Minke's black technology

Chapter 125 Battery Factory Shares

Chapter 125 Battery Factory Shares

"Oh! You don't care about the production and sales of clean water algae."

After the Yulong Lake incident began to be publicized by the official media, Li Maoye soon learned of the decision of the relevant department, saying that it wanted Meowstar Technology to undertake the promotion of water purification algae for civilian use.

The main reason is to prevent the leakage of related product technology. If one less company gets this black technology, there will be one less source of leakage. If it is dispersed to other companies, the situation will only become more complicated.

"Well, since I've said that, I don't have any opinion."

Li Maoye will not object to this decision. As for the monkeys, they are also mixed. They are happy that the company has an additional income from black technology. Even if Li Maoye does not intend to use it to make extra profits, mosquitoes are still meat no matter how small their legs are. It is also a good thing to pay a patent fee; the worry is that the company has to expand its enrollment again. If no one is responsible for the promotion of these technologies, it may take several years to get the algae purification products on the market. This slow speed does not meet the requirements of the national department. Require.

Rabbits need to be fast in everything they do. As long as they are sure of the direction, they will go all out to catch up with the progress. Otherwise, how could it be possible to complete the industrialization process of hundreds of years in just a few decades.

After some discussions within Meowstar Technology, Zhou Lin was in charge of the production and promotion of clean water algae. In the words of monkeys, it means that those who can do more work. Now that the battery-related affairs are on the right track, Zhou Lin happens to have a lot of free time. do something else.

Li Maoye only agreed to this and did not make much of a reaction. Just as he was busy asking the seven gourd babies in the laboratory to find information on AI intelligence and robot components, his younger sister Li Chunxue approached him about building a battery factory in his hometown. things.

"Brother, how did you talk with Lu Chunlin?"

Li Chunxue asked him straight to the point: "In his battery factory plan, why did we only take 20% of the shares, while he wanted to take 80% of the shares?"

"Shares? How does Boss Lu's plan work? Show me."

Li Maoye felt a little strange. He didn't care much about this matter. As long as Boss Lu could build a battery factory in his hometown according to his requirements and increase the income of local residents, his goal would be achieved. As for how to distribute the shares, he could get as much as he wanted It doesn't matter.

According to what my sister said, Boss Lu changed his plan after returning home. According to the actual situation, he expanded the scale of the battery factory several times, making the investment of the whole project as high as several billion. The main reason is to satisfy the domestic electric vehicle battery market. Demand, if there is surplus production, even the battery demand of the little sheep will not be spared.

"Hey, Boss Lu really has great ambitions, and he's not afraid of losing money? It takes so much money to build a factory, he basically paid for it himself!" Li Maoye was taken aback when he read the plan. .

The entire investment requires 30 billion RMB, and the Li brothers and sisters only need to put up 2000 million to enjoy 20% of the shares. Boss Lu is really good at life.

Li Chunxue doesn't think so: "Brother, you are too naive to be fooled like this! Look at how people can borrow billions from the bank in your name with only a small share of shares You can rely on the second polyurethane molecular battery company after Huayao Battery to occupy other battery markets, no matter how you look at it, you have suffered a lot!"

Li Maoye waved his hand: "Don't care about that. They are willing to do their best to help us benefit our hometown and achieve our goals. Why do we need to wipe out all the benefits?"

"That can't be done! Who will build the factory? This polyurethane molecular battery is a unique product of our Meowstar Technology. If he doesn't divide the shares according to our requirements, then I would rather find someone else to do it."

Li Chunxue was very dissatisfied with his brother's state of salty fish, and felt that if this matter was left to her, it would still be successful, and there was no need to hang on to Lu Chunlin's tree.

"Well, you can do whatever you want. I don't care who is the major shareholder of the battery factory, as long as it can achieve our original goal!"

Li Maoye waved his hands impatiently, and let his sister worry about these things by herself. He has a lot to study, and it is impossible to keep calculating all day long for such a small profit.

"Okay, brother!" After Li Chunxue got the authorization, she left happily. With her to help follow up this matter, Lu Chunlin would not be afraid to think of ways to take advantage.

In her opinion, Lu Chunlin was able to borrow billions of funds from the bank. Isn't that all because of a contract signed by Li Maoye, so that he could get the money smoothly!
Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the polyurethane molecular battery is a gold mine. Whoever can get the battery fluid from Meowstar Technology is equivalent to owning the right to mine a gold mine.

Li Chunxue didn't want his brother to sell the gold mine cheaply, even if he wanted to sell it, he had to let her sell it, at least he could sell it for a good price!
After the civilian use of polyurethane molecular batteries, the price of battery liquid sold to Huayao Company is not the price of cabbage sold to the government, and the profit is astonishingly high!
In just one or two months, relying on the increased profit from the battery liquid sold to Huayao, Meowstar Technology has already repaid the loan almost, a few months faster than the original plan.

This is just the beginning. When Huayao's battery production increases, the agreement with Google and Apple is signed, and the hometown battery factory is put into operation, it is estimated that the profit earned from battery fluid alone will reach as much as tens of billions a year.

Moreover, this has not yet reached market saturation, and there is still a large demand waiting to be met. By then, only one business, battery, can make the company reach a scale of [-] billion.

Such a huge profit is tempting to think about!

With the launch of polyurethane molecular batteries, Huayao mobile phones have begun to replace new batteries. People are also attracted by this high-performance mobile phone battery. Many people buy Huayao mobile phones specifically to use polyurethane molecular batteries, and some Share how to do various interesting things with this high-energy battery on the Internet.

Several mobile phone companies, such as Rice OPVV, have also sent applications to Meowstar Technology, wanting to cooperate in the production of their own mobile phone batteries, but they were all rejected by the monkey with the contract signed with Huayao, making them want to use polyurethane molecular mobile phone batteries I went to Huayao Company to buy it.

"We don't make batteries, we only make battery fluid!" explained the monkey.

As for why other companies are not allowed to join the ranks of battery production, Monkey pointed to one of the contracts and said that Huayao Company has the priority to obtain battery liquid to produce mobile phone batteries. If you want to produce mobile phone batteries, you have to wait for Huayao After the production capacity is satisfied.

This is obviously impossible, and it shows that the two companies of Huayao Meowxing have joined forces to monopolize the market price of mobile phone batteries.

Samsung's share price plummeted again on the news.

(End of this chapter)

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