Minke's black technology

Chapter 186 Fantasy Forest

Chapter 186 Fantasy Forest
Meow Star Technology is crazy!

Such a landfill has no use value. Even if it was originally planned to be used as an ecological park, it was a helpless move by local government officials. It is better to use the waste than to waste it.

But now there are people who are willing to spend 160 billion to grow mushrooms, and have never thought of recovering funds by building real estate!
Could it be that the legendary bully finally gave them a lucky encounter?

"Do you really want to use 160 billion to build a playground?"

One of the officials quickly reconfirmed the amount to see if he had heard it wrong, and took the opportunity to ask someone to verify the other party's real identity, so don't let the scammer pretend to be someone from the Meow Star Technology Company to be fooled.

Nowadays, people are very courageous, and they are afraid that those who don't know how to live or die will come to their door to talk nonsense, and use various means to cheat food, drink, and loans. It is simply impossible to guard against.

Of course, the people from Meow Star Technology were not worried about anything, they gave legal materials very frankly to prove their origin, and re-emphasized the authenticity of the project.

"Presumably everyone already knows that Meow Star Technology held a press conference some time ago and announced the establishment of the Environmental Protection 666 Fund for Public Welfare, as well as related supporting environmental protection plans. This playground is part of the plan. We The company decided to take 30 billion as the start-up capital, and then the remaining funds are going to be obtained through other means..."

On the surface, Meow Star Technology has spent a lot of 160 billion!
In fact, in a horizontal comparison, the total cost of the Disneyland built in Shanghai is as high as 55 billion U.S. dollars after excluding the land and most of the building costs provided by the government, and that is the price of 10 years ago.

If you think about it this way, you will know that this amount of money seems astronomical. Even if the price of the landfill site is cheap, after buying the land, the remaining money is not too much to use for the playground.

But even if Meowstar Technology is willing to be taken advantage of, it is impossible to immediately spend 160 billion for public welfare.

If the project works well, the actual investment of this project may only be 30 billion in the first phase, and the remaining money does not need to be paid by Meowstar Technology itself.

Nowadays, there are so many financing channels. As long as the environmental protection project is profitable, with the golden brand of Meow Star Technology, it is definitely not a problem to raise money.

With 30 billion start-up funds, after the first phase of the project is successfully implemented, it is natural to use the playground as a mortgage to obtain sufficient funds from the bank, and then operate properly to ensure that the capital chain does not break.

"In addition, after our playground is completed, it can also help dispose of a large amount of garbage every day. It is estimated that the first phase of the project will be able to process a total of 5000 tons of garbage every day, and there is no need to classify garbage, even if it is toxic garbage. It can be handled safely!"

The person in charge of the Meow Star Technology project continued.

According to the design of the amusement park, if the mushrooms in the fantasy forest want to continue to grow, they must constantly absorb nutrients from the garbage. Only relying on landfill garbage to provide nutrition will inevitably lead to uneven growth of the mushroom forest.

Some mushrooms grow faster, and their roots can reach deeper places earlier, which will have a negative impact on the surrounding mushrooms, making them lack of nutrients and enter the maturity and decline stages earlier, and then the mushrooms in the forest will become rare. , manual intervention is necessary to create the desired fantasy scene.

After research and design by experts, it is necessary to dig out cobweb-like ditches under the playground, then reinforce them with cement gravel and build them into underground passages, and then build garbage disposal stations at the entrances of these underground passages. You only need to put garbage items into the underground passages, This will allow the mushrooms in a specific area to continue to be supported.

These secret passages themselves have a certain inclination angle, and after precise calculation, the mushroom forest can be built according to the design drawings after computer simulation.

"The fantasy forest we designed is a playground that integrates leisure and entertainment, parent-child games, and magical adventures. It is mainly divided into six areas, the road of the brave, jungle climbing, aerial mushroom umbrella, magic rabbit hole, mushroom tunnel, Leisure and entertainment service area and so on.”

The person in charge of the Meow Star Technology project projected the PPT and introduced it to others.

I could hear the local officials nodding in praise

Such a mushroom forest is not only a large fantasy playground, but also a garbage disposal site, and the two will not conflict, and can be perfectly combined.

Relevant departments are quite supportive of this plan.

If this plan of Meow Star Technology can be successful, it is estimated that similar playgrounds will pop up in various areas of the flower planters in the future, so that everyone has a place to play and watch, and the garbage can be properly disposed of.

With the vigorous promotion of all parties, Meow Star Technology's "Fantasy Forest Playground Project" has been given a green light all the way. Although this approach of Meow Star Technology is not new, someone has built a similar mushroom forest earlier. It’s just that the scale of those forests is relatively small, and because the follow-up mushrooms are not replenished in time, basically there are only a few large mushrooms left. Now it is even worse than this 10000-acre landfill.

Under the huge publicity of 160 billion, everyone was attracted by the environmental protection plan of Meow Star Technology, which made more people forget the impact of the garbage mushroom leak.

People always say that the Internet has memory, but the memory is easily overwritten by new memory, as long as the new memory is more topical than the old memory, it is easier to wipe out the old memory.

This is the first time Zhou Lin announced the plan since he took office.

Under his urging, a fantasy forest dominated by mushrooms was quickly built. In fact, a large part of the 30 billion invested was used to buy spores produced by his own company. returned to his pocket.

According to the original plan, the construction workers first pulled away the landfill closure layer to expose the garbage and waste products inside, and then poured water into it, forming a large swamp.

Immediately afterwards, the clean water algae and mushroom spores were mixed and spread, and soon the ground was covered with algae, which looked like a thick carpet, and there were many growths on the algae. mushroom.

In the beginning, algae grew extremely fast, much faster than mushrooms. They spread wantonly everywhere, multiplying and growing, layer upon layer, rapidly changing the swamp, and soon the entire landfill was destroyed. occupied.

Since the clean water algae grows and divides to a certain number of times, this special algae will stop multiplying, so when the terrain it creates stabilizes, the mushrooms begin to show their advantages.

Although these mushrooms cannot reproduce, they can make themselves grow taller. As long as there is garbage in the ground and the mushrooms have sufficient nutrients, they can continue to grow.

In just one week, the largest mushrooms are already two to three meters high. If they continue to provide nutrients, they can eventually reach a height of more than ten meters.

However, the playground has not been completed at this time, and it still needs to be further shaped to build various characteristic areas.

After the growth of clean water algae and mushrooms stabilized, a large number of construction teams began to enter this area one after another, and then dug ditches to build dark passages according to the design drawings, and built garbage disposals with fantastic characteristics on the dark passages at the edge of the amusement park. stand.

From the outside, people can't even notice that these mushroom hut-like places are connected to a deep underground passage, and the garbage poured in seems to be poured into the digestive esophagus of a giant beast, and they will eventually disappear in the dark passage.

In addition to all kinds of garbage items in daily life, the workers of the processing station will regularly fill the underground passage with water.

Gradually, people finally saw the computer-simulated amusement park appear in front of them.

"It's amazing!"

The locals first noticed the emergence of this playground, watched it built from nothing to a little bit, and still can't believe that this place was originally a landfill.

In the past, even if people were far away from it, they could still feel a stench lingering here, but now even if they stood on it, they couldn't even smell the slightest smell.

"The air is so fresh, there seems to be a fragrance floating in it, I don't know what it is?" Someone quickly noticed the specialness of this playground.

"It's the fragrance of mushrooms, you should smell it carefully!" The others replied.

"Aren't these junk mushrooms? Why doesn't it attack people?"

There are also people who are in the shadow of biochemical accidents and have not yet understood the characteristics of garbage mushrooms, so they can't help feeling strange and surprised when they look at the gate of the playground full of tourists.

"Idiot, don't talk if you don't know!"

However, more people are concerned about how long this playground can last. They read reports about the Mushroom Forest on the Internet and know some relevant information, but they don’t know that the Fantasy Forest has been specially designed to deal with daily garbage. Features.

Clean water algae and garbage mushrooms will continue to grow as long as they have nutrients to grow, and they will not enter the so-called maturity stage, so they can grow on landfills for many years.

"These mushrooms are so beautiful, and the colors are really beautiful!" Someone shouted happily.

Because there are all kinds of items in the garbage dump, besides non-toxic domestic garbage, there are also many toxic waste items. After they are decomposed and absorbed, these toxic substances will make the clean water algae and garbage mushrooms appear colorful. Colorful.

Such a place where the algae turned into a forest of mushrooms quickly became a hotspot on the Internet. Anyone who saw the video or photos couldn't help but be attracted by the colorful fantasy scene.

Many netizens commented on this one after another, feeling very curious.

It also attracted many people to drive to the landfill, wanting to see the true face of the fantasy forest. Taking advantage of the current free business period of the playground, they went in and experienced it wildly.

And this is just the beginning of the first step in a big plan.

 There may only be 2 updates today, and Zhaimao feels very tired now, so you don't have to wait.

(End of this chapter)

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