cloudy day

Chapter 739 Merman Bay

Chapter 739 Merman Bay

In the early morning of the next day, before leaving, I went to the underground ghost city to take another look at the corpse demon, and she was still fast asleep on the bed.I sighed, wishing I could see her awake when I came back again.

When I returned to the Ghost Ancestral Temple, I unexpectedly ran into Ghost Linglong who was worshiping the Ghost General. Looking at her bright smile and clear laughter, the haze in my heart disappeared a lot.

Gui Linglong accompanied me all the way out of the Ghost Ancestral Temple, when she crossed the high threshold, she suddenly said to me: "Brother Changsheng, can you lend me a drop of your blood?"

"A drop of blood? What do you mean?" I asked suspiciously.

Gui Linglong didn't answer me, took out a piece of jade pendant, grabbed my hand before I agreed, and bit my finger hard.

I groaned in pain, "Linglong, what are you doing?"

Gui Linglong still didn't speak, and at the same time bit her own finger, and dripped the blood of both of us on the jade pendant. Immediately afterwards, the jasper-colored jade pendant gradually turned into a piece of blood jade!
This round jade pendant is divided into upper and lower halves, and Gui Linglong broke off the upper half and handed it to me, saying, "Brother Changsheng, I heard from grandma that it will be very dangerous for you to go to the South China Sea this time. Ghost Ancestor blesses you. Keep this jade pendant, if anything happens to you, the lower half of the jade pendant in my hand will be broken..."

Gui Linglong stared at me closely, her big watery eyes were a little reddish, which made me a little sad and embarrassed.

I took a deep breath, patted her on the head lightly, comforted her and said, "Linglong, don't worry, your Brother Changsheng will be fine, I will definitely come back alive, you have to step up your practice, don't you want Do you want to join the ghost word gate and visit the underground ghost city?"

Then Gui Linglong broke into a smile again, nodded heavily to me, and reluctantly bid farewell to me while clutching the half jade pendant.

After the three of us bid farewell to the ghost mother-in-law and others, we embarked on the road to Hainan Yuren Bay. After a day's long journey and some twists and turns, we finally arrived at our destination at three or four o'clock in the afternoon. .

The scenery of Hainan is different from Fengdu in the southwest, and the small fishing villages in Hainan are quite different from the small villages in the northeast.

The endless sea, the blue sky, the pure sandy beach, the rows of coconut trees, the big trees like pineapple, many plants and things are the first time I have seen them.

It's summer now, Hainan is as hot as Fengdu, but the sea breeze is refreshing.

Looking at the sky and the sea, the three of us let go like seabirds. It would be great if we didn't come to find evil corpses, but to travel and relax.

At this time, although the three of us were standing together, our eyes were looking at different places.Zhang Deaf stared at the coconuts and freshly salvaged seafood, and Huang Shisan also drooled at the simple-dressed fishermen.

I suddenly felt that they insisted on coming to Hainan with me for other purposes, not as bold and ambitious as they said yesterday...

I sighed, I was the only one who was doing serious business, so I called Lao Wu with my mobile phone and told us where we were.

Unexpectedly, Lao Wu found us soon, and he was waiting for us in the nearby tavern.

The four of us are very happy to meet again after a long absence.Not only me, but Zhang Deaf and Huang Shisan were very kind to Lao Wu. After all, Lao Wu saved their lives, and we have experienced many life and death disasters together.

We came to a secluded place along the coast, and I asked curiously: "Brother Wu, why did you help me find out the whereabouts of the evil corpse? Aren't you busy with your sister-in-law's illness these days?"

"Yu Shu's condition has stabilized. Even if I stay by my side, I won't be able to change the side effects of the Gu pill after two years. Instead, I will come to help you find the evil corpse to save Yu Shu's life..." Lao Wu said .

"Brother Wu, why am I a little confused, what's the point?" I asked with a smile.

But Lao Wu's face became more serious, and he said to me: "Longsheng, just over a month ago, that expert found me again, and it was he who guided me to the Yuren Bay in Hainan. He also said something Inexplicably, he said that only I can help you find the evil corpse, and only you can save my wife..."

(End of this chapter)

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