Marry a hunter and enjoy happiness

Chapter 50 Out of Control

Chapter 50 Out of Control
"I went to dig wild vegetables with Wang An's wife."

Yun Wan felt that Mu Zhiyuan was a terrifying stranger at this moment, so every time Mu Zhiyuan took a step towards her, she took a step back in horror.

Yun Wan's actions wiped out Mu Zhiyuan's last semblance of rationality, he hugged Yun Wan up to her waist in three steps at a time, and then threw Yun Wan's crumpled basket full of wild vegetables on the ground.

"You, what's wrong with you?"

Before Yun Wan could finish her sentence, Mu Zhiyuan put her on the kang, and then her tall and muscular figure bullied her down, and the kisses fell in a messy manner.

Yun Wan waved her small fist in horror and slammed down on Mu Zhiyuan, but Mu Zhiyuan's chest was like an iron plate, and her hands hurt, but Mu Zhiyuan didn't respond at all.


The sound of the cloth being torn made Yun Wan feel that the strings in her heart were broken, and she gave up struggling like an old puppet, and shed tears dully.

Yun Wan's tears brought back Mu Zhiyuan's sanity in an instant, his big hands trembling slightly wiped Yun Wan's tears, and said guiltily: "Don't cry, don't cry..."

Seeing the Mu Zhiyuan she was familiar with came back, Yun Wan felt a sense of grievance instantly. She pushed Mu Zhiyuan away angrily, then hid in the innermost corner of the kang, hugged herself into a ball, and buried her head in her arms. began to cry.

Mu Zhiyuan felt that he should have been possessed by a ghost when he first came here, otherwise how could he have acted like this, he wanted to go forward to coax Yun Wan, but he didn't dare to go forward, for fear that Yun Wan, who was like a frightened bird, would be frightened again, so he He could only watch her cry helplessly, the moment she cried beautifully, his heart was crushed for a moment.

Yun Wan cried for a long time, she didn't stop until she felt that her tears were running dry and her eyes were astringent, but she still buried her head, she was afraid of seeing Mu Zhiyuan's strange appearance again.

Mu Zhiyuan seemed to know what Yun Wan was thinking, after her shoulders stopped shaking, he turned around and left the house, walked to the yard, picked up the wild vegetables scattered in the yard, and then went to the kitchen to make dinner.

Not to mention that Yun Wan doesn't want to see him now, even he doesn't know how to face Yun Wan.

After the steaming wild vegetable porridge was cooked, Mu Zhiyuan brought the porridge to the back room, and then said guiltily and cautiously to Yun Wan who was still buried in her head: "Eat something!"

Yun Wan's body froze, she pulled herself even tighter, and then remained still, seeing Mu Zhiyuan's words as air.

Mu Zhiyuan sighed, put down the porridge, then turned around and left the house, Yun Wan didn't want to be alone with him, so he should make room and give her space.

It was a long time before Yunwan raised her head, looked at the porridge on the table, and then looked at the empty room, feeling uncomfortable. If it was the past, Mu Zhiyuan would definitely coax her, but today everything about him is abnormal , and ticked out all the uneasiness in her heart.

It was getting dark gradually, but Mu Zhiyuan still didn't come back, where did he go?Yun Wan got off the kang anxiously, wanted to go to the yard to have a look around, but didn't want to open the door and see Mu Zhiyuan in the kitchen.

At this moment, Mu Zhiyuan was sitting on the pile of wood with a dejected expression on his face, his bright eyes were unfocused and dull in the past.

Yun Wan felt a pain in her heart, she took two small steps forward, and asked with worry in her eyes: "What are you doing here? Why don't you go into the house?"

Yun Wan's nasal voice brought Mu Zhiyuan back to his senses in a daze, and then looked at Yun Wan with surprise, he thought she would never talk to him again.

"I... I'm sorry, I thought you were gone and not coming back..."

(End of this chapter)

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