cloudy day

Chapter 704 Another Vicious Fight

Chapter 704 Another Vicious Fight
"Boy, I want to repay you well, let you become a part of my body! Didn't I say that you are the best tribute!" The evil ghost sneered and slammed at me rushed over.

The speed of this ghost was faster than lightning, and it appeared in front of my eyes in the blink of an eye, and the ghost claw almost touched the tip of my nose!
I was so scared that I broke out in cold sweat and didn't react at all, but fortunately his soul body was still bound by the eight chains in the small temple, so I couldn't be hurt.

But despite this, my cheeks and body were still injured by the fierce ghost energy, and several bloodstains were cut.The pain brought me back to consciousness, and I stepped back quickly, and at the same time, the projection projected a skull shield.

Seeing that I was in danger, Zhang Deafzi and Huang Shisan behind me ran up one after another. Zhang Deafzi hurriedly used the pool closing talisman, and threw a black talisman in front of the evil ghost.

This pool-closing talisman specially designed to deal with ghosts burst into purple light, and countless black hands protruded, but before the pool-closing talisman could exert its true power, it was torn into pieces by the evil ghost lightly.

"Pool closing talisman? Humph, compared to your ancestor's pool closing talisman, it's just a piece of waste paper! Brats, you're lucky, I can't break free from the chains for the time being... But no matter how far you run, I will Go catch you! Because your body is so delicious, and the thing in your body is even more mouth-watering!" The evil ghost stared at my eyes and said with a grin.

My heart skipped a beat, but Deaf Zhang next to me shouted fearlessly: "You... you evil ghost, you still have to die a tragic death of the patriarch, I... I, Zhang Ergou, is the leader of No. 70's third generation pond collectors , I will never let you harm the villagers at the bottom of the mountain! Never... I will never let you harm Changsheng!"

Deaf Zhang pulled out his horsewhip and was about to fight this evil ghost to the death. I took a deep breath and stopped him again, "Brother Ergou, leave it to me! Do as I said before!"

Deaf Zhang nodded, I rekindled my fighting spirit, and I will not back down anymore!

I know very well in my heart that if I don't get rid of this evil ghost now, when he breaks free from the chains, he will definitely cause chaos!

And at this time, I am not completely in a disadvantageous situation. Although the evil ghost has broken free from the shackles of the corpse, the ghostly aura is overwhelming, but the weapon of the underworld that I projected will also cause huge damage to his soul body. harm!

Thinking of this, I said coldly: "You wild ghost king, don't be complacent! My ability is specially designed to deal with you evil spirits!"

The evil ghost stared at the skull shield in my hand and snorted coldly, "Boy, you are indeed very powerful, but the weapon you transformed just now can't threaten this king at all! Huh, let alone this king, even I You can't beat your former subordinates!"

The evil ghost snorted coldly, and saw the ghost energy in his hand condensed, gradually forming a long black sword!

When I saw this pitch-black long sword, I originally wanted to project the Shura Sword that turned into a ghost general to deal with him, but then I thought that I would lose the advantage of distance in this way.

The evil spirit is now bound by black iron chains, which will hinder his movements, and I should take advantage of this!
After a little calculation in my mind, I projected the object out of the soul-dispersing iron chain, as long as he is bound by the iron chain, his Yin Qi will be dissipated!

I waved at the evil ghost with all my strength, but unfortunately the ghost king moved quickly and easily avoided it.

However, although his soul escaped, the eight iron chains that bound him were still dragging on the ground. My iron chains entangled one of the iron chains, and the power of this scattered soul spread to the soul body of the evil ghost like an electric conductor.

"Stinky boy, there is yours! It's just that you are too naive!" The evil ghost sneered, and swung the black long sword lightly, and saw a black sword light cut my loose soul iron chain into two part……

(End of this chapter)

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