Saiyan Age

Chapter 2 Saiyans in the Wilderness

Chapter 2 Saiyans in the Wilderness
In the dark and empty space, I don't know how long it took, the chaos opened a crack like an egg breaking its shell, and then emitted a ray of white light, pure and bright, like the moonlight reflected by countless diamonds and stars.

Zhang Yu struggled in the half-dream and half-awake blur, trying to tear open the space that bound him, and suddenly woke up.

He didn't die, his wish came true!
It's just... a bit big.

When he woke up, he actually appeared in the atmosphere, and he could see the vast universe when he raised his eyes. The vast interstellar space and the bright light merged into a shocking picture.

There are densely packed muscular men all around, wearing Saiyan battle suits.

"Hmm...Saiyan, huh? Saiyan!"

Zhang Yu's eyes widened, and before he had time to be surprised, a blazing fireball had already struck him.That short and terrifying figure couldn't be more obvious, Frieza in the first form!The timing couldn't be clearer, when Planet Vegeta was destroyed!
The extremely real sense of energy oppression told him that this was not a dream.

This is done just after time travel?
"Help!!! Dragon Ball, I won't make a wish anymore, take me back! Go back!"

"Don't make trouble." He vaguely heard a voice in the void responding.

Hallucination?Or is Shenlong so naughty?

The reality is cruel. Zhang Yu encountered a catastrophe of genocide just after crossing over. Baddock, the leader, threw a qigong wave, but hit the stone with an egg.

Frieza, kill him again.


When he woke up again, he had already appeared on the wasteland.

Looking around, there are mountains, rocks, forests and grasslands everywhere.

He didn't die again.

He stood up suddenly with a "swish", his head couldn't help feeling dizzy for a while, but his eyes were shining with excitement, and he almost cried out.

"I fucking survived!"

Feelings of joy like rebirth welled up in my heart.

After being excited for a while, he suddenly froze, wait, this is definitely not a dream.He remembered everything before, and at the same time, he had another identity in his head.

"Belia, the Saiyan Beria." Zhang Yu muttered silently, clenched his fists, and some memories about his body came to mind.

Saiyan, inferior warrior, named Beria, 13 years old.

The others... seem to be gone.

Zhang Yu repeatedly confirmed that he had really crossed, and stood there for 10 minutes.He has always felt that it is impossible for such a thing to travel through in reality, and he made a wish to the dragon to travel through?What a joke!

It never occurred to me that there is such a thing as time travel.

And it was Dragon Ball World who moved first!
Having said that, why did the real dragon appear?What about the real world?Is there still Kakarot and Frieza in this world?Zhang Yu was overwhelmed by too many questions.

In any case, he has now come to another world, which is both familiar and strange, and his mood is indescribable.

Because this is a world of the strong, the world in the books and on the screen, he knows that there are Saiyans, Frieza, Majin Buu, and even God of Destruction here, each of them is an existence that destroys the world and the fighting power It's embarrassing to talk without breaking the watch.

Even the Super Saiyan, who was very aggressive when he appeared on the stage, became a soy sauce role in the later stage, and all the supporting roles had no chance to appear on the stage at all. They were either babysitters or nurses.

Not to mention those god-level figures, who always talk about the universe.

Traveling to other places can still use the knowledge of the previous life to act aggressively, maybe you can do well, but here, only one word "strength" is accepted.

Taking a deep breath, Zhang Yu felt that he had to make a good decision about the path he would take in the future. Looking at the vast wasteland, he felt uneasy for no reason, it was the fear of the unknown.

What should we do?

According to the fantasy of ordinary people, since they have all come to the Dragon Ball world, of course they have to break out of a world, practice hard, penetrate a universe, and become a god at least.

But Zhang Yu is not so optimistic.

Because in everyone's imagination, he is always the protagonist and invincible.No matter how many difficulties you set up for yourself, and ten thousand obstacles, you will still beat the boss violently in the end, and feel low-key and secretly happy amidst people's admiration and surprise.

What about reality?If you are not careful, you will die.

Powerful enemies are everywhere, and monsters with special abilities are everywhere. If you are accidentally killed, it is not worth it.

But... In this magnificent world of Dragon Ball, is it really necessary to live an ordinary life?

This 13-year-old body was much stronger than his original one, with muscles solid and compact, full of explosive power, and he could feel the powerful beating of his heart.

It's a powerful feeling.

He has never experienced this kind of feeling before, not to mention bursting stars with one punch, at least it is very different from before.

What is the difference between not practicing and salted fish? Although it may not reach the level of Monkey King, it is always right to become powerful, right?Who doesn't want to have great power?To be honest, Zhang Yu wanted to too.

"Okay, let's set a small goal first, at least make yourself stronger! At least you can't let Frieza take care of you anymore." He said silently in his heart.

At this time, a gust of wind blew by, and Zhang Yu felt a little chill.

The boundless falling trees rustled, and suddenly felt the coolness between the crotch.

The big bang not only blasted him to an unknown place, perhaps an unknown era, but also left him with no clothes left.


As a modern person who has received nine years of compulsory education, this situation made Zhang Yu blush.

Looking around to see if there was no one, he tied his tail in front to block the key parts, looking like a savage.

"Fortunately, I only have a 13-year-old body, otherwise the tail would not be enough." Zhang Yu put his waist in and heaved a sigh of relief.

In the wilderness, there were no villages or shops, and it was difficult to find a piece of clothing. Zhang Yu decided to go nearby to see if there were any villages or other places, so as to solve the living problems first.


The disappointing stomach growled suddenly, and the two major problems of food and clothing appeared in front of him at the same time.Who said that the traversers don't work hard, the start is really too difficult.

Filling the stomach is important, and Saiyans can't live without hunger.

"There should be something like fruit in the forest, go find it."

Zhang Yu grimaced, his heart moved, he suddenly clenched his fists and shouted loudly.


Suddenly, a gust of wind blew past, picking up strands of dust around the feet.

Then... the surroundings returned to silence, and nothing happened.

"Is it fake? Why didn't there be a burst of white air? Isn't the louder the louder the louder? It shouldn't be, don't Saiyans know it?"

Zhang Yu didn't believe in evil, raised his hand and yelled, jumped up and yelled, and yelled in a posture of making waves.I tried all kinds of methods, but I didn't feel a breath.

I thought I could fly, but I didn't find the so-called "Qi".

Just like when he was dreaming, he had also transformed into various heroes, but he held up his pale and feeble hands, shaking and shaking, unable to make any moves.

In the final analysis, both Saiyans and Earthlings use energy, but Earthlings have long-inherited martial arts, and with the efforts of immortals and martial artists, the concept of "qi" has been developed.Regardless of sensing or use, it is very delicate and reasonable.

Zhang Yu explained clearly in the manga and animation, and everyone seemed to get started quickly.But when he really realized it, it was not that simple.

If you don't realize the existence of qi, you won't be able to use basic abilities such as dancing kongshu and qigong wave.

After all, all he has is a body, without any knowledge or experience in martial arts.

What exactly is gas?
What is the current combat power?

Everything is unknown.

After bouncing around for a while, I just felt more hungry.

"No way, let's walk." Zhang Yu sighed, and walked towards the forest with a naked body.

The sunlight is divided by the forest leaves and cast down in strands, forming golden spots on the ground.From time to time, a gust of breeze hits, blowing and rustling the treetops.

Although they are barefoot, Saiyans are physically strong, and after a while they get used to it.

Zhang Yu walked among the bushes and searched for many ripe fruits. At the beginning, he couldn't control the strength in his hands properly, and accidentally crushed a few of them.Later, I picked it up lightly, and I was able to eat the pulp.

However, the stomach of a Saiyan is a bottomless pit, and eating this kind of food will not fill you up at all.

Eating all the way, walking all the way, the cool breeze is really refreshing.

Suddenly, Zhang Yu heard a huge roar, and there was a clattering sound in the forest.

(End of this chapter)

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