Space in hand, exclusive to Xia

Chapter 167: Dad Xia Helps

Chapter 167: Dad Xia Helps (70)
"What?" Grandpa Xia opened his eyes wide. He had to hand in all the money before ten o'clock tomorrow morning, otherwise he would be in breach of the contract. "How can it be postponed later, these are agreed!"

"Don't worry, you go to sleep first, and we will fulfill the contract when you wake up, but it depends on when you wake up."

Before Grandpa Xia could react, he stared blankly at the other person's eyes, and slowly a wave of drowsiness came over him. "I……"

"Have a good night's sleep. You seem a little tired. By the way, you will probably be greatly stimulated tomorrow. You need to have a good body. But according to your nature, it shouldn't be you who will bear these things. Alas, even at this age, you still trust others so easily, it is really time for someone to give you some experience."

Grandpa Xia didn't seem to hear what the man said, he found a comfortable seat and lay down, then fell into a deep sleep.

"Tsk tsk, it seems that people are too old to just fall asleep in the wilderness like this. How about this, Xiao Shen, you stay and watch for me, so that nothing happens to him."


Because it was already dark, and Grandpa Xia went out secretly, no one found out about it at all. Xiao Shen glanced at the still sleeping Grandpa Xia with disdain on his face. "Self-inflicted."

One day, Xia Zhongyou took the passbook without telling his old man, and took the money from his sister-in-law and went out. Meng Xiuyue sent away the joy of her husband, as long as the money was deposited in the account, the store would be theirs. When the time came, she touched her stomach. "At that time, you two little ones will be fed up with cakes every day, and your whole body will smell of milk!"

It's just that when her husband hadn't come back, it was Xia Hongsheng who was waiting, and the other party looked at Meng Xiuyue anxiously. "Where's your father-in-law?"

"Still sleeping in the house."

"Sleeping so late?" Xia Hongsheng was obviously stunned, and then hurried in.

Meng Xiuyue herself was also surprised. Her father-in-law always liked to go to the fields early in the morning and came back just in time for dinner. Why did he sleep in late today?It is almost eight o'clock now, and I am afraid that my husband should have arrived at the bank.

After a while Xia Hongsheng rushed out, "There is no one in the room, where did he go?"

"Not in the house?" Meng Xiuyue was stunned. How could it be that she didn't hear him going out, and when Xia Zhongyou left, it was probably just after six o'clock to catch the earliest car, so it was impossible for him to miss him.

"Where did you go?" Xia Hongsheng couldn't help being impatient. The deadline is ten o'clock today. If you miss the time, it's not up to you. Banks have remittance receipts, so I don't care about the previous Xia. Grandpa ordered not to tell his son and daughter-in-law.

"I don't know either. Maybe he went to the field. Do you have anything to do with him?"

"How can it be okay? It's time soon. He hasn't paid the money yet, so it's time to pay liquidated damages!"

"Liquidated damages? What kind of money should be paid as liquidated damages?"

Xia Hongsheng cast his last hope on Meng Xiuyue, "Your father-in-law rented the land that your family is planting now for another five years. Ten o'clock today is the deadline to pay the money. If you don't pay any more, you will have to pay liquidated damages, which is 300 million yuan. Woolen cloth!"

Meng Xiuyue was stunned by this figure, "Then, how much should I pay?"

"Five years, 12 a year, a total of 60."

Meng Xiuyue felt a little dizzy, 60, so much money at home? "When did he sign the contract with you? How could it be so expensive?"

"Just a few days ago, there are already many people renting this land. At that time, there was a factory that was willing to pay 15 yuan. Your father-in-law said it would be rented, and in the end it was 12 yuan for five years."

Meng Xiuyue felt a little out of breath. All her family's money was used to rent a shop, and there was almost nothing left. It was not long before ten o'clock, "Wait a minute."

She took out her hand tremblingly, and pressed Xia Zhongyou's number, "Where are you, have you paid yet?"

After hearing the other party's happy answer, I felt dark in front of my eyes. Before I could explain, I dialed another number, "Hey, sister-in-law, how much money can I give out at home now?"

Liu Fanlian who was holding the phone was taken aback for a moment, and when she was about to say something, the line on the other end turned into a busy signal.

"Tongtong, your little aunt called just now in a hurry and seemed to say that she needed money. Do you know what happened?"

"I don't know." Xia Tong was making tea with the saffron grown by herself, "It should be about the shop, Ning Jicen said that the money is not urgent, it's nothing, anyway, the shop has been left for them."

"Oh, alas, she was so anxious that I was worried about what happened."

"Okay, I'm going down quickly, Ruoman is waiting below, the saffron I made must be delicious."

"You, okay, I'll go down with you and buy some milk powder for pregnant women later. I heard that there is an event there now, which is very affordable. I will send it to your little aunt when I deliver food next time."


Meng Xiuyue stared at her cell phone in a daze, she didn't have time to think about why she was out of charge, she quickly answered Xia Hongsheng's call and called, but after a while, no one answered, and Xia Tong's cell phone was also turned off.

Somewhat frustrated, she could only put her hope on her father-in-law, hoping that he had already made arrangements before signing the contract, "Village chief, can you help me find my father-in-law? Probably, he should have saved money, Brother and sister-in-law gave him a lot before."

These words were obviously comforting words, Xia Hongsheng glanced at Meng Xiuyue's pale face and nodded, "Don't worry, I will find some people to find him later, he should be in the field, he seemed quite determined when he signed the contract There should be nothing wrong."

Meng Xiuyue could only smile politely, found a stool and sat down, frowning...

When Grandpa Xia woke up, he found himself lying on the ground surrounded by messy grass. He rubbed his aching forehead, "Why are you here?"

(End of this chapter)

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