Saiyan Age

Chapter 357 Dream and Reality

Chapter 357 Dream and Reality
Beria woke up in a white bed with a high ceiling and bright lights.It was pitch black outside the window, but there were some light dotted here and there, like stars hanging on the sky.

The cool breeze blows through the window cracks, blowing the curtains and fluttering, undulating like waves, dancing softly and soothingly.

In the place next to the bed, his classmate was lying on the same white sheet and white quilt, and an unpleasant pungent smell wafted in the room.

Here is the hospital.

Beria's mind was confused, his body was cold, and he didn't know how to describe it. He unconsciously grabbed the quilt and felt an extremely real touch.

"came back."

Whispering softly, the voice seemed to come from the depths of the soul.Bella shuddered violently.

The news was broadcast on the TV, saying that some strange things happened in the world today. The specific cause was unknown, and no serious damage was caused, but it caused a large number of people to have hallucinations and fainted on the spot.Among them, the most serious area is where Beria is located.In the picture, a group of professors and experts analyzed and analyzed, and finally came to a conclusion: further investigation and research is needed.

Bella let out a long breath.

"Is it a hallucination?"

If it's an illusion, it's too real, right?is it a dream?I have had continuous dreams for more than ten years, is it possible?

But it can't be considered reality, after all, the place I am in now is the real world, and Dragon Ball is a fiction in the comics after all.Speaking of which, he didn't quite believe that he would travel through comics at first...

Gradually, Beria convinced himself and felt relieved.

It's a dream, it's a hallucination.

Compared with this explanation, it is more exaggerated to make him believe that Shenlong is real and travel through two different worlds.

A gust of wind penetrated into the neckline and evaporated the sweat, which made Beria tremble several times.

"It's so cold."

"Hello, Zhang Yu, Zhang Yu?" Someone was talking next to him.

It took Beria a long time to realize, by the way, his original name was Zhang Yu.I have been called by the name of a Saiyan for many years, and occasionally someone calls me by my real name, but I am not used to it.

"Well, I'm listening."

"I just said that there seemed to be some movement, and you really woke up too. Hehe, you saw it too, that scene is simply too shocking! It's just like the real thing."

"Yes." Zhang Yu trembled again, repeating the scene of that day in his mind.

"If I hadn't survived intact and nothing happened, I would suspect that the news on TV was fake news. But whoever saw it with their own eyes would think it was true, and no special effects could be done? Besides, How can there be such a strange hallucination, tsk tsk, my intuition tells me - there is a problem."

Zhang Yu smiled lowly: "Who knows?"

"Could it be that the divine dragon is real, and someone finally made a wish to transfer the energy, so we're okay?" Suddenly, the brain hole opened.

Zhang Yu was startled, there was no movement in the ward except for the sound of the TV.

This idea stimulated Zhang Yu's thinking and brought him inspiration.What if that is the case?Because he did make a wish at the last minute.

"Zhao Mingyu, why do you think so?"

"It's very simple and interesting." The boy is also a member of the club, and he doesn't know Zhang Yu very well, but he can chat with anyone, and he chatters endlessly when there is a topic, "I have read some novels, when people's Brain waves gathered at one point will form an energy field, communicate with the multidimensional universe, and visualize things."

Zhang Yu raised his forehead: "I thought it was science, you told me that faith becomes god."

Thinking about it, the so-called science is not very reliable. After all, admitting the existence of Shenlong violates the common sense of science in the first place.To test his idea, no scientific explanation is possible.

Zhao Mingyu said again: "Maybe they gathered enough energy in the low-dimensional space to enter the high-dimensional space, and then restarted the universe. Does it sound a lot more scientific?"


"I mean, how do you know the Dragon Ball world doesn't exist?"

This question pierced Zhang Yu's heart like a sharp knife again, and there seemed to be a galaxy spinning in his mind.

"You mean..."

"What if there really is such a world?" Zhao Mingyu talked eloquently, "In fact, someone has been to that world, or in other words, he himself is an observer of that world."


"Author." Zhao Mingyu said solemnly.

Zhang Yu was startled: "Are you kidding me?"

"No, don't you think there are many constraints in our world? The unsurpassable speed of light, absolute zero, and framed attributes are like a world limited by people, a world created and observed by some higher life. Just like us Just like watching Dragon Ball, there are also people watching us from outside, and then calling us second-year-olds and idiots."

Zhao Mingyu spoke seriously, making Zhang Yu's scalp tingle.

He really thought about this situation, every world is real, one layer is nested, and there is always someone standing in a higher place to formulate rules and control fate.

"No, it's impossible." After thinking about it, Zhang Yu shook his head violently, denying his own thoughts.

This is too scary, he does not want to believe such a thing.

Closing his eyes, Zhang Yu's mind is still in chaos, and he needs to organize his thoughts well.Maybe when I woke up, I found that I went back again?Whether to travel back to this world or travel back from that world, which one is the real self.

Just like the story of Zhuang Zhou's dream of a butterfly, it seems real and unreal.

Seeing that Zhang Yu closed his eyes, Zhao Mingyu also took a rest. The TV was turned off and the lights were turned off.The nurse patrolled the room and saw the two sleeping peacefully, so she only took a glance and continued walking forward.


The next day, the two were able to leave the hospital.

This accident caused many people to go into a coma, but none of them were serious. They often woke up and were able to leave the hospital after confirming that they were all right.The same is true for Zhang Yu and Zhao Mingyu.

The morning sun was very good. Zhang Yu woke up and found that he was still lying on the hospital bed. The sun shone in from outside, drying his face.

The temperature told him: Sure enough, I thought too much.

Just treat everything as a dream, how could it be possible to time travel.That guy Zhao Mingyu is also a godsend, and he reads too many anime and novels.

He tidied up, went through the formalities with Zhao Mingyu, changed into his own clothes, and was officially discharged from the hospital.

The real world is back!

Zhang Yu felt lost and emotional in his heart, but life is like this, and he must continue no matter what.

Walking out of the hospital, Zhao Mingyu suddenly yelled, "Look!"

"Look at what?"

"Mobile phone! Look in our group, there is a video! Check it out!"

Zhang Yu looked at the notification on his phone in surprise, and was stunned: "This..."

Not long ago, all the news media and social networks were spreading the images of that day at a high speed. The images of many platforms were deleted, and some were too late to delete, and the operation of the platform was stopped directly.But some of them are always downloaded and circulated through various channels, so that people can clearly see the truth of the "illusion".

It was not just an illusion, the force of Frieza's planet-destroying bomb suddenly lost half when it hit the ground, but it still blew up a small corner of the city.The official said it was a terrorist attack, but the picture did not show any clues at all.

More like Frieza's hand.

All of a sudden, various questions about whether this level of technology can be achieved emerged in large numbers, and information exploded.

Zhang Yu's calm heart beat violently again, what's going on? !
(End of this chapter)

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