he can't just treat her as a dispensable existence.

With the contact, the beauty of these three women made him a little strangely fascinated.This is the end of the world, at least for country h.In such a world where the weak prey on the strong, he cares about their safety and their wishes, but he doesn't want to pretend to be hypocritical and leave any one of them alone, so as to make his heart feel uncomfortable.

There was nothing to stop him this time, the car was heading towards the stronghold quickly, but Jiang Jun couldn't help recalling the experiences of these days in his thoughts.

Six or seven days have passed, and it is at least four or five days later than the date agreed to return when looking for Lin Yuner's lost sister and Kim Hyuna's mother. This really echoes the old saying that the plan cannot keep up with changes.

I was injured when I was looking for Jung Soo-yeon, and then wandered with her to Li Zhiying's settlement. I also met Ha Ji-won who was disguised as a man, and then they went to the hospital to investigate, and realized the identity of the mastermind behind the scenes. foreigners.Then he saved Seo Joo Hyun, met the implanter Jung Yong Hwa who died protecting her, and Lee Seung Chul, the car mechanic he took in.

Then there was the death of Lee Soo Man and Jung Yong Hwa, the appearance of Kim Yoo Jin and the failure of the h[***] team's attack, and then they had a bond with the sniper girl Jiang Min Kyung in front of him by accident.

A lot of things were suppressed so that he couldn't find people as calmly as the original plan. Now Lin Yuner's confession was partially completed, but the guilt towards Jin Xuanya was even heavier. He still didn't have the entrustment of this girl. clues, and the map that Kim Hyuna marked for him at the beginning was also destroyed after going through various dangers.

"Are you going to see them? Yuner, Xiuyan, Hyuna, heh~ and that big brother grasshopper~ I don't know if Xiuzhi's legs are better~" Jiang Jun raised his lips slightly, driving the car Passing through the hazy urban area, the gunpowder smoke still lingers here, and the degree of dilapidated buildings is far greater than anywhere in Seoul, except for the hell-like nuclear explosion area.

"Boom~!!!" The already fragile building wreckage shattered into large pieces~

"Oh, is he so big but only so small?" Li Qiguang walked over slowly with his fists clenched. The skin on the top of his hands with slightly protruding knuckles seemed to be covered with a layer of flesh-colored scales. It looks like a bump, with black and red dripping blood on it.

"Hoho~Kill~Kill~!!!" The gravel splashed, and a huge figure stumbled and managed to stand still, roaring angrily, but there was a faint look of fear in Li Qiguang's eyes.

"Give it a try if you have the skills, this~uncle?" When the vision darkened, the figure of the burly man rushed towards him, but Li Qiguang leisurely stepped on his feet, his body seemed to be slow but in fact he jumped onto the shoulders of the big man: "It's also the evolution of strength, it seems that you are much worse than someone~" He whispered with a smile close to the big man's ear.

"Boom~" There was an explosion not far away, Li Qiguang took a look to roughly distinguish the direction, scratched his head: "Hey~ It seems that Brother Doujun is still faster than me~ Then I'm sorry, hands and feet If you are slow, you will be scolded." As he spoke, he punched the big man's head to pieces, and then jumped out of the explosion range of the collar a few times.

"Cough, cough, cough~" Just as he walked to the meeting point, he saw Long Junheng, who was covered in dust, also walking over.

"Haha~ You are so embarrassed." Li Qiguang smiled and went over to dust him off, and then the two looked at Yin Doujun together.

"Don't look at me, I'm not the fastest. Hyun Seung! ~Come back." Yin Doujun pointed to the not far away, and the figure squatting silently over there walked over slowly after hearing his words.

"Is he the fastest? Why didn't you hear the explosion?" Li Qiguang and Long Junheng asked suspiciously while looking at each other.

"Maybe it's too fast~ detonating is useless, so the other party gave up." Zhang Xiansheng said coldly and walked to several people.

"Still pretending to be cool, you. Don't worry, as long as you don't die, your little wild horse senior sister will not be able to run away sooner or later. But... To be honest, we have become like this, do you really expect the other party to accept you?" Li Qiguang Looking at him, he asked with a half-smile.

"Accept~? Of course not, HyunA, she..." Zhang Xiansheng clenched his fists as if he had made up his mind: "I want her to become like us. I want her to gain this kind of power~"

"Are you crazy~!"

"Are you serious?" Long Junheng and Li Qiguang blurted out subconsciously at the same time.

"Are you serious?" Yin Doujun looked into his eyes and asked slowly, then seemed to think for a while and said in a deep voice: "You are serious!"

Zhang Xiansheng looked at the three of them and smiled coldly: "Yes~! So I need the core research results of Eternal Science~ What I want is not just revenge, I also want to get everything he has achieved so far. I want to ensure that ordinary people become We have such a technology that there is no personal danger. Would you like to help me?"

"For a woman~? She obviously never expressed affection for you~" Li Qiguang sneered and shook his head, expressing his incomprehension of Zhang Shengxian's behavior.

"But hehe~ I like this plan very much." Long Junheng suddenly smiled strangely: "Although my little Hara broke up, if I can really transform her into this, I'm really looking forward to it."

"Does the girl who got it never forget it? You~" Li Qiguang looked at him with a smile and asked.

"Ah~ you're looking for death, brat!!!" Long Junheng yelled angrily, and then the two looked at each other like a bullfight, and then they laughed and lightly punched each other.

"I said, Captain, what do you say?" The two, clasping each other's shoulders, looked at Yin Doujun and asked.

"I think... since you want to make a big deal, then this idea is also very interesting." Yin Doujun said strangely and then raised his head and laughed wildly.

"All destroyed~ have all the five apostles been killed?" The five priests looked at me and I looked at you for a while, speechless, and finally could only squeeze out this sentence from their dry throats in disbelief.

"All gone? Hmph~ trash!" A voice suddenly came from behind several people. They looked together but saw two people standing behind them and looking at them coldly.

"High Priest Willy, and High Priest Jin Shengruan~!!!" The five stood up and hurriedly bowed their heads together while thinking about how to minimize the guilt of this matter.

"Hmph~ You all lost your apostles, pack up your things, and go back to work as a researcher tomorrow." Willie waved his hands like chasing flies, without concealing his disgust at all.

Returning to being a researcher means that they have to live with data and experimental subjects again. They will not have the opportunity to show their faces in front of high-level officials. They only submit reports and experimental reports for analyzing data one by one. Those who have been punished and their supply reduced, their status in the church is equivalent to that of ordinary employees in large companies, and they are only the lowest rank of successors who are only higher than those of the guards and interns.

Jin Shengruan looked at the pale faces of the three of them, but smiled gently: "Think about the benefits, your apostles have always been the weakest, take this opportunity to observe carefully, maybe the archbishop can have more when he opens the experiment again." Maybe a good apostle."

"Hey~" Willie couldn't help making a contemptuous sound.


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