Chapter 272

The live video window also stopped abruptly at this time, and then automatically closed in front of all players.

Although the communication between the alliance players and the empire ended, the alliance chat channel at this moment is still full of enthusiasm.

Just when the blood-stained bed sheet was idle and wanted to send a message to participate in the activities here to show his presence, there was a violent vibration from his feet.

The blood-stained bed sheet who had taken the first kill in the dungeon immediately thought that this was a change in Bilin Island due to customs clearance, and it was not an abnormal situation.

"Looking at this posture, the island is probably going to sink..." The blood-stained bed sheet murmured, and then thought of the Yanyang War God and others who had not yet appeared at the entrance of the instance, and became curious about the next development.

The copy of Bilin Island is about to disappear, and the players in it will also be forcibly teleported out.Even if the island really disappeared because it sank into the sea, and the nearby players would all be teleported to a certain point, the Yanyang War God and the others should theoretically appear at the same location.

Therefore, the blood-stained sheets and other players around here also have the opportunity to face Yanyang God of War and others and kill them.

Killing the players of the hostile forces in the battlefield is just a point of merit, but killing the hostile forces in the territory of their own forces will have a high chance of exploding their equipment!

Of course, Xia Jianchu’s [Iron Will Warrior] just now killed 10 people and failed to release a piece of equipment, so this kind of thing still needs a luckier person to do it, such as the blood-stained bed sheet that is eager to try at this time .

Just as he was quietly waiting for the environmental change to be transmitted to a normal area, he heard an earth-shattering roar: "Roar——"

A few hours ago, the blood-stained bed sheet had heard the roar of this voice, but it was still fresh in his memory.

That was the roar of Hai Long.

Although the roar of each dragon is a long "roar--", just like "there are no two identical leaves in the world", their voices are also different.For example, Shen Long's roar is a bit hoarse, like the voice of tobacco and alcohol, while the roar of Hai Long of the same level is thick and powerful, like a heroic middle-aged man.

The blood-stained bed sheet immediately recognized the owner of the roaring sound, and he couldn't help but feel puzzled.Logically speaking, Hai Long should have been killed by Li Hei and the others in the dungeon, so how could it still be heard?

"That roar seems to be coming from below..." The blood-stained bed sheet murmured, subconsciously lowered his head and focused his gaze on the still shaking ground under his feet.

And the next moment, the ground under his feet cracked a huge crack in an instant.The blood-stained bed sheet jumped aside, and when he turned his head, he saw a blue light shining from the crack, almost breaking through the sky.

This kind of scene is not unfamiliar to Li Hei who often sees the blood-stained bed sheets of "Opening the Sea into a Road".It was precisely because of this that he subconsciously took several steps back and collided with several passerby players.

"Roar—" There was another roar, and the next moment, the crack on the ground was instantly opened, and a huge black shadow rushed out from that piece of blue light.

The black shadow soared into the air and landed on the cracked island, showing its true identity in front of everyone.

"Fake corpse..." The blood-stained bed sheet widened its eyes, looking at the lizard-like creature in front of it and the name on its head.

[Sea Dragon Asibalia]!
System announcement: [Sea Dragon Asibalia] got rid of the shackles of [Blind Island], unleashed full power, and appeared on the Apocalypse Continent to become the world boss!All warriors on the mainland, please hurry up and crusade!
"The world bosses have come out..." The blood-stained bed sheet was stunned, and a few passer-by players around him reacted subconsciously, and played a [revealing technique].

System: [Sea Dragon Asibalia], HP 3000000000/3000000000.

30 billion blood volume!
While these people were still staring at Hai Long in a daze, the other party had already exploded the scales and released electric shocks that spread out in sheets.

"-2500!" "-2500!" "-2500!" The same damage as the [Water and Electricity] at the real dragon level exploded instantly, instantly injecting dangerous blood into the remaining players , and even one or two people with poor equipment fell directly under this electric shock.

"The World Boss should be very rich in rewards! Hurry up and call someone to fight!" The blood-stained bed sheet heard a strong man on his right calling out.Immediately, this group of people sent out messages one after another, calling for support.

Just when the blood-stained bed sheet was also thinking of calling someone he knew, he subconsciously glanced at the entrance of the dungeon—the original location where the NPC [Main City Teleporter] should exist has been replaced by the large crack brought out by Hai Long. Covered, the teleporter is missing.

That is to say, they can no longer rely on NPCs to teleport back to the main city from here.And the worst result that this situation can bring is——
Players in the main city can't come here through the dungeon teleporter!

Soon, those passers-by players responded.

"They said the island is not in the teleportation list!"

"I can't even walk! There is an ocean in between!"

"Made, who has the teleportation technique, think of a way to bring a few people over!"

As predicted by the blood-stained bed sheets, their situation can be described as isolated and helpless at this time.

"Take the scroll and go back to the city!" The blood-stained sheet had a whim, and turned to shout at the others, "It should move without attacking the target, and it will be able to fight when he swims to Bibo City!"

However, the proposal of blood-stained sheets was not accepted by many people.

"What if it disappears by itself? Then we won't be able to get the kill reward?"

"It is also possible to swim directly from this sea to the empire! Then they will take advantage of it!"

"Or it won't come out of this island at all, and we can't come back after leaving, so we can only look at it across the sea?"

In just a moment, the players listed almost all the possibilities, with convincing reasons.The blood-stained bed sheet also realized the error in his thinking, stopped speaking, and entered the [stealth] state to move outward.

At this time, Hai Long was still in a state where no one was attracting its hatred, and it was attacking at will, and it was stretching out its claws with blue lightning to several players gathered on one side.And the blood-stained sheets in bad condition can only temporarily avoid the limelight and wait and see how things develop.

When he saw those players with blood remaining were killed one by one without any power to fight back in front of the crazy Hai Long, he couldn't help regretting his decision to let Sister Cucumber and those women go back to their homes.If they are still nearby, at least they can become some combat power.

The most important thing is - Li Hei, his team, Yanyang God of War team, and all other teams that entered Bilin Island under the eyes of the blood-stained sheets, none of them came out from the entrance now.According to the logic, they are the best combat power against Hai Long now, and none of them showed up. Such a strange situation has to make people wonder: Could it be that the group of people were all eaten by Hai Long who came back from the dead?
Reminiscent of the fact that after the live broadcast window was opened, the IDs of Li Hei and others became offline gray status in the friend column of Bloodstained Sheets, and Bloodstained Sheets couldn't help but feel a chill coming from behind.

"This skill book...who wants it?"

Li Hei and the others are still in the dungeon, and what they are doing at this time is the practice of finishing a dungeon each time - dividing up the loot.

It's not that they were in a hurry to do this, but after the violent shock just now, they were surprised to find that there was no change in the dungeon, and they were not forced to be sent out, and the most weird thing was that the [Exit Dungeon] button also Disappeared.

Such a change made them feel strange, but Li Hei, who has always been good at adapting to circumstances, had already begun to take out the items in the team's backpack and distribute them one by one, so things developed like this.

What he is showing in his hand now is a [Water and Electricity Addition Skill Book], its effect is to make the lightning attribute spells in the liquid environment have diffuse AOE damage.According to the logic, Xiao Qinglong should be the first to jump out and claim it, but the other party shook his head resolutely: "The name of this passive skill is too silly."

"And it has to be a liquid environment...too restrictive is useless." Xiaoshou Weiliang also read the description of the item, and helped to analyze, "Who knows if there will be a chance to use it in the future?"

"Okay, give up." Li Hei said, and threw the skill book aside casually, spreading his hands, "It's over, just a few things."

The real dragon-level Hai Long actually only released a few powder suits and two skill books, plus some odds and ends, it's not worth a lot of money in general.

But thinking about that mentally handicapped Hai Long, everyone accepted this reality after some comparisons.Anyway, this is just a level 40 dragon's lair dungeon, and there is a level 50 copy waiting for them, so what is there to care about?

"The question is, how do we get out now?" Jian Zhan Xinghe, who was sitting on the ground, played with the city return scroll in his hand and asked, "The city return shows that it cannot be used here."

"I don't know why I can't chat with other people in private... The news on the alliance channel is also stuck, just like everyone in the entire alliance is dead." Yanyu Yangliu also echoed, "This means we are going to be locked up here Is it? Is it a punishment for crossing two difficulties?"

While they were talking, Li Hei had already looked up towards the direction of Bilin Island. From this bottom-up angle, he saw the huge crack that traversed the entire island and the blue light shining in it.

He remembered the task of bombing the island assigned to him by the tree of longevity, scratched his head, and said:

"It seems that you have to wait for me for a while."

(End of this chapter)

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