Chapter 25
When the chased person saw Lin Feng and the other four, he hurriedly shouted;

"Help! Help!" He yelled, leading the monsters behind him to them.

Zi Tianlei's face was pale, but he didn't lose his sense of propriety. He hurriedly organized a team to hide in a safe place, but no matter how safe the place was, there would be monsters coming.

"It seems that escaping is useless, we can only fight."

The four looked at the dozens of monsters in front of them with fighting intent, and took out their weapons one after another to start fighting.

"Lin Feng, follow us." It was the first time I heard Chen Sheng's voice after meeting for so long, it was sharp and desolate.

"No, you just need to take care of yourself." Lin Feng shook his head with a smile, this is the best opportunity to advance, how could she hide behind others.

"Then be careful." Since she didn't appreciate it, Chen Sheng didn't force it, and took out his weapon to start fighting with the monster.

The ten people who came to see the monster all rushed towards Lin Feng and the other four. They withdrew from the battle one after another, and then disappeared without a trace, leaving the danger to them.

Although Zi Tianlei has reached the fourth level of spiritual energy, but one person has to fight against more than a dozen monsters, which is more or less disadvantaged. Not to mention Ouyang Yang, who is at the peak of the third level of spiritual energy, is covered with scars at this time, and looks extremely embarrassed , although Chen Sheng's clothes are in good condition, but judging by the way she is working hard, it is also very difficult. I believe that it will not be long before she loses the strength to fight.

Lin Feng took a general look at the three people on the field. In order not to let the friend he just met disappear like this, he could only use all his strength to defeat the monster in front of him.

He took out the proud dagger that he had made proudly, and started to kill like a devil.

One knife kills, one move kills, ruthless, fast, and accurate, this is the necessary training to become a killer.

Lin Feng's ruthless killing left the three people who were fighting dumbfounded, and they just stood there in a daze, completely ignoring the danger.

Lin Feng, who was killing, saw a wolf rushing towards Chen Sheng. He rushed over and stabbed the wolf in the heart.

"On the battlefield, you can't be careless." Lin Feng, whose eyes were bloodshot, woke up Chen Sheng. When she solved the danger around her, she looked up to see Lin Feng's blood-red eyes, and saw that Lin Feng had disappeared. The red wolf rushed towards her quickly. He didn't care about looking for Lin Feng. He could only keep his doubts in his heart, and then fought against the monster.

After Lin Feng rescued Chen Sheng, he came to Ouyang Yang's side, solved the danger for him, and then assassinated all the way to Zi Tianlei's side.

"I'm going to break through. Can you solve these monsters?" This is a great opportunity, and Lin Feng doesn't want to miss it.

Zi Tianlei was stunned by Lin Feng's fighting power at first, but now he heard her say that he was going to break through, he couldn't help shouting, are you a fucking human?
"Leave it to us, you can break through with peace of mind!" Healers are also not clear about the difficulty of breaking through. Even if the monsters in front of them can't handle it, they won't let them bother her.

"Thank you." Lin Feng believed them completely, found an open place to sit down, then sorted out the messy aura in his body, guided them to the dantian, and then waited for a breakthrough at the right time.

The spiritual energy circulated in the body over and over until the dantian could no longer bear so much spiritual energy, and with a bang, the bottleneck broke through, and finally entered the eighth level of spiritual energy.

Lin Feng, who had just been promoted, felt comfortable all over his body. He opened his eyes and glanced at the scene, only to see corpses of monsters all over the place, and the other three were also lying among the corpses of monsters, not dead or alive.

Seeing this, Lin Feng quickly stood up, walked in front of the three of them, checked their vital energy channels, and saw that they were just fainted from exhaustion, and there was no serious problem, so he breathed a sigh of relief, and took out the Spirit of Replenishing Pill , fed one for each of the three, sat by the side to guard them, cleaned up some monster meat casually, picked up some firewood, and started to barbecue.

The delicious magic meat creaked on the fire, and the golden monster made people drool.

Turning his head and taking a look, he saw that the three of them hadn't woken up yet, and they were not waiting for them, so they began to eat.

"Cat bleating."

"Who." As soon as the meat reached his mouth, the voice of a monster came from behind him. He put down the monster meat in his hand, stood up, looked around, and saw nothing suspicious. Could it be that he heard it wrong and sat down. After getting down, he went to grab the barbecue that had just been put down, but what he was holding in his hand was not demon meat, but firewood.

"What's the matter, where is the meat?" Could it be that the meat could not fly? Lin Feng stood up and searched around until he saw a palm-sized fur ball with two small paws holding it under a leaf. Barbecue, eating with relish.

He stretched out his hand to grab it, but it quickly ran away. He looked at Lin Feng warily, and the demon flesh in his hand was tightly protecting his back.

"That's my dinner. You just ate it without saying hello, sorry for you." Although he couldn't tell what kind it was, Lin Feng also knew that he couldn't catch it directly.

"The cat bleats." The fur ball shook its head vigorously, which meant that it didn't want to return the demon meat.

"Bring it, if you don't bring it, just exchange it for something. Do you have anything valuable to exchange for my barbecue?" Lin Feng was not in a hurry, folded his hands on his chest, and looked at the hairball in front of him with teasing eyes.

"The cat bleats." Fuqiu shook his head, tightly protecting the barbecue behind his back.

"Okay, since there is no one, then give me the barbecue."

"The cat baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa furious' Fuqiu was angry, baring his teeth, looking at Lin Feng fiercely.

"Cut, just like you, you dare to attack me, you are not afraid that I will slap you to death." Lin Feng rolled his eyes at its ferocity. "You can eat meat if you want, as long as I am with Miss Ben, you can eat as much of this kind of barbecue meat as you want. How about it, you will not lose money with Miss Ben! Otherwise, you can think about it."

Although it is not an aggressive monster, life is short, so it is good to have a pet by your side.

Maoqiu put away his ferociousness, turned his head and looked at Lin Feng curiously, as if he was thinking about it, seemed to be looking at it, and after an unknown amount of time, Maoqiu stretched out the barbecue in his hand in front of Lin Feng. "Cat bleating."

"Give it back to me, you don't want to eat, or you don't want to follow me." He raised his eyebrows, could it be that his own request is useless to it.

"The cat bleats." Fuqiu shook his head. He didn't understand human language, so it was very difficult for them to communicate.

"You want to follow me, and you want to give me this barbecue in exchange for more barbecue." These words were all guessed by Lin Feng.

"The cat bleats." Fuqiu nodded vigorously, meaning that it would follow her just as Lin Feng said, and return the barbecue to her in exchange for more barbecue.

"Okay, seeing how smart you are, I'll reward you with this barbecue. Let's go, I'll take you to eat some delicious food." Lin Feng was very proud of getting a pet by his side.

(End of this chapter)

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