"Joke~! Can this kind of thing disturb me?" Goo Hara stood up with a face full of disdain, Jiang Jun didn't fall with her, and at the last moment he was pulled up by Oh Soo-jin who drove back.

The environment around Goo Hara was very chaotic, and she was separated from the wall by some obviously rough and simple traps. Some of these traps use electricity and some don’t even use electricity at all, but they all have a specific feature, that is, simplicity and roughness.

However, all of this constitutes an insult to Goo Hara. This woman who claims to exist like a little princess in the bishop's army, such a simple and vulnerable thing is used on her, which immediately makes her feel that she is being abused. I deeply despise it.

But despite these things, she still has a faint unease, which is almost instinctive, and this unease does not originate from her but from the parasite in her brain, which is releasing a kind of anxiety to the brain. The signal represented that on the wall not far in front of her, the flat and rough instrument had some kind of power that could threaten her.

"Do you know? These fires, smoke, noises, etc. are actually not for you. They are for yours..." A TV on the wall suddenly flashed the image of Li Zongyue, and he pointed to his own with a smile. At the same time, the instrument on the wall suddenly shot out a beam of light, the light flashed extremely fast, and it just hit Goo Hara in an instant.The strange thing is that the light didn't have the slightest lethality. Goo Hara was surprised, but Wu's brain suddenly started to hurt extremely, and then countless information appeared in her brain in a mess.

On the screen, Li Zongyue smiled triumphantly and explained: "The appearance of smoke, flames and noises is actually to find the bait used by the port of the miniature brainwashing machine in your brain. It is because it needs to prevent you from being distracted by the appearance of something Memories are chaotic so there will be a memory filtering mechanism, and these chaotic memories will slow down its analysis and give time for my machine to find out how to hack into the brainwashing machine and thus invade your brain. The machine on the wall is actually It's very simple, it has no other functions, the only function is to convert information into photon signals and then use your brainwashing device to inject them into your brain. Isn't your ability amazing? Try it and see if your brain will It won't be powerful enough to hold up a huge amount of information."

The designer of the brainwashing device has been working on how to control the apostle stably with the feedback data after its application. It is the last means of control imposed by the sect on the apostle, and the collar is a means of erasure. For experimental samples that are scarce The sect will not activate the collar to self-destruct until the last moment.Therefore, the brainwashing device is very important. Its design has been changed several times. In order to cope with the battle, it has become more robust, and in order to cope with the apostle's emotions, it has become more secure. Its direct brain mechanism allows every piece of real-time memory of the apostle to go through Its filtering makes everything the apostle sees and hears under the control of the instrument, and it is not easy to have emotional fluctuations and mental disorders caused by touching the scene or meeting familiar people.

However, when the designer perfected it, he only considered the function and defense mechanism of the brainwashing device from the level of the apostle's own information acquisition, but never considered that someone would directly use the loopholes in the device itself to forcibly input a large amount of information.The instrument that has been used to control the apostles has become the Achilles' heel of the apostles, which is never expected by the designers of eternal science.

"Bastard... bastard~!!! Unexpectedly..." Goo Hara's body trembled slightly, and the tremor gradually became more intense, and the whites of the eyes that were originally blooming with blue light also increased obviously at this time, she seemed to want to grit her teeth. He ran away, and even wanted to teach this ordinary person a lesson, but his body couldn't move as if he had eaten too much food.

"Aren't you reconciled? Are you not reconciled to losing to me who can't even kill ordinary zombies?" Li Zongyue seemed to be aware of her thoughts and said jokingly: "In fact, if it wasn't for Boss Jiang Jun and the others who made you let go of your vigilance, here Really no one will be your opponent. Alright~! It's now!"

Following Li Zongyue's loud shout, Jung Soo-jin jumped down from the hole above, and then ruthlessly pierced an injection in her hand into Goo Hara's neck.There is no brainwashing device like Goo Hara for control in her brain, so naturally she will not be interfered by Li Zongyue's device.

The translucent turbid liquid suddenly pressed into the blood vessels on Goo Hara's neck, and the trembling all over her body became more intense in an instant. The trembling like epilepsy made her almost unsteady, and her beautiful eyes also Finally fully understood.His mouth couldn't even utter a complete sentence, and he started to foam.

"Wow~ You are so overbearing with this needle." The door was opened, and Li Zongyue looked at Pai Sen with a look of fuss.

"Of course it would be a bit overbearing to mix the parasite sample extracted from Pu Suyan's brain with a drug that destroys nerve elements, but she is a high-level existence among the apostles. If the dose is not increased, I am worried that it will not be safe. You should start quickly. Who can guarantee that her self-healing ability will not quickly restore all this? We will be the ones who will die by then." In a rare way, Payson did not show humility and humility, but asked with some eagerness.

"Don't worry. The program is ready. Maybe in terms of scientific research, these foreign devils are indeed a brush. The brainwashing device is so small and perfect. I really can't make it. It can convert the information into the brain directly. , such a thing is currently not in the hands of even the United States. It is a pity that the product is so amazing, but in terms of security design, they are completely unqualified. With such a port, my remote access is easily broken If you can clean this woman's memory and switch programs, everything will be fine."

"Are you sure? This is a human, not a bird or a beast." Jiang Jun also jumped down at this moment, one of his arms was cut off by Gu Hara's surprise attack, but because he was well preserved and he was good at self-healing ability, so After aligning and joining, the connection in front of him has been completed. He glanced at Goo Hara who was still twitching and foaming on the ground and asked.

"Humans are also creatures. At least until a complete cognitive system is established, there is no difference between a human being and a beast. However, the process of her establishing her own cognitive system is all controlled by us. If there is no accident, she will have her own When we got to know each other, the other party already counted her as one of us. Well, I’m about to start work, and we all step back, let’s leave the mission of being a father to Boss Jiang. Haha~” Li Zongyue waved his hand with a smile.

"oppa~" Zheng Xiujing pouted her lips involuntarily with a dark face.Even though she is in the enemy's position, she has to admit that the ant-waisted Goo Hara is a beautiful woman, and her popularity in Japan, which is almost the same generation as Girls' Generation, is extremely impressive.This oppa already has a lot of women, like the two in Tara, Jiang Minjing, and her own Unnie, who is not clear with Yuner Unnie, and recently has a little bad relationship with Park So Yeon The entanglement to be dealt with, coupled with a submissive Goo Hara under his control, is undoubtedly a big challenge for Jiang Jun's self-control, and for him, Oh Soo-jung knows with his toes that he will definitely not be able to pass such tests.

"Uh~" Jiang Jun took a look at Jung Soo-jin and had no choice but to touch his nose and then shrugged his shoulders to express his helplessness. He can't completely trust anyone else, and a 'weapon' like Goo Hara is naturally in his own hands Only then can it work well.

Zheng Xiujing and Jiang Minjing, as Jiang Jun's considerable fighting power, are limited to his own women. When they go into battle, Jiang Jun has to consider a lot. To a certain extent, although they provide corresponding fighting power, they are also To a certain extent, Jiang Jun has some scruples.So he really needed a weapon, a weapon that he could use without hesitation, and Goo Hara in front of him made him have to admit that he was indeed the best candidate.

Li Zongyue's instrument restarted, and Jiang Jun noticed that the indicator lights on the original instrument began to flash and change colors. Li Zongyue asked him a few more precautions, and then everyone left the room.

"Hmph~ Your cut really hurt me so much." Kneeling down and looking at Goo Hara who fell into a coma, Jiang Jun couldn't help showing a mocking smile.In fact, what distressed him the most was not the injury on his arm, but the severe loss of at least one-third of the metal wire in the ring on his right hand being broken by Goo Hara.The ingredients contained in this metal wire and the complicated forging process are the secrets of the forging family of the Tianchao family who are closely related to other teachers. The time and money spent on forging such an indestructible metal wire are beyond compare Estimated, but it was such a metal wire that he almost thought was the toughest thing in the world was broken by Goo Hara, which made him feel very shocked by the terrifying strength of the bladed body of the undercover girl in front of him. interested in.

Jiang Jun stretched out his hand to pick up Goo Hara's head, and aimed at the light according to Li Zongyue's previous instructions, a slight creaking noise was transmitted immediately, and there seemed to be countless insects around, which made people irritated.And Goo Hara's body, which was originally in a coma, gradually trembled again under the light.

"Cuckoo~" A muffled voice came out of her throat, and the girl opened her eyes again and finally she didn't turn white, but her eyes became extremely dull and blurred.

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