Minke's black technology

Chapter 148 Cancellation of Nomination

Chapter 148 Cancellation of Nomination
Technology wars have always existed, but sometimes they are louder and sometimes smaller.

The most prosperous technological war was the period when the United States and the Soviet Union were fighting for hegemony. Whether it was in the economic field or the technological field, fierce open and secret battles were happening all the time!

The space science and technology competition that started in the 50s was a typical technological war. This war without gunpowder continued for decades, until the Soviet Union accidentally lost the chief scientist of aerospace technology and gave NASA the first chance to land on the moon. Only then gradually won this costly technological battle!

When the red bear crashed down, Eagle Sauce's hegemony reached the peak in Blue Star's history. At that time, Eagle Sauce looked around with a sword and couldn't find an opponent who could fight, and their technological hegemony was thus successfully established.

After re-driving, the rabbit crossed the river by groping Ying Jiang, not only touching Ying Jiang bald on the top of his head, but also accidentally overtaking and coming to the front of Ying Jiang.

Faced with such a situation, how could Ying Jiang endure it!

Originally, the trade war was its way of trying to suppress the rabbits. As a result, the war has not yet come to fruition, and the technological back garden of its inherent territory has been invaded by rabbits. Hegemony will also be lost!

For this reason, Eagle Sauce does not hesitate to provoke the flames of war, and wants to compete with the rabbit in the field of science and technology. It plans to use a two-pronged approach to advance both economy and technology, and the war of public opinion is their first move.

In fact, there were signs of the outbreak of this kind of technological war as early as last year. At that time, aerospace technology experts from the Rabbit Country went to the United States to participate in the International Astronautics Research Exchange Conference, but they were rejected by the Eagle Sauce family. It happens once, and there will be similar incidents almost every year, but this time the noise is too big.

From all the signs, it can be seen that the preparations for the technological war by the Yingjiang government have already been done, and there is only one opportunity to launch it. Now the rabbit's blood cloning plan is just a perfect excuse!

The science and technology magazines were just the first shot, and then the western media joined in, carrying out a series of popular science reports on the risks that cloning technology may cause to humans, and then mentioned the ongoing blood cloning project of rabbits, linking the two, trying to guide The populace went against what the rabbit had done.

It's a pity that they did a good job of belittling rabbits in the past, and it's not easy to reverse this idea all at once, because even the human hoped that the Eagle Jiang family has not mastered the cloning technology that can be used by civilians, and it is impossible to make people believe that technology is backward The country rabbit can have such a black technology!

"Isn't it a lie? Can rabbits really popularize blood cloning to the public?"

"It feels a bit real, but it's unbelievable!"

"Is CNN the media without the president's fake news report? How can it suddenly help the rabbit to promote the news of advanced technology? If they have this technology, how can our country not have it!"

"But according to the news I got from the news media of the Rabbit House, the Rabbit Country has really developed incredible cloning technology!"

"It's not all fake news!"

"It's really unbelievable!"


Even under the bombardment of Western media reports, many people still don't believe that rabbits can achieve such a leading position in the field of science and technology, especially in the field of high-end technology such as cloning technology, it is impossible to imagine that rabbit researchers can Exceeding so much, the civilian promotion of technology has already begun.

In addition to many people abroad who don't believe it, there are also many well-known people in China who don't believe it very much. Some people even post relevant foreign reports to their Weibo or posts to mock them, but they still can't change this group of people who pretend to be asleep.

"Impossible! This so-called cloning technology must be fake!"

"Maybe the rabbit is using the pig's blood as human blood!"

Then someone posted a photo below, which looks a bit like drawing blood from a pig. As for why the blood is drawn, I don’t know. Anyway, it’s all a conspiracy of the rabbit government!

"No wonder the price of pork has soared this year. It turns out that there is no swine fever at all, and it is all used by the government to draw blood!"

Some people echoed it, and tried to raise the price of pork to incite public opinion, hoping to make everyone angry at the government's actions.

There are even many religious believers who swear that they will never go to the hospital for blood transfusion in this life, otherwise if they are injected with pig blood, they will definitely not be able to enter the heaven of the believers after death.

Faced with various pressures, Rabbit diplomats are often questioned by Western media reporters when they hold press conferences, saying why the Rabbit government does not comply with public opinion and stop the blood cloning project, a project that violates human ethics. It is the first country in which mankind uses cloning technology on a large scale, whether the rabbit government can accept the supervision of international organizations, so as to avoid humanitarian disasters during the implementation of this high-tech plan.

To such unwarranted questions and demands, Diplomat Rabbit replied: "Nonsense!"

Sometimes the words are changed: "Idiots are talking in their sleep!"

Then Rabbit’s diplomats repeatedly stated to reporters that Rabbit Country has been a sovereign country since its founding in 49, and national sovereignty will never allow interference from external forces, nor allow them to make irresponsible remarks and point fingers.

The rabbit is not without allies. Most of the East Asian countries in the traditional sphere of influence of the rabbit since ancient times have taken the initiative to stand in line and take a clear stand against the Western countries headed by Yingjiang.

There are also some countries that are involuntarily controlled by Ying Jiang, and have to help Ying Jiang call "Rabbit, you are poisonous" a few times against their will, and then there is no more sound.

As for Rabbit’s old neighbor Mao Xiong in the north, he leaned firmly on Rabbit to help out. Mao Xiong, who was killed by Yingjiang once, will not suffer again. Anyway, as long as Rabbit’s economic support continues, Mao Xiong is a rabbit good accompany.

"Brother Rabbit, our furry bear is following you!"

Mao Xiong's boss, for the sake of the surface, personally arranged for someone to go to the rabbit to learn the blood cloning project, planning to buy the technology at a discounted price, and do it in his own country. Anyway, if you learn the black technology, you will make money. The shortage of medical blood is not limited to the rabbit family. Countries all over the world have the same problem.

It's just that the owner of this technology is Li Maoye, and Mao Xiong has to sign and agree before it can be used. He didn't refuse this kind of thing. Anyway, Mao Xiong still needs to pay patent fees if he uses this technology.

Black technology is always made to be used, as long as it is not used by hostile countries.

Of course, an old guy like Mao Xiong can take it and use it casually, and he also gave a discounted price, but even if the discount is a lot, it is much more expensive than the rabbit's own use.

Just when Yingjiang was preparing to upgrade the technological war, a matter related to Li Maoye suddenly caused a commotion:

"What? I was withdrawn from the Nobel Prize in Chemistry?"

 Reward plus 7
(End of this chapter)

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