At the beginning of the game

Chapter 480 Human Heart

Chapter 480 Human Heart
Chapter 479 Human Heart
Medicine is useless, Chen Bochao picked up the book again.

Only this time, his purpose was obviously different.

When he was young, his parents were still there, and when his mother was there, Chen Bochao studied for the joy of his mother.

My mother is gone, and this book is not very interesting to read.

From then on, Chen Bochao turned to medicine, hanging pots to help the world, thinking that there would be no misery in this world.

But bad news came to Chen's family again, his father died tragically, and medical skills were useless.

Medicine can cure the body, but it cannot cure the heart.

When Chen Bochao was 16 years old, he took part in the provincial examination.

After this test, he became the number one student in the list.

For a while, news of Chen Bochao's understanding of Yuan spread throughout the small town.

In the next year's provincial examination, Chen Bochao once again hit the ground in one fell swoop, and was ranked No.3, successfully becoming a Juren.

After raising people, you will have fame, and you only have to wait for the next year's palace examination to be admitted as a Jinshi and become an official of one party.

He wants to use this method to heal people's hearts.

If you want to heal people's hearts, it is absolutely impossible without the authority of the world.

This is the path Chen Bochao chose for himself, and an extremely difficult path to follow in the future.

After becoming Juren, Chen Bochao once again became a well-known celebrity.

The Chen family produced such a rare genius in the world, he learned what he learned, and everyone who heard about it was shocked.

But the luck of the Chen family is not good, and the population is thin.

Both of Chen Bochao's parents died, and he didn't even have any relatives around him.

When taking the provincial exam, only his old housekeeper followed.

The old housekeeper was old and frail, and a trip to the provincial capital almost killed the old man.

It is impossible for Chen Bochao to take the old housekeeper with him for the next palace test.

In the current Chen residence, apart from the old butler, there are only two attendants.

One of them, who was in the same grade as Chen Bochao, was a descendant of a former servant.

Similar to Chen Bochao's life experience, this servant also died of both parents, so he can only stay in the Chen family, and he can be regarded as inheriting his father's business.

After the tragic death of his father, this servant almost became Chen Bochao's only friend.

Naturally, it is most suitable to go to the imperial examination in the capital, accompanied only by this servant.

At the age of 19, Chen Bochao took his servants and enough money to set foot on the road to Beijing for the exam.

When he left, Chen Bochao was full of expectations.

It became his ambition to become a Jinshi, hold power, and benefit the people.

The officials in the small town where he lived did nothing, his father died tragically and no one cared about him, he only cared about money and lived in a fish and meat village.

Chen Bochao despised such an official.

With the feeling of being a parent, Chen Bochao embarked on the road to Beijing for the exam.

But he did not expect that this time, he embarked on the road of desperation.

Far away from their hometown, the master and servant are resting in a roadside inn.

This place is still far away from the capital, in the wilderness and desolation.

In the middle of the night, there was a loud noise from downstairs in the inn, causing Chen Bochao to frown slightly, and got up to watch.

Before he could open the door, his own door was kicked open, and two steel knives radiating cold light came oncoming.

Two ferocious men rushed in and placed steel knives on Chen Bochao's neck, viciously.

Chen Bochao was startled immediately. He wanted to call for someone, but was forced by the long knife and dared not speak out.

"All the money is on the sidelines, and the strong man takes it himself!"

These people obviously came for money, but they didn't necessarily want his life.

Several people immediately stepped forward, swept away all of Chen Bochao's coils and clothes, and then walked away.

Still in shock, Chen Bochao got up to look for his servant, but found that the room beside him was empty.

The shopkeeper of the shop was so frightened that he hid behind the counter. After Chen Bochao inquired, he found out that his servant had left long after he fell asleep.

Together with the servants, there are also Chen Bochao's horses.

So far, Chen Bochao has nothing left, and is alone, in this wilderness, without any help.

He knew immediately what was going on.

It is definitely impossible to go to Beijing to rush for the exam. He doesn't even have the money to go to the capital, so he can only starve to death if he goes to Beijing at this moment.

Helpless, Chen Bochao could only choose to go back the same way.

One month later, when Chen Bochao stood at the door of his house in ragged clothes, he found that the plaque in the hall of his house had been changed.

When my entourage stood at the door and looked at him again, there was no trace of respect on his face before.

It turned out that this was a conspiracy they had planned long ago.

After Chen Bochao left Chen's residence, the old housekeeper was killed immediately, and the servants who stayed in Chen's house had long thought of ways to organize and collude with the government.

After the servant came back, he reported his death directly to the government, and the government also recorded it.

Chen Bochao was actually dead, and he didn't even know it.

Afterwards, this Chen residence was now the residence of two servants, and all the property of the Chen family was confiscated.

At this moment, Chen Bochao was furious in his heart.

Chen Bochao, who was originally gentle and refined, now acted like a wild beast. He frantically wanted to step forward and attack these ungrateful people.

But perseveringly, two fists were no match for four hands, Chen Bochao was severely beaten and thrown out of the Chen residence.

On the icy ground, Chen Bochao was dying.

Those who had been favored by the Chen family just watched from afar and whispered, no one came forward to say a word, and no one came forward.

At this moment, Chen Bochao's heart was extremely cold.

From a young master who was born with a golden key in his mouth to becoming a beggar, it took only a few short years.

Chen Bochao was full of resentment in his heart. He stayed in the small town with a long knife he got from somewhere in his arms, and there was only strong resentment in his eyes.

One day, he saw that servant ostentatiously passing by his side.

Chen Bochao stood up and took out the sharp knife in his hand.

At this moment, a person appeared behind Chen Bochao and grabbed him.

Chen Bochao turned his head, but saw an old monk with benevolent eyebrows and kind eyes.

Chen Bochao was furious, swung his long knife and stabbed at the old monk.

Blood spurted out, and the old monk fell to the ground and died.

Looking at the old monk who fell to the ground, Chen Bochao felt a burst of relief in his heart.

Afterwards, holding a long knife in his hand, he chased the servant in the street, but was knocked to the ground by the man from the government who came after him.

Chen Bochao spent his last days in a dark prison.

Killed someone in the street, Chen Bochao was sentenced to be executed, and asked to be executed after autumn.

In the dark, there seemed to be a voice lingering in Chen Bochao's mind.

It seemed to be the smile of the biological mother, the caress of the biological father, and a majestic voice speaking a word.

"Golden Cicada..."

In autumn, it is slightly cool.

Chen Bochao was escorted to the execution ground.

He knows almost everyone off the field.

Among them, there are many people who have been personally helped by him before.

But at this moment, the faces of these people were full of resentment.

Chen Bochao was silent and smiled slightly.

Heads fall.


(End of this chapter)

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