Summoning of the Elements of Online Games

Chapter 263 Tentacle monsters have a good habit of committing suicide

Chapter 263 Tentacle monsters have a good habit of committing suicide
"Why tentacles again?"

Li Hei's trio at the same progress had also seen the other side of the evil spirit jellyfish. Facing the countless tentacles attached to the stone wall, Li Hei sighed.

They had played with the tentacles for a long time in the Baisha stone room, and now they were going to fight the tentacles again here.Li Hei, who is already a bit tired of aesthetics, really doesn't know how to describe the designer's love for tentacles, and all he thinks in his heart is "I have a sentence that my mother sells and criticizes, I must say it, not only I want to say it, but I also write it and post it on your head "On" category of complaints.

"Why do you use the word again?" Asked slightly with a little hand that didn't know why.

But now is obviously not the time to gossip. Those tentacles are all drawn towards Li Hei, who is the number one in the hatred sequence. The attacks from all directions make Li He unable to see the hope of completely evading, so he can only dodge to one side, thinking as much as possible The number of own tentacles is reduced.

"-200!" "-200!" "-200!" In an instant, more than a dozen damage figures jumped out of Li Hei's head, directly hitting his blood volume to a dangerous situation of only 43 points left.

"Just now I was thinking of single-swiping... This is a slap in the face." Li Hei muttered, throwing a help-seeking look at Xiaoshou Weiliang.The other party immediately understood, and three consecutive holy lights landed on Li Hei's head, replenishing his blood volume.

But this is not a long-term solution.If one more tentacles hit Li Hei in the next round, his blood volume would be completely emptied, leading to the destruction of the group.

"Is it okay to insert a second treatment?" Su Xuewei had also realized the predicament they were in at this time, turned her head to look at Xiaoshou Weiliang and asked.

The so-called second-insertion treatment refers to the treatment given to the player at the moment of injury. In the face of such a situation where continuous damage may be fatal, relying on the technique of second-insertion treatment is very likely to bring the human milk back to life.Almost all players who have chosen the profession of milk are highly respectful of the technique of inserting second healing. In the previous online games, there were even team slogans such as "the rookie who can't insert seconds", which shows that it is in the minds of players. in the degree.

After entering "Ancient", due to the earth-shaking changes in the way players operate, now it is rare to see the situation of requiring instant treatment.However, no one needs it does not mean that this technology is useless. If Xiaoshou Weiliang can do this, Li Hei's chances of survival will be much higher.

"Let me give it a try..." Xiaoshou Weiliang also knew the meaning of the so-called instant treatment, and then released the [Dispel Technique] on himself to clear the count of [Wither Toxin], then he held his wand tightly and stared at Li Hei , ready to cast Heal at any time.

"Try to freeze the tentacles, too!" Li Hei recalled the process of successfully fixing the body of the Sea God in the Baisha Stone Room, and shouted at Su Xuewei.

Su Xuewei was startled, and subconsciously looked around the surrounding environment. There is indeed water here, but this water is completely different from the water in the Baisha stone room!

In the Absolute Sea Palace, all of Su Xuewei's skills can be used normally, and there is no abnormality at all.From this point of view, it should be impossible to freeze these tentacles.

But since Li Hei made such a request, Su Xuewei is still willing to give it a try. [Freezing Technique] came out instantly and hit a tentacle behind her.The purple-black tentacle was hit by this icy-blue magic power, and it didn't change at all. It still hit Li Hei at the speed it should have.

"-210!" "-210!" Unexpectedly, the damage of each hit of the tentacles on Li Hei increased by 10 points this time.Relying on [Fierce Tiger Leaping Mountain Slash], Li He forcibly avoided two tentacles that could have hit him, and thus maintained a fairly healthy blood line.

"Even the tentacles have incremental damage..." Xiaoshou Weiliang didn't succeed in inserting second healing this round, because Li Hei used the displacement skill to jump away without tacit understanding, just escaped from Xiaoshou Weiliang's spellcasting scope.

"It means that the designer of this dungeon must have had a grudge against his high school math teacher. I remember the arithmetic sequence so clearly." Su Xuewei made a rare joke.

"But I'm not his math teacher... Why do you have to deal with such an annoying dungeon?" Li Hei wanted to cry without tears, and nimbly jumped from the poisonous water to the gray umbrella of the evil jellyfish On the top, he stomped his foot angrily, wanting to vent his frustration.

However, the umbrella top of the evil spirit jellyfish is in the center of the entire area, which is the point that all tentacles can attack.Before Li He could step on it again, all the tentacles rushed towards Li He in unison.

If there were so many tentacles, it would be impossible to save Li Hei even if his little hands were slightly cold and healed within seconds.At the critical moment, it was Su Xuewei who waved her magic wand and built an ice mirror around Li Hei, blocking this round of tentacle attacks at the cost of crackling and shattering.

"One-shot skills..." Li Hei didn't even have the time to take a closer look at the appearance of the ice mirrors, they were turned into debris under the battering of the tentacles.

"I feel that if the skill cycle is counted, it should still be able to fight..." Su Xuewei watched her [Frozen Prism] enter the cooling down, "I can also reflect damage with this one."

Indeed, [Frozen Prism] also has the effect of reflecting damage.At the same time as those ice mirrors were shattered just now, the top of the jellyfish umbrella under Li Hei's feet jumped out one after another with "-440!", which is not a small injury.

"Then..." Li Hei raised his head and stared at the retracted tentacles, "Try it."

After all the tentacles squirmed a few times, they launched an attack together again and drew towards Li Hei.This time, Li He activated [Void Shift] to evade, and when those tentacles were about to hit him, he disappeared instantly and appeared at the edge of the area, avoiding this round of attacks.

What they didn't expect was that those tentacles fell one after another on the top of the jellyfish's umbrella, and while making a dull impact sound of "dong dong dong dong", they actually hit the damage number!
"-1000!" "-2000!" "-3000!" And this series of damage values ​​is also an arithmetic sequence, but it is much higher than the number hit by the attack on Li Hei.

"How many tentacles here!" Li Hei shouted excitedly, "He can beat himself to death!"

"24!" Xiaoshou Weiliang has also opened the computer attachment attached to the system, entered a series of data at a speed that is hard to distinguish with the naked eye, and said, "If this damage can continue to increase, just let it hurt itself again Two waves!"

Hearing this, Li Hei was overjoyed.After the evil spirit jellyfish has shown such and such unfavorable conditions for players, it is definitely a happy thing to find such an easy way to solve it.

The rest of the matter is simple enough: as long as Li He dodges as urgently as before, and let the tentacles of the evil jellyfish hit itself for two rounds, it will self-mutilate and die.

But such conditions are not easily achieved.Li Hei's [Void Shift] is still cooling down, if he activates [Void Concealment] to evade, the hatred value he finally built up will be emptied because the target disappears, and the evil spirit jellyfish will attack Su Xuewei.Not to mention the physical evasion method of "Tiger Leaping Mountain Slash", facing the tentacles that are like a big net, it is impossible for Li Hei to have a chance to jump out safely.

"Wait for a while! Hold on! Wait for my skill CD!" Li Hei said, running to a position away from the two of them, attracting those tentacles to attack his position, so as to ensure that Su Xuewei and Xiaoshou Weiliang would not be harmed innocently. The whipping of those tentacles.

"Crack, crack, crack!" Tentacles chased and beat Li He one after another. Just when he was about to be whipped five times and was about to be whipped for the sixth time, a holy light shone on him, killing his missing more than 1000 HP. After recovering [-]% of the damage, he safely ate the next eight tentacle attacks.

"It's amazing." Li Hei gave a thumbs up to Weiliang's little hand, and praised her successful interim treatment, which can enhance friendship.

Next, Li Hei first relied on Su Xuewei's [Frozen Prism] to survive another round of attacks, and then waited until the cooling of [Void Transfer] was completed, allowing the evil jellyfish to successfully self-mutilate him for the second round.

The good news is that the self-mutilation damage does continue to add up.The damage of "-25000!" and "-26000!" made them dazzled for a while.In the end, Li Hei relied on a [Void Concealment] to complete the ending, and watched the evil spirit jellyfish die by itself in the crack of the void.

The purple poisonous water in the area also became clear again because of the disappearance of the evil jellyfish corpse, as if nothing had happened.

"Phew, is this safe and sound?" Li Hei drilled out from the crack in the void and landed on the place where the umbrella top of the jellyfish once stayed, muttering.

"Why didn't you fall?" Xiao Liang didn't care about Li Hei's problem, but pointed to Li Hei's feet and said, "It's obvious that the jellyfish was still planted in the ground just now, why isn't there a hole?"

"Besides, the ground in this water area is thick, how did that jellyfish get out of it just now?" Su Xuewei also raised a question.

Having said that, Li Hei and the two looked at each other, and they both felt a coolness behind them.Now, they finally understand why a monster that can release poison and grow tentacles is called [Evil Spirit Jellyfish].

"666" As the poisonous water receded, several people who had already been revived from the entrance of the dungeon and rushed to the vicinity could finally enter this area with peace of mind.And the first thing they did when they came in and joined was to type out a piece of numbers in unison.

Li He was speechless for a while, and finally he could only say: "Hello, salted fish."

There was a joyous atmosphere within the team.After the team rested for a while, they moved forward again.

The water level rose higher and higher until it finally reached the top of everyone's heads, allowing them to really enter the water.Donuts and the others, who saw this kind of scene for the first time, cheered for a while, and they didn't know what to be happy about.

"If it's all water...there should be Hai Long in front." Jian Zhan Xinghe said suddenly, "We must be mentally prepared for the group to be destroyed."

"Destroy it." Li Hei was full of curiosity: What kind of ability does this Hai Long have so that they can't even survive the first skill?

I have the inheritance of Sword Saint Liardia... I can't kill you if I don't believe it!
(End of this chapter)

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