Chapter 625
Meng Guanen didn't expect that Lin Huiguang would refuse to apologize today, and Lin Yiyi blocked the words of forgiveness.

"It's done, it's getting late for the patriarch, so we'll go back first, and the banquet time will remain the same." Old Man Meng spoke out when the patriarch was silent.

Before the patriarch agreed, he got up and left with Lin Huiguang and Qiao Shi.

Lin Yiyi walked to the back, and she assumed the victor's posture, and even glanced at the concubine's wife.

The concubine's wife looked at Lin Yiyi, and wanted to rush forward, tear her face apart, and let everyone see how vicious this little girl really is.

It's a pity that Mrs. Concubine didn't have that chance at all, so Lin Yiyi was escorted out of the ancestral hall by Jiang Ci.

"Patriarch, look at their direct line..." Mrs. Concubine took a few deep breaths before turning around and talking to the patriarch, feeling like she was complaining.

"You'd better calm down and don't mess with that girl, otherwise even the heavenly king and I will not be able to save you." The patriarch didn't give them a good face. After saying such a sentence, he stepped out of the ancestral hall first, with a very ugly face appearance.

Seeing the patriarch's attitude, the concubine and the others were a little confused, and whispered: "Why is the patriarch facing the direct line, and he looks very afraid of the direct line?"

"Yeah, what if the patriarch doesn't help us anymore."


They muttered something, but no one heard and no one cared.

On the contrary, the bystanders showed a disdainful smile, lamenting that the concubines who came out of this family have finally been taught a lesson, let's see if they will be arrogant and lawless in the future.

After leaving the ancestral hall, the group got into the carriage and prepared to go back to the county seat, but before they had gone far, a girl appeared and stopped their carriage.

"Master, can I trouble you to save my mother..." The girl wiped the sweat from her forehead, and hurriedly said to Mr. Meng, her tone was still very eager.

Looking at the girl's appearance, they naturally couldn't think it was a liar, so they comforted the little girl before asking about the situation: "Girl, don't worry, tell us about the situation and how we can help you."

The girl calmed down, and then continued: "My mother has fainted, and I can't carry her to the county seat alone. I just heard an uncle say that there is a carriage here, so I came here to ask for help."

Mr. Meng and the others didn't become suspicious either, and sent a maid and a boy to lead a carriage alone.

Lin Yiyi came out from behind, so she didn't know what happened. Seeing that Mr. Meng was talking to a little girl, she walked over to have a look.

"This master and madam, thank you very much." The girl, Mr. Meng and the old lady thanked, and then they left, taking the servant to find their mother.

"I always think that girl looks familiar." Lin Yiyi stood beside Mr. Meng, looked at the back of the little girl running away, and muttered in a low voice.

The boy and the servant girl followed the girl to a dilapidated thatched cottage, and then put the girl's mother on their backs into the carriage.

Probably because they were afraid of getting sick anyway, they left first.

"Mother, you must be fine." The girl held her mother's palm and said, her eyes were a little wet, and then tears fell down without disappointment.

Her mother hasn't found the person in her memory yet, and she hasn't honored her properly, so nothing should happen, nothing should happen.

The woman felt the warmth of the girl's palm, and her fingers moved slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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