"Hoohoo~" Liu Zaishi ran desperately, he felt that this time he ran more desperately than any other variety show, even worse than when he was chased by zombies before meeting Jiang Jun for the first time. .

"Jiang Hudong, Jiang Hudong~ You will not let me go after you become like this." Panting heavily, he stroked his glasses and then wiped the sweat from his forehead and said to himself helplessly.

"Boom~!" As soon as the words fell, a big stone fell from the sky and almost smashed him into meat paste. He could only grit his teeth and continue to run wildly in circles.

"Ah~! Zong Yue~ You should hurry up, I really, huh huh, I really can't take it anymore!!" Liu Zaishi yelled and accelerated again, but everyone could see that, Now he is at the end of his strength, and the distance between him and Jiang Hudong is gradually being shortened, it cannot last at all.

"Get ready." Standing on a high place, Li Zongyue watched Liu Zaishi run into the narrow passage between the two buildings in the direction he instructed, and nodded to Wen Shenghao.

"Understood." Wen Shenghao gave an order, and a few soldiers flashed out on the floors of the two buildings a little higher than Jiang Hudong.

"Ready...ready~!" At the end of the passage, Nichkhun swallowed his saliva and raised his hand.He regretted that he followed Wen Shenghao to find Jiang Jun and the others. He was the only person in Wen Shenghao's system who was considered very close to Jiang Jun and the others, and he was recommended by someone sent by Wen Shenghao. He had no choice but to bite the bullet and follow over to fight these monsters.He saw the terrifying IU and Lee Seung Gi with his own eyes, and he also saw that Goo Hara's hands and feet were obliterated, and Jiang Minjing's arm from the shoulder seemed to be bitten off by something.It was the sad fate of ordinary people after seeing Li Shengji shoot a volley together. He was standing next to a soldier. Let his liver and gallbladder be torn.He is an idol, an idol who dances, sings, plays cool and pretends to be handsome, such a bloody reality shouldn't let him get mixed up.

Thinking of this, he watched Jiang Hudong, who was as huge and strong as a mountain, rushing towards him, felt the shock that the ground was trembling, swallowed again to hide the fear and uneasiness in his heart, looked at the distance, and finally shouted loudly: " start."


On the cleared flat road, several grenades rolled quickly towards Jiang Hudong's direction.


Following Nichkhun's loud roar.Liu Zaishi strode over the rolling grenade and rolled on the spot.When he stopped, he was dragged by two prepared soldiers to the back of the bunker.

"Boom~!" The continuous explosions raised a large cloud of dust, followed by countless bullets from the guns in the hands of the soldiers behind the bunker.

Jiang Hudong's roar was louder than gunshots and explosions. Its roar almost shook the surrounding buildings and shivered as if they were about to collapse.Then.Its pace of advancement accelerated several times.He rushed towards the fragile bunker.

"Boom!" The huge body rushing out of the smoke suddenly shook.Then he stopped, and saw that Jiang Hudong's forward body was being stopped by several thick ropes at the moment. These ropes were thick ropes that connected the buildings on both sides after going around the building.Each one is a product of a mixture of hemp rope and metal ropes such as steel cables, which are thick enough to allow children to stand on it.

"It's now!" Nichkhun waved his hand, and several soldiers threw out the smoke bombs in their hands, and the smoke immediately enveloped everything around Jiang Hudong.

Immediately afterwards, a few black shadows swung out of the building without a sound and rushed towards Jiang Hudong.They are all the most elite fighters, and at the same time, they are also dead soldiers with the will to die. What they did was to send the core that was removed from the apostle into Ru Jiang Hudong's mouth and finally detonate it.

In the smoke, Jiang Hudong roared, and the ropes that bound him bounced straight, and dust continued to fall off the buildings that tied the ropes on both sides.

There was a bang, and a figure flew out of the smoke and landed at Nichkhun's feet. It was no longer a person. The whole person seemed to be a mosquito that had been slapped flat. Those who were shattered by one blow could not die anymore.

Then another person was photographed, a total of six soldiers who swung over to carry out the mission, and within a few seconds, three of them were slapped to death like mosquitoes.

Seeing the bloody scene, Ni Kun's feet almost went limp, and his mind was only thinking of how to escape, avoiding the monster's pursuit range and hiding far away.

"Wow~" Another person was photographed, and at the same time, a rope finally broke into two pieces with a bang, and all the following ropes snapped one by one like dominoes being pushed down.

"Boom!" It seemed that the devil shattered everyone's expectations. The smoke was blown to both sides by the airflow brought by the huge impact, and Jiang Hudong's figure appeared in front of everyone again.

"Mission...completed~!" A man covered in blood put half of his body outside Jiang Hudong's mouth, and the core device in his hand sank into Jiang Hudong's mouth.


Everyone heard the sound of the core being activated at the end, followed by a click and chewing sound. Everyone knew the fate of that soldier, but no one had the courage to watch it.

"Be careful!" Everyone curled up behind the bunker and lowered their bodies as much as possible.The core is equivalent to a small nuclear bomb, and everyone knows the power of the explosion.

"Gu~" There was a muffled sound, and there was no other movement after a long time.Nichkhun and Liu Zaishi took the lead in poking their heads out of the cover to look, and saw Jiang Hudong's body standing there quietly, his face was scorched black, and his body was also gray and decayed. , the entire huge body is as weird as magma covered with a layer of dust.

"Did... kill it?" Ni Kun looked at it for a long time, and said in disbelief.

Several soldiers approached carefully with their guns in hand, as if they wanted to confirm whether Jiang Hudong was really killed, but everyone knew that no one could survive such an explosion.

But they obviously didn't know about the nuclear explosion that Jiang Jun encountered, but if they knew, they probably wouldn't connect the two.One is affected by a nuclear explosion, and the other is something like a miniature nuclear bomb that explodes in the body. They are two completely different levels.

"It's safe... I..." After confirming, a soldier turned around and said to Liu Zaishi and the others with a sigh of relief. Before he could finish speaking, his whole body was completely swallowed by the flames.

Jiang Hudong's huge body was revived again. It looked like an ancient fire dragon, with raging flames spouting from its facial features, and the flames gushing from its mouth instantly turned several soldiers who approached it into fly ash.Then, it roared loudly, and the flames in its facial features gradually extinguished.on its body and head.Countless fine pieces of skin shattered and fell off one after another, and the huge body turned into an appearance composed of muscle tissue like a human anatomy diagram.

"Oh my god~!" The defense line behind the bunker finally completely collapsed, and the soldiers completely lost their fighting spirit when they saw this scene.A guy who can resist even a nuclear explosion, what other weapons can deal with it?This made everyone completely lose their confidence in living.

"Roar~" Jiang Hudong roared in a low voice.The body squats down.Following that, the sturdy body shot towards the bunker as if it had been loaded with a spring.That speed was several times faster than its previous charge, and it only took a moment to shatter the bunkers that the soldiers had worked so hard to build with a bang.

"Ah~" Several soldiers flew out screaming at the bones and tendons broken by the impact, and just flew into the air.A soldier was grabbed and pinched by Jiang Hudong and stuffed into his mouth casually.

"It's over, it's really over." Ni Kun was so frightened that he almost lost control of his bladder and bowels. He glanced at Liu Zaishi, gritted his teeth, lowered his head and rushed towards the nearby building, wanting to escape alone.

"Huh~!" A corpse slammed into the fleeing Nichkhun, but he dodged like a dog, and disappeared into the building.

"It's over... Wife~ I'll never see you again." Liu Zaishi, who was pale, watched Nichkhun's disappearance, and muttered in his heart with a wry smile.He was already desperate, because Jiang Hudong had already aimed at his side, squatting down slightly, and that posture was about to charge again.Many images instantly appeared in his mind, from being depressed before to being valued, to being loved and awarded the title of Guoming Cook, and the smile on his wife's face when he got married, and the moments when he and Jiang Jun and the others built the stronghold bit by bit.But the strange thing is that he didn't have the slightest regret for coming to help Jiang Jun, only very regretful in his heart, regretting that he could not go on with his beloved wife.

"Aw~!" At this moment, there was a sudden roar, followed by a black shadow that jumped on Jiang Hudong's head.

"Jaeshik oppa.. Get out of here quickly. Leave it to me." Li Shungui appeared beside Liu Zaishi with a pale face, and Liu Zaishi looked in the direction of Jiang Hudong in panic, only to find that the person who was fighting with Jiang Hudong was Li Shungui The most powerful alien zombie.

"Let's go...how can this be done? How can I leave you alone?" Liu Zaishi asked with a little false alarm as he watched the fight on the field, wiping off his sweat.

"I have a way to deal with it, but if Shi Oppa is here, that method won't work." Li Shungui said, watching Jiang Hudong and the alien zombie in the fight intently.

"Really...Really? Don't lie to me..." Liu Zaishi looked at Li Shungui suspiciously.

"Well, I'm not lying, doesn't oppa believe me?" The girl smiled sweetly, replied coquettishly, and then pushed him: "Go, go, if you don't go, that method won't work .”

"Okay...Okay. You have to keep yourself safe, Shun Kyu~" Liu Zaishi told her seriously.

"I've said it all, it's time to call me sunny, oppa still can't fix this problem." Li Shungui pouted and said dissatisfiedly.

Looking at Liu Zaishi who ran away, Li Shungui looked at Jiang Hudong, his eyes gradually became cold.

"Ouch~" She suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood and her expression turned desolate: "If I kill you, this should be enough."

At the same time, with a bang, Jiang Hudong finally grabbed the weak point of that alien zombie and broke its neck. face. . )

ps: Thank you Muzi Xiaowu for the monthly ticket and Aobashang for the reward.

I hope that my head will get on the right track as soon as possible and my career will be smooth.

Sika fans are really awesome~ I hope you will always love her as you said. .as far as possible.

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