Minke's black technology

Chapter 221 Tasteless Design

Chapter 221 Tasteless Design
I saw Kobayashi say to the drone: "Take off!"

Then the four-paddle drone on the ground started to rotate its blades, and slowly rose to a height of one meter in the air. Then Xiao Linzi beckoned the drone to get closer, or waved his hand to keep it away.

"Forward, backward, up, down!"

Without using any controller, Xiao Linzi can make the drone operate smoothly and freely, just like walking a dog.

"Mr. Li, this is the drone I developed!"

"Is there any use for it?"

"Well, it can follow its owner like a pet, and can give it commands through voice!"

"Oh? Are you transplanting the assistant AI system?"

Li Maoye immediately saw the reason, and now the Meow Star Lab has thoroughly researched the assistant AI system, and many researchers want to dig out more uses from it.

Computer Angel 2.0 is one of the most successful examples. After it is loaded with the intelligent AI system transplanted from the little assistant robot, it seems to inject a soul into a dead object and come back to life, giving users a completely different experience.

Qin Hua is also considering whether to transplant the assistant AI system to the mecha, but even if it is based on the existing technology, it is not an easy task.

After all, the purpose of each product is different. Even if a small assistant wants to change the use scenario, from the role of a military logistics maintenance worker to a life nanny in the civilian market, it will take a lot of time to optimize and adjust, and improve the database content to be competent corresponding work.

Look at Zhao Baibing and his team members, it took almost a year to complete the transplantation work and optimization adjustments, and each of them continued to enjoy the 007 blessings for more than ten months, eating and drinking in the laboratory Dealing with it in the work area has only recently become easier.

It can be seen that even with the small assistant AI system provided by Li Maoye as the underlying foundation, it is not easy to complete the transplantation work or adjust and optimize.

It is really impressive that Xiao Linzi can do this by himself.

"Young man, your programming ability is really good!" Li Maoye praised.

It's a pity that Lin Youde quickly shook his head and said, "I haven't really completed the transplantation work. The AI ​​system in this drone is still your original version, Mr. Li."

It turned out that after painstaking research, he found that it would take four or five years to do the transplantation by himself.

So Lin Youde thought of a tricky way, simply extracted the original version of the assistant AI system, blocked some unnecessary functions, and then forcibly installed it into the drone loaded with the AI ​​​​chip.

Originally, he didn't have much hope for this, but he was not willing to fiddle with it for so long, but in the end he got nothing.

Then a miracle happened!
After such a mess, he unexpectedly produced a drone that can understand voice commands and has a fairly high level of intelligence.

"That is to say, the core of its AI system is actually a small assistant, but it just turns it into a drone, and it loses auxiliary functions such as maintenance, transportation, loading and unloading." Li Maoye analyzed and concluded.

"That's right, that's it!" Xiao Linzi quickly nodded in agreement, and then asked: "Mr. Li, do you think such a drone is valuable?"

"Show me the research and development data about drones!"

Li Maoye did not answer this question, but asked for the detailed information of the drone, and soon found a big problem in it.

"Why is the cost of your drone so high?"

"The whole machine actually uses parts worth tens of thousands of yuan?"

"Oh, it turned out that in order to match the AI ​​system of the little assistant, we had to use advanced components to improve accuracy and reliability! But the manufacturing cost of drones will definitely soar too high, and the market price will be at least 10,000+..."

Li Maoye watched and commented, and felt that Xiao Linzi's design obviously did not consider practicality and cost issues.

"Mr. Li, you mean that my drone is too weak, no one will spend so much money to buy it back and play?" Lin Youde was a little anxious.

"Don't worry, I'll think about it carefully!"

Li Maoye deduced it in his head, and found that even if it was redesigned, it would cost [-] to [-] yuan. Unless those expensive parts were removed and the drone's intelligence level and response speed were reduced, it would be possible to control its cost to [-] yuan. Five thousand, and then the price will be around ten thousand.

However, after such modification and adjustment, it is definitely impossible to retain the existing intelligent features of the drone, and users will have no purchase demand for it.

At present, the application fields of drones are mainly divided into three categories, consumer-grade applications, industrial-grade applications, and military-grade applications.

Xiaolinzi's drone looks like a consumer-grade application design, and its indicators cannot meet the needs of industrial and military grades. However, for consumer grades, most of its data overflows a lot. Many unused things are piled up, which makes the cost very high.

If you want to compete with DJ drones in the consumer application market, this kind of design is absolutely impossible and must be reworked.

"You might as well remove the intelligent system of the drone!" Li Maoye suggested.

"If it is removed, the cost can be reduced! But such a drone is not much different from similar products on the market, so who else will buy it?"

Lin Youde has always been not very gregarious, and likes to develop some interesting gadgets alone. Drones are just one of his projects that are nearing completion.

Seeing that all the colleagues in the laboratory have achieved results, and many of them have made a lot of money relying on these results, he also had a different kind of careful thinking.

But he didn't know what the pet drone in his hand could be used for, so he consulted with the boss of the laboratory to see if he could point out a clear way, but now it seems that the answer he gave was not ideal.

It's so tasteless!

Hurry up and modify it, don't waste time!
Li Maoye's suggestion is reasonable. Judging from the current design of Xiaolinzi, its drone is like forcing an elephant into a bottle. Target in a bottle.

But in order to make this bottle, it cost too much. Not only the material of the bottle must be the best, but also the mouth of the bottle must be made bigger than the elephant itself.

That being the case, just let the elephant out and recreate the bottle, and put something more suitable in it.

"Change your mind!"

Li Maoye casually pointed in a direction and said, "You can design supporting parts for the mecha, let the drone help the mecha fighters to scout the surrounding terrain, and even assist in attacking enemy troops, etc."

This is a military-grade application. Considering the ever-changing information on the battlefield, allowing the drone to have the AI ​​intelligence level of a small assistant can also play a very good role, even if the cost is much higher, it is worth it.

Xiao Linzi felt a little disappointed, "That's not the drone I want!"

In fact, he has also thought about making some more practical things, but he can't handle it alone. If he cooperates with others in research and development, once there is a disagreement in the cooperation process, it is difficult for him to reach a compromise with others due to his personality. It is impossible to continue to cooperate in research and development.

In other words, he is a stubborn donkey who can't turn around when encountering problems.

"Xiao Linzi, don't work behind closed doors!"

Li Maoye had no choice but to persuade him like this.

Not to mention how disappointed Lin Youde left, but Li Maoye got some inspiration because of his drone design plan. Of course, it is not a pet-type drone, but something more practical.

For example, an unmanned attack aircraft that can independently judge whether it is the enemy or us?

Or simply create a swarm of drones, without relying on real people to operate fine control, just give orders to control the drones through the AI ​​​​intelligent system, and then attack the target, and can cooperate with each other to make complex Tactical changes and so on.

For military-level use, UAVs with propellers are a little unreliable. Why don't you get an electric push engine?
"Forget it, let's finish the things in hand first."

Now Li Maoye has too many projects to focus on. Just the mechanical immortality project is enough to exhaust all his energy. Fortunately, he knows how to divide the labor and cooperate with others, and is very witty to leave the hard work to others. He only needs to arrive at the experiment on time every day. The laboratory collects data, and then adjusts the project according to the research and development progress.

If new items are added to it, it will affect the quality of personal life too much.

But things backfired, Li Maoye didn't want to continue to care about the drone, but someone came to the door with it and asked him to help with it.

"What? Do you think this thing is very good, very marketable?"

Li Maoye touched his bald head, looked at the monkey tank in front of him, and really didn't understand how they got together with Xiao Linzi.

After some questioning, I found out that Xiao Linzi still looked unwilling after chatting with him, and continued to look for him everywhere for help.

This time Xiao Linzi went directly to Meow Star Technology for consultation.

Meow Star Technology has specialized technical personnel. After some research, everyone quickly found that the cost of this pet drone was problematic. After in-depth discussions with Xiao Linzi, they agreed that it would be very difficult to modify and optimize on this basis. difficulty
After Zhou Lin received the report from the technical department, he was not very optimistic about the drone market, so he temporarily put it on hold and made a decision later.

At this point, Xiao Linzi completely gave up on the drone he developed, but he didn't expect that he would meet monkeys and tanks in the company.

Not knowing what medicine they took wrongly, the three chatted together inexplicably, thinking that this kind of pet drone should be very popular in the high-end market, so the monkey tank and the two rushed to the laboratory to seek technical support.

"A drone worth 10,000+ yuan should be bought by many rich people!"

Monkey is no longer the dick programmer he used to be. He meets billionaires every day, and he thinks he understands their consumption needs very well.

Tank also nodded in agreement with this statement.

Li Maoye felt something was wrong, so he asked, "You must have some purpose to be so active about this matter!"

The two glanced at each other, and then the monkey said hesitantly: "During the last meeting, didn't Mr. Zhou say that he would decompress the company? The two of us also want to..."

Li Maoye finally understood, "Are you unwilling to take up idle jobs and want to go out and start a company?"

Tank quickly explained: "I'm not going out to start a company, I just want to find something to do!"

No matter how you explain it, Li Maoye knows that these two guys must be tired of staying in the board of directors. In addition, Meow Star Technology wants to change the original structure model and develop into a group, so they have such careful thinking.

According to their own statement, when the two went out to open a new company, they were still members of the Meow Star Group, and were responsible for the manufacturing, production and sales of drones, and the profits they earned would be handed over to the parent company according to regulations.

But the veteran of the company went to a subsidiary to start a business, it's not nice to talk about it!

 Recently, Zhaimao found that writing has fallen into a bottleneck, and it is necessary to transition a few chapters first and spend some time sorting out the outline.

(End of this chapter)

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